NEVER date a single mom! Here’s why

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Many of us have learned the hard way! Don’t date single mothers unless you want to add problems to your life!

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As a woman I 100% agree of what you said. This is what majority of women and some men don't realize.
Gentleman, do not lower or compromise your standards for the mistakes of a woman. Do not fall into the trap.
Ladies, always remember young choices become adult problems. If you are broken, well don't expect another man to fix that. He cannot and will not.
Think before you sleep around because a man is going to screw you, only if you let him.


Why don’t parents date parents. Child free people belong together 😕.


As a single mom, he’s not lying. Save yourself the headache.


When it comes to single mums avoid it like the fucking plague.


99% of men who dated or married single moms NEVER wanna do it again. That tells the whole story.😊


dating a single mom is like continuing somebody else's saved game...


I’m a single mother with two teens- divorced after 15 years. Still, I would never put a man through the burden of being with me; I always tell
Them…..go find a “free” woman. I have no drama in my life, but I feel any man deserves better than this; and my children need to grow up peacefully. I don’t want to ruin anyone’s life. It’s too precious.
If I ever date again, it will be when the boys are adults- which is not far now, but not yet…..
Your video is on point! Hats off!


You just described my situation exactly. Was with her for 6 years. I became very close to her son. From 5 to 11 years old I was the man who taught him how to swim how to build and taught him the rights and wrongs. I even home schooled him for a bit. The woman constantly put me down and disrespected me. In the end she easily found someone else and I was replaced immediately. I was very close to her family as well. When she met this new guy and they started dating she told her entire family to block me and cut off any communication with her son. 6 years poring into her and her son and it took a very charismatic new guy to brain wash her. Call it a blessing in disguise but not being able to see or communicate with my best bud is heartbreaking.


You’ll never get me dating a single mum no way they’re a burden, single mum hindrance, blockade.
I’m staying single, so I have my freedom.


I just got out of a relationship with a single mother of 2 kids. Never again


Dating a single mother is like doing time for a crime that you did not commit.


Stay away from single mothers. This is coming from a guy that married one. Save yourself some headache. Don't do it.


I agree, I am 35 years old and I never been in a serious relationship before. And seeing how relationship today end up I'd made a decision not get into one. Specially women with kids, no matter how beautiful the mother is or how innocent the kid are. It's just not for me, my life is already complicated I'm going to complicate it even more... Love is not worth it anymore!


Dating a girl with a kid is like playing story mode on another dudes saved game.


I'm starting to see an *increase* in pregnant women w/ profiles on dating platforms. If there was ever an example of a huge Red Flag


Don’t let anybody bully or guilt trip you into dating single moms. Especially if you don’t have kids yourself. It’s not your fault these women had children with losers. Putting a woman first in your life who will not put you first in her life has the potential to derail your life and stop you from achieving your goals. Never mind these women and achieve your goals then chase women.


I dated a single mom. It was my first relationship. She left me for my friend. Shits fucked up.

Will never date a girl with a kid again.


Not all single moms are bad but the baggage is still the same regardless. I would rather be single than date another single mother just because I don't want her problems becoming my own. My life is stress-free and I intend to keep it that way.


I, as a single man with no kids, started seeing a single mom. Everything was actually great and very respectful, she introduced me to her little girl, still great! But one day on a Thursday afternoon, I get a text saying “blah, blah, blah, I don’t know what I want and I don’t know where I’m at right now, I’m so sorry”. So as you said, I felt like an accessory. It went from GREAT to a text break up with no real explanation. This really and truly hurt me. So, what you said in the video rings true.


I noticed in reading the comments a few single mothers agreed with what you said, the majority though resorted to attacking you, using shaming tactics and cursing you out for speaking on your standards of not dealing with single mothers. You really sent them into their emotions by speaking the truth on this matter.
