Rare beauty - are we seeing signs of new physics at the LHCb experiment?

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Rare beauty - are we seeing signs of new physics at the LHCb experiment?
Harry Cliff, University of Cambridge
Physics Colloquium 2021-04-01

When the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) began its physics programme over a decade ago, there were high hopes that new particles or other phenomena would be discovered in its high energy collisions. Supersymmetric particles, dark matter, micro black holes were all targets of the new machine, and yet, despite hundreds of searches performed by thousands of physicists over the past ten years, no signs of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics have been found. However, in the past few years, several intriguing anomalies in the decays of beauty quarks have been reported by the LHCb experiment. Could these anomalies be the long-awaited evidence for ‘new physics’? In this talk, I will explore the physics programme of the LHCb experiment, the latest status of these anomalies, and what they could mean for the future of high energy physics.
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42:48 is where the magic starts to happen


B is heaviest because it is nearest to the Inertial plane/Counterspace.
"The smaller the spacial footprint, the higher the capacitance."


Makes sense even for a layman like myself


Why not sigma 6? Or 9 for that matter!


They admit that the Standard Model is wrong in some ways. There are no end of theories designed to solve the contradictions of the SM, like String Theory and Loop Theory and no end of bail-wire and chewing gum fixes to add on and extend the life of an erroneous theory, the SM.

IF we have new evidence that proves the theory is wrong, then they need to throw the old theory out and start over. But they always say, ah, but the old theory works for all these other things, so we have to keep it... They know it is wrong but they have no idea of what part is wrong or where it falls down. By holding on the the old theory all they are doing is corrupting knowledge by maintaining and teaching erroneous theories and facts. By holding on to the old Voodoo, they are condemning themselves and all of us to perpetual ignorance, because you can't learn science, by studying Voodoo.

If we have new evidence, then we have more to base a new theory on! Forget the old theories! Look at the evidence and try to understand the new picture. Then we might start to get somewhere.

In stead of speculating about universes that don't exist, because as we all know the SM is wrong, so any theories based on it will also be wrong and we would just be making things worse, why not forget the old and try to see a New Physics. They are all exited by the concept, a whole new universe of understanding might open up! It's just that they can't give up the comfort of home and are afraid to lose it, so they want to hang on to part of it in order to maintain their own relevance, because in a New Physics, they too may be neophytes. They just keep dragging us all down, with their archaic notions, of the evolution of scientific theories.

The LHC Beauty Quark decay data is in no way anomalous. It is exactly what would be expected from the Halflec Model of subatomic structure. According to that model, the more energy you add, the more electrons you get, until the energies get so high that you start producing Halflecs. A muon is eight times heavier than an electron because it is, eight electrons, condensed down to the excess energy of a single electron. If enough energy were added, a muon would be annihilated and there would be eight more electrons. Quarks and muons are just debris and charge is just a measure of the amount of, "excess energy" it possesses.

Every time they boost the energy enough, they will continue to produce more electrons plus what ever remains as debris, in the form of what they lovingly refer to as quarks and muons, etc. I was right 30 years ago when I conceived the theory and I was right 10 years ago when I preformed the experiment and proof, and defined the actual physical particle and I will right every time they boost the energy. A complete waste of time and resources but a never ending source of proof of the Halflec Model.


Poor, home-grown audio from scientists. These guys aren't trying very hard to make their message clear enough to listen to for more than a few minutes.


I don't understand why American billionaires could not pool their enormous resources to invest in something larger and more advanced than CERN???


How much gold and silver and platinum and other precious metals was used to build the LHC?


Yea, new physics. You haven’t got the old physics right yet.
Just looking for interest and money.
