How beautiful is a particle? LHCb experiment | CERN Vlog Part 1

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Hey! It’s Susanna here and I am back with my incredible friends Emir Muhammad and Nikolas Hadjiantoni where we explore CERN together! And guess what… you are coming with us! Emir gives us exclusive access to CERN, which is the European Organisation for Nuclear Research based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is host to a variety of facilities, including the famous Large Hadron Collider where they accelerate particles to 99.999969% the speed of light and then collide these particles in a variety of experiments, such as LHCb and ATLAS. CERN have been colliding particles together for over 70 years in the hope that we answer some of the biggest questions in our universe... like what is our universe even made up of?!

In part 1, Emir gives us a private tour into the LHCb (Large Hadron Collider beauty) experiment where they are smashing together protons to recreate the conditions that existed mere moments after the big bang.

Director, producer, editor: Susanna Green
Co-producers: Emir Muhammad and Nikolas Hadjiantoni
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