Elden Ring - Wish I Knew EVEN Sooner | MORE Tips, Tricks, & Game Knowledge for New Players

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Just starting out in Elden Ring or already well on your way to becoming an Elden Lord? Well never fear, your friends at Legacy Gaming have tons of tricks to help you survive during your adventure in The Lands Between. Codiak and Livid shares their favorite tips and tricks that will help you understand the game and set you on the right path to surviving inFromSoftware's brand new Open World RPG, Elden Ring.

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--- Timestamps ---
0:00 - Intro
0:41 - Disclaimer
1:15 - Finding The Main Quest
1:53 - Reaper Statues
2:17 - Fake/False Walls
2:47 - Sponsor Break / The Ridge
3:27 - Weapon Upgrades
4:02 - Baldachin's Blessing
4:45 - Into The Mines
5:27 - Upgrading Your Summons
6:37 - Upgrading Your Flask
7:28 - Quick Access Pouch
8:03 - Advanced Combat Tips
9:31 - Living On The Edge
9:54 - Double Flasking
10:18 - Minor Spoiler Warning
10:36 - Duplicating Boss Essences
11:31 - The Potential
12:57 - Respeccing Your Character
13:55 - Support The Channel!

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Song: John Kenza - Wicked [NCS Release]
Song: Phantom Sage - When I’m Gone [NCS Release]
Song: TARI & Yix - Bliss [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
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Idk if anyone knew, but fellow slash melee players, if you two hand your weapon it's more effective against mine monsters, not bouncing off of them


I just love so much Elden Ring. Way longer than Dark Souls only if u are doing exploration. Huge maps, huge underground wells, catacombs and mines.


something i just figured out is the light up candleabra things you see around. If you go near one sometimes a ghost will appear and you can follow him and his footsteps to a hidden cave you have not discovered. If there is no ghost then you probably have found it already.


Put your flasks in your quick-access pouch slots. It allows you to activate them instantly at any moment, without having to cycle through the stuff in your item slots if you're also throwing pots or using other items. If you're a dummy like me, it also has the added bonus of making it very hard to accidentally flask, since it requires two button presses (on PS anyway, I don't know what the controls are on PC).
Things like the lantern, telescope, etc. typically don't need to be accessed in the heat of battle, where fractions of a second can matter, so putting them in the quick access pouch is a waste.


I'm like 90 hours in and these videos are still helping me. There's a ton of little things that can get lost.


The attacking bear a cliff info was great. I’ve always backed off of engines near cliffs and been afraid to swing at them on narrow ledges. Because every time you do most melee attacks you creep forward


Also you can farm larval tears later on in the game in Nokstella, theres a rolling ball that when defeated will drop a larval tear. Can reload the area and farm em up

Update they stopped dropping for me idk what happened 😐😐


I watch a lot of these videos and hardly learn anything new at this point but I keep watching them on the off chance I do learn something. I did not know about double chugging your flask until this video. Thanks!


So, I can confirm that even a Soulsborne "veteran" like me still finds one or the other good tip he didn't know - such as jumping to shoot faster with the bow. Btw it should be mentioned to give Fia a hug at least one time after beating Godrick bc she has a questline and you can get a really cool armor early in the game. Thanks a lot for the great content and keep it on🤘🏻


As a 50 year old noob to gaming in general and my first game of this sort -thanks! Very helpful tips.


For for the longest time, I didn't know you can fast travel between the normal map and underground (Sofia River), so I would fast travel to the nearest well to go underground, and when I need to go up, I fast travel to the closet well underground and take the elevator up LOL. Of course, sometimes you're locked from fast traveling but mainly in catacombs and caves.


11:08 you actually can't get two of the same weapon from duplicating Remembrances since once you buy one weapon the option disappears from Enia, only the other option remains even after duplicating a remembrance


Im a first timer! Grew up with Nintendo! Saga! All the Playstations! Even had safa CD! Lol. And last 10 years or more mostly played sports games! Elden ring might be my favorite game of all time! But man is it a challenging game to me! I'm still learning and dying so much! But learning as I go. I hope u all are loving the journey. Thanks for the videos and keep it up for us newbies lol


I have already completed the game... Multiple times, and I still willing for slme extra runs... But wow, is this vid good.
I absolutely love how clear and concise everything is.
Great and always on point.


Everyone Remember summons don't make you weak they just make you smart As some people were rage quitting and taking hours to beat a single boss I simply used my summons to keep RedDawn busy while I used Dragon rotten breath to obliterate his health bar it was amazing strategy that paid off at the end


Use your torch on the enemies in the mine, they will blow up. Easy way to kill them


I’m still preparing for my first play through of a souls game and I’ve seen a lot of videos…. This is by FAR the best one I’ve seen!


That hug blessing is clutch with my two hand spiked sheild build against bosses. I always go get it before a boss and then just spam L2 with that shield up. Easy wins!


Guess they didn't know but the walking mausoleums have a bedtime at a certain time they go to sleep and they come down to the ground that's your guy's hint ( stumbled playing my self am sure it's somewhere but haven't seen any major vids covering it)
