12 Mistakes You Really Need To STOP Making In Elden Ring | Elden Ring Tips & Tricks

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In this video we go over a bunch of mistakes that you want to stop doing in Elden Ring so life gets a lot better for you in this game. These are all tips and tricks in Elden Ring that you'll want to know ASAP because making these mistakes can be quite costly and have long term effects. With these Elden Ring tips and tricks you will have an even better experience in this amazing game and they are all relevant for every part of the game (early, mid or late). This video does not contain any spoilers either. Enjoy!

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Also, a rectification:
You can still duplicate your remembrance even if you used it. I thought if you didn't have it in your inventory anymore, you can't duplicate it which is why I always made sure to duplicate it first but no need for that! So the tip essentially becomes: be aware that you can get both items from your remembrance and that there are limited number of walking mausoleums in the world.


In regards to Remembrances and duplicating them with Mausoleums, you can actually exchange a Remembrance for an item/spell and still get the other one later. Mausoleums allow you to duplicate and Remembrance that you have OBTAINED, not just the ones you currently possess, so don't worry about needing to hold on to Remembrances until you find a Mausoleum


Tip to those who dont know. If you see the white tombstone icon on the left side of your screen, that means you can summon ashes.


For me, the best thing mentioned was that rolling away from enemies is almost always a bad move. I've very often found that rolling into an enemy to avoid its attacks is better. Dark Souls ai is like that! Elden is no different. Also, with giant enemies, keeping behind or close to them is key to survival.


Telling me not to worry about using the smithing stones has helped me considerably thank you


Another tip: get the lantern in weeping pennisula which you can get early on and negates the need to switch out the torch in a cave where those damn imps sneak up on you!!


If you avoid Fia because of a slight hp debuff you will miss out on a questline that gives a nice armor set, a weapon, and a lot of runes since it kinda links up with another side quest.


the funny thing alot will think that 5% hp debuffs isnt much, but i got so far 4 clips saved where i lived with a single red pixel at my health bar


I have a tip for people who use summons: track down the Godrick Soldier Ashes, which could be found early game in a cemetery near Stormhill surrounded by Spirit Jellyfish. Not only are they surprisingly tanky, by virtue of actually knowing how to use their shields, they're also pretty competent at juggling aggro between the both of them.


0:40 Risking falling to your death
1:19 Keeping Fia's debuff
2:09 Agroing NPCs
2:56 Sacrificing your remembrances
3:44 Forgetting about chicken feet
4:47 Saving smithing stones for "later"
5:26 Worrying too much about stats
6:07 Passing glowing skulls
6:31 Common misconception about great runes
7:06 Focusing too much on main story bosses
7:44 Thinking you have to parry with a parry shield
8:10 Not getting summons ASAP


Warning about the "Just use your smithing stones, you can buy more." tip. This is true with one exception. DO NOT waste your (Somber) Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones!!! They are a finite resource in each playthrough. I believe there are only 10 Ancient Dragon Smithing stones. And there are only 7 Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing stones. So, stop at +24/+9 (normal/unique) on weapons until you decide to commit to that weapon, or make sure it's one you want to keep using.


1. The remembrance is saved to your own mind. So even if you use them you can still duplicate it.
2. Killing merchant's drops a ball bearing that you can give to the merchant at the roundtable and have that merchants inventory


One thing to add with Fia's debuff/Baldachin's Blessing is that for certain quests you do need to speak to Fia in order to progress them, and she will only speak to you while hugging you, so it's definitely a thing you're going to receive if you want to get at everything in the game. So really, don't feel bad if you have the simp debuff. It's only natural.

Also, when it comes to atonement, there is one NPC you CAN kill and still atone for the crime of doing so: Sellen. At least if you kill her in the Witch prison ruins area. Like I did when I thought it might be how you free her from it. When you kill her she says it's useless because she can't die, and it's true - if you come back later she'll still be there. But the attack does aggro her and she'll disappear from the Waypoint Ruins as seller/NPC for quests. If you atone at the temple of Vows for your sins, she will return to Waypoint and will work again as normal. So that's another one that there's a bit more complex compared to the standard NPC aggro/death situations.


If you're quick after killing a boss, you can use a gold chicken foot and equip the Gold Scarab (talisman that boosts runes more) before the boss drops the runes


Additional tip for the Remembrance's. If you want two weapons from a boss Remembrance, you can't do that in a single playthrough because when you pick an item from a remembrance, it will show 0 available if you try to claim it again. However, if you duplicate the remembrance, then save it for your new game plus. As soon as you gain access to Enia again. The 'stock' of that remembrance will be refilled. And you can a second of the weapon without having to kill the boss again (extremely useful for people wanting to dual wield Malenia's sword lol).


The jelly fish summon can also be used in the mountaintop of the giants area in the ruins on the upper west half of the area, there will be a jellyfish asking for her sister and all you need to do is summon the jellyfish and a secret door opens alloying you to get a pretty terrible talisman


As another note on Remembrances, you can only duplicate up to 7 total and only 5 of those can belong to “Shard Bearer” bosses. So maybe don’t immediately duplicate each Remembrance you get.


Using the fowl feet is definitly a big difference, 30% additional runes on any boss no matter how far you are in game is huge and once you get the recipe, they are easily made if you know where to get the materials


A tip from me. After you level up a good amount be careful when you go back to the beginning areas. When I finally met Patches and he attacked me I was mid combination when I heard him say Wait! and I killed him. So no more patches for me this game.


One of my biggest tips would be to just play the game and stay off of YouTube lol
I regret looking up where to get certain items or farming locations cause now I feel like my progression in the game is all over the place.
