Lepton flavour universality at LHCb (Harry Victor Cliff)

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Seminar given at the IGFAE by Harry Victor Cliff (Cambridge University) on Tuesday 20th September 2022.
Abstract: Rare decays of beauty quarks that proceed via flavour-changing neutral currents are particularly sensitive to potential contributions from new quantum fields that may lie outside the Standard Model. In the past few years, a series of intriguing anomalies have been seen in beauty quark transitions to strange quarks and two charged leptons, which have generated significant interest in the flavour community. In this talk I will review the current situation and present some recent results from the LHCb experiment, including tests of lepton universality using rare B decays with K-short mesons in the final state.
Abstract: Rare decays of beauty quarks that proceed via flavour-changing neutral currents are particularly sensitive to potential contributions from new quantum fields that may lie outside the Standard Model. In the past few years, a series of intriguing anomalies have been seen in beauty quark transitions to strange quarks and two charged leptons, which have generated significant interest in the flavour community. In this talk I will review the current situation and present some recent results from the LHCb experiment, including tests of lepton universality using rare B decays with K-short mesons in the final state.