LHCb - The Beauty Experiment

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A short documentary on the LHCb experiment, on the quest for the mystery of Antimatter.
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"the more we discover, the less we actually know" Great quote. Reminds me of "A wise man knows he knows nothing"


I'm glad an organization finally tries to capture the emotional element of this kind of work. If so called normal people understood the motivations behind science, people would become more interested in how it's done.


@TheOats Sure, this is one of the big problems in all experimental sciences. Most observation instruments and practices can interfere withe the phenomenon you are observing, and bias it. Our detectors actually do the opposite: they purposely introduce bias, like a magnetic field, and then recognize particles by the way they behave under that bias. Alternatively, some particles are recognized by the energy they release when disintegrating against the layer of the detectors.



Understatement of all time: It's amazing to think that prior to the existence of this Universe that there was an even greater mass of 'something', 'somewhere'.

Whatever that extremely immense mass was *we* were like a drop of water on the surface of a balloon the instance that it popped.

The incredible mass broke where it was and spat us out, a single drop, from where we were (not through Time and Space, but from _existence_ to _existence_ from there to here).

Presumably other _drops_ spat out in all directions into other _existences_ creating many Universes in many places.

Our _drop_ (more than all the matter in our Universe, yet smaller than a grain of sand) spat out like a Great Horn - the Trumpet of Creation.

Expanding instantly, like a quadrillion Nuclear Bombs in a super vacuum, pure heat and light exploded into what was prior to Life forming early Matter, some of which decayed, becoming what is today.

Not only is there our own Universe to travel but also the other places created when we (our Existence) was born.

Surely the first moment the mass of our Existence traveled faster than Light, as "Light" did not even exist _here_ the instance prior to our existence.

Need some new Math skills.


@Keovar OK, let's talk philosophy. We call "normal" matter what we see around us (and inside us), and "anti" whatever looks "opposite" to "normal". This discrimination is of course a convention, established from our viewpoint of reality. Antipeople on an Antiworld, if such thing exists, will also do the same, that is, we are their "anti". Signs are also a convention, as magnetic poles. Is there a functional difference? that's what we're trying to find out!


@Keovar You are correct about the need for an almost perfect vacuum, in our experiments. The vacuum in the LHC is 10 times emptier than on the moon, and that's as you say, in order to "remove obstacles" into which particles may bump. In our Universe there is no "visible" antimatter so far, let alone a whole galaxy. We are about to launch an antimatter detector (AMS) that will be installed shortly on the International Space Station, to look for any traces of antimatter in space.


i am in awe at the work these super intelligent people do at CERN. well done and goodluck in the future!


@mathforphysics "Only integrals", yes. But many of them are complicated enough to fill the working life of many theoreticians. Most LHC studies use hadrons somewhere (if not in decays, it is still a p-p-collider...), so QCD is included if you look at the process in theory.


A tear of emotion just ran out my eyes. Science is the only way, and what you have achieved is perhaps one of the few things that makes me be proud of being human (I know, that's a little bit simplifying but I don't think there's much to be proud of). By the way, I find it very stimulating that in the images you can see young people working at it too! Greetings!


Apologies about no sound on previous upload of this clip. Had used a weird codec that YT didn't like.

Silvano (producer)


@Aresftfun There are many national Particle Physics laboratories around the World. In the US there is Fermilab, Brookhaven, Berkley (LBL) etc. Most of our scientists are based in their national labs, and come to CERN to share knowledge internationally. At CERN we also have other non-LHC experiments, such as an antimatter factory (AD), isotopes experiments (ISOLDE), a Neutrino experiment (CNGS), a neutron facility (n-TOF), and a climate physics exp. (CLOUD). Check our website for more.


As CERN Guide, I have to say, A Great Great educational video. Congratulation collegues!


Good work. @ 2:35, the announcer reminds me of Carl Sagan. Great presentation skills. She should get her own show.


@Jazobsen Yes, that's one of the theories. No sign of Higgs yet, but we're patient.



@BurnabyAlex Tara is a great science communicator and a lecturer at Liverpool University. She also works with the BBC and other TV channels.



@primate52 Back in the 1960's when the basic research on lasers was being done, nobody had an idea what they could help with. These days they are used in hundreds of applications for measurement and data storage, and we've certainly not exhausted their possibilities.

Benjamin Franklin used to answer this type of questions on basic research with "what is the use of an newborn baby?"


This was great! Please make more video like this!


The beauty expirament was left out of the video. In fact it involved all employees lining up and rating eachothers beauty. Then corrlating those scores


@antipodeandreason Yes he is still part of the collaboration. ATLAS is a general purpose detector aiming to find any new particles that could enlighten us on the formation of the early universe, a fraction of a second after the Big Bang. The origin of mass, supersymmetry, dark matter, extra dimensions are some of the mysteries on the menu. Google Atlas Experiment for more info.



@Jcapmusician1394 yer but the construction probable changed events more then the collisions and acceleration will disregarding what we will learn from it.
