5 Types Of SINGLE MOMS You Should AVOID! (True Story of Single Momma Drama)

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AVOID These 5 Types Of SINGLE MOMS! (True Story of a Single Mother NIGHTMARE!)... In this dating, love, and relationship advice video, I will give you the five types of single moms you should avoid to enjoy your dating and relationships. I will also share a viewer's true story of a single mother's nightmare. You may meet a single mother on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these dating tips, and ensure you watch the entire video.

I don't want you to blindly get involved with these five types of single mothers because of the single momma drama they will involve you in. If you can avoid these five types of single moms, you will easily evade the single mother nightmare I talk of in this dating advice. If single moms can avoid the single momma drama dating a single mom will be peaceful and enjoyable.

I want you to understand that not all single mothers are a nightmare. Some single moms can be lovable, sweet, and fun to date. I want you to know the types of single moms to avoid, and this advice on dating single mothers help you understand the types of single moms to avoid to prevent yourself from encountering the single mother nightmare.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make dating easier. I hope and pray that you find this dating advice for men video helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Avoid these five types of single moms
- Types of single moms to avoid
- Types of single moms
- Single mom dating tips
- Advice on dating single mothers
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.


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Love is the answer, people! Don’t give up. DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. HOPE. God loves you and so do I! You got this.


DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. Videos are opinion only, not advice. You are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help right away.

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5 Types Of SINGLE MOMS You Should AVOID! (True Story of a Single Mother NIGHTMARE!)

Men’s Resources❤️


Stay away from single moms is the one of the best advice my Grandpa gave me. Saved me so much headache time and resources wasted.


I haven’t finished the video yet I actually just started it but I can simplify this real quick. Avoid ALL single moms at ALL cost.


Made the mistake of dating a single mom for 5 years, she had all the red flags mentioned in this video. After dealing with that rollercoaster of drama, I would rather be single with my sanity then ever date a single mom again.


The juice is NEVER worth the squeeze. WE ARE THE PRIZE GENTS....


Avoid ALL single mothers! Your expected to burden full responsibility and have ZERO authority. In addition to that, you're never in first place and expected to be fully committed financially.
Never take on someone else's problems.


I dated a single mother years ago. Her young son was disrespectful and you could tell he was heading for a hard life. She made it a point that only she was allowed to discipline him. He spent his 20th birthday starting a 5 year prison sentence..


A single mom brought me to taking the red pill and dating advice videos. I just lost a parent, was grieving and vulnerable. She started talking to me and we became friends. I wasn’t looking to date anyone. She was consistent with her communication. I was not even aware of red flags before this. It turns out, she had as many red flags as a Communist parade. She was bi, had a girlfriend, BPD and major father-attachment issues. I realized that that made her easily approach men. After several months, naive as I was then, I fell for her hard. After using me as her emotional tampon for her own issues, she dropped me like yesterday’s news. Painful, yes. But it brought me knowledge and wisdom. Wished I knew all these before hand. Would have saved me time and emotion.


I remember being interested in a single mom when I was 19. Her friend actually talked me out of it.


If you really want to see drama, date a single mom with teenagers who do alcohol and drugs. Lets also not forget the Crazy ex husband ! Great video again.


I was dating a single mom. We were about 3 weeks in and her brother and his GF came over for a BBQ. She got completely smashed and went inside and that's when her brother and GF told me that she was going to end up ruining me, and that she was already looking to cheat. I was like wow, and left. You should have seen the pathetic self pity she sent me and excuses.


These seem like the type of women I’d do well to avoid irrespective of whether or not they were a mom.


I dated a single mom many years ago. She had her issues and they got in the way of our relationship. Also, she may have been using me to make another guy jealous. I wound up thinking the world of her son as he was a great kid but my relationship with the single mom still came to an end. She was increasingly difficult and when her plan to make the other guy jealous started to not work her interest faded (this part about the other guy is my theory as she never admitted it but I'd be willing to bet I am right). We ended our relationship with no hard feelings and I was always proud to have had a positive influence on her son. Even though it did not work out this relationship I handled well. I did it right.


I love these videos. When I think of dating I always remember that I like my house and the peace. And I love not being in trouble for something I did in someone else's dream!


Tried dating a few single moms after my (now ex) wife and I divorced. Having that experience behind me and not wanting to go through it again, I never let things escalate to the point of an argument or disturbance - but I still have a few words of advice for any guys out there:

1. Don't do it.
2. You will always come second to the kid.
3. Even if the kid isn't a priority, she'll always use it as an excuse for doing or not doing anything she wants or doesn't want to do.
4. Possibility of baby daddy/ex drama - no good can come from this.
5. Don't do it.


I dated single mom once and never again. She told me all her living expenses, needs, mortgage, etc. I smelled immediately she was looking an ATM rather than a partner


Summary: just ignore women, stay single. Be happy. My last 'flame' would always laugh at situations (with us or others) and "say, you can be right or you can be happy, but you can't be both!

Shortly after I learned I can be right and happy, as long as I stayed single.


I prefer to just avoid all single mothers. One might fool me eventually but so far I'd rather be single.


Single moms are not looking for love. They looking for help. I been there done that and never again with one.


"Have an exit strategy." Yes!! Couldn't agree more! I had to do that, when a bipolar psych0 bulldozed her way into chabitating with me. I was sharing the situation with a neighbor of mine, and he let me borrow a recording device he used for college courses. I recorded her threatening to perform violence upon me to the point I'd be leaving the house via an ambulance. Six-month full stay-away restraining order.
