LHCb - The Beauty Experiment

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A short documentary on the LHCb experiment, on the quest for the mystery of Antimatter.
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To view a full list of available subtitles, put the video in full screen and click on "cc" on the bottom bar.
LHCb - The Beauty Experiment
Updated Results from LHCb
Rare beauty - are we seeing signs of new physics at the LHCb experiment?
What is the LHCb Experiment at CERN?
Beautiful Physics at LHCb with Sam Gregson
What's new at the LHCb experiment at CERN?
The Large Hadron Collider Beauty Experiment 360°
'Particle Identifcation at LHCb' by Prof. Yanxi Zhang
Building blocks of the Universe, beauty of science: my conversation with Harry Cliff
Alignment of the VELO subdetector of the LHCb experiment
Dr Harry Cliff - Rare beauty - seeking new physics at the LHCb experiment
A SciFi moment for the LHCb experiment at CERN
[TEASER] We'll be going Live from the LHCb Experiment
New Flavor Physics in LHCb data?
Hangout with CERN: the beauty experiment (S04E05)
The new VELO detector of LHCb
HD LHCb experiment announces the unambiguous observation of an exotic particle
Lepton flavour universality at LHCb (Harry Victor Cliff)
How beautiful is a particle? LHCb experiment | CERN Vlog Part 1
CTD2022: Real-time alignment procedure at the LHCb experiment for Run3
Silvia Ferreres Solé: The discovery of the rarest of decays: beauty to two muons
More beauty quarks to understand antimatter #13TeV
LHCb-Experiment am CERN: Neues spektakuläres Teilchen?! - Clixoom Science & Fiction
LHCb on the road as seen by the drone