Should Root Canal Treated Teeth be Extracted - Oakville Dentist holistic dentistry

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In this video, Dr. Bis discusses the "Root Cause" documentary and the question of whether root canal treated teeth should be extracted.
oakville dentist
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biological dentistry holistic dentistry holistic root canal continuing education american association of endodontists
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Root canal treatment is a billion dollar industry. They're not going to give it up easily.


Not all root canal treated teeth are equal. Rather than group them all together they should be looked at on a case by case basis. If you are young enough when you get your root canal performed you will eventually have it fail, and that’s when I started having health issues. Once extracted, it was like becoming 20 years younger (I’m 56). If your having health issues and you have one or more root canal treated teeth, it does t hurt to see a dental surgeon with a good X-ray machine to see if you have any infection going on.


If 97 percent of those poor women had root canal on either side, that is enough for me to say that my root canal tooth is coming out soon.


I had always watched my diet as a US Marine, avoided alcohol and sugars and exercised to stay in top shape. At 58 I had my first root canal, mainly due to bad dentistry practices in the military which damaged my teeth. And then each one led to another until I had 4. With each canal I found my health failing and kept having to adjust my diet so as to keep the infection around the teeth with root canals under control. I go to the dentist and they say oh your teeth look fantastic, your gums and everything look so healthy yet before the root canals I was a lean and muscular 160lbs at 5'11" and now I am 124lbs and struggling to maintain my weight while playing this game with the infected root canal teeth. My physicals show I am in great shape but on a mysterious downward spiral. The teeth ache and smell like septic when I floss around them, and if I eat starches or carbs it only gets worse. I am presently trying to figure out what the best approach is to replace these teeth. I have pretty much lost the last 3 years of my life because of the stupid choice to go along with the dentist and that choice has made it nearly impossible to work anymore. I am often so dizzy that I can hardly walk. For me it would be a blessing to humanity if every dentist had to experience the dark side of root canals. Perhaps then, there would be more serious discussion around their safety. To me it is insane to think that I let them leave 4 dead teeth in my mouth. The dentist insists that they are not dead teeth but rather devitalized. This is nothing but word magic. Vital comes from the Latin vita or life and to de-life is to make dead and dead things decompose. In the military we said neutralization of targets rather than calling them dead people but to those on the receiving end, its all the same. The body has a primary directive to only allow living, vital things within its bio system, anything toxic is rejected by a healthy immune system. Could that be my problem? My immune system is too healthy to not ignore leaking dead, toxic teeth? Any thoughts?


Bless your heart because you blessed mine with getting the anger from seeing that documentary away


My dentist gave me those two options, but I don't have the expertise to make that decision. All I know is that my tooth is infected all the way to the root and is causing immense pain. I don't see why I'd want to keep a tooth that is infected. It seems like getting it extracted would prevent any future infection. Not to mention, with a root canal, I essentially have a dead tooth in my mouth. At that point, saving your real tooth doesn't really seem important. What I do know is that when the dentist told me my options, he seemed more confident about extraction.


I have autoimmune disease and was wondering why. The doctors had no idea why. I went to the dentist and did a deeper look into my root canal and sure enough its infected. Not to mention I have a huge sinus polop right above that tooth. I am getting it removed now.


My husband had a root canal two weeks ago. I'm very concerned.


my only options on 4 teeth were RCT or expensive extraction (the expense being the after to keep my jawbone from essentially collapsing) to me, my teeth are not “dead” if i can still use them- vs having gaping holes &/or needing bone grafts. if they fail in the future, i will indeed have to manage it then, but a few years in - i believe i made the right choice . RCT IS painful to some, some say it isn’t . for me, the pain lasted about a week or two per tooth (longer for molars) & the crowns have taken some getting used to. though ultimately, my health has improved, not degraded
i know everyone’s experience is their own & some are not positive at all, my heart goes out to those who are in pain from RCT :(
but i do believe they can absolutely be viable & beneficial option in SOME cases


I just had my root canal extracted a few days ago..I found out I was having regular infections from it. Curious to see 8f my health changes


Dr I went to a regular dentist and had a lower molar extracted but have not got any ozone periodontal ligament removal or platelet rich fibrin done. The dentist just numbed and pulled out. It was a root canal tooth with amalgam. Will it heal safely and close up fully without any sockets or jaw problems


Remember to floss and brush your teeth twice a day once in the morning once in a year evening if you want to brush after every meal knock yourself out


Just curious… Have you thought about taking all your research and debating the Doctors who have said that root canals are toxic and cause many ailments???


Awesome video.I have concerns regarding my recent RCT procedure leading to unexplained sinus issues. I am from India and my dentist suggested a CBCT. shall I wait for some months, taking radiation exposure as a factor, as a CT pns was done a month ago?


What if your root canal tooth is still healthy? I got it done 13 years ago. I replaced the crown 3 years ago and got a new zirconia crown. I don’t want an implant if my tooth is fine.


I been studying this
I was about to get 2 root canals n maybe 4, but after finding out about root canal teeth getting infected all the time n everyone does some worse then others
I am getting those teeth pulled that cant get fixed with a crown
I have one root canal that is over 30 years old, it is still strong, but since there is pretty for sure a infection in it, i am going to get it pulled
What a nightmare people, i almost spent thousands of dollars on root canals n if i neede 4 it would of been around $7200, sometimes they don't know if it needs a root canal until they drill out cavity, see how far it has gone if it is a bigger one
I cant afford $7200 right now, to pull out all 4 teeth it might be around $2000

I am currently fighting gum disease, just had a deep teeth cleaning n laser, afterwards i felt all this evil leave my mouth n also the bad breathe, i had bad breathe for years n never new fully why until the deep cleaning was done
If i did root canals i would of had worse infections in my teeth n would of got them pulled anyways once i found out about all root canals get infected
People root canals are a cold hearted business in dentistry, they shouldn't do them, cause all root canals get infected n some worse then others, n that infection can travel to other parts of the body
Depends on different factors but a root canal infection can cause other parts of the body to get injured
So many people have multiple problems with their bodies especially when they get older from eating unhealthy n doing drugs n abusing their body by over working it
Getting root canals pulled n getting rid of infection fully will help with others body problems, but also many peoples body problems are from many more things as well


I’m going to die
I’m too poor to fix my mouth


I have in total 4 root canals. One in the front in my 20s and the rest are in the back. Now 2 of my root canal tooth are infected again. Dentist has suggested me extraction. Should I go with that? Now I am 41 and the two infected tooth are on top .


if the tooth is broken then it has to come out.


I found your channel today as I had a tooth pulled that had a previous root canal. I am 60 and have had many root canals. Today was the first time I had one of these pulled. I am in good health and have been most of my life.I was getting root canals when there were no Dams, just the taste of bleach ... I'm still here :).
