7 Warning Signs Your Root Canal FAILED

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Let's talk about the 7 most common warning signs that your root canal may have failed ...and how to make it better!

A failed root canal is when your treated tooth experiences some type of complication. Such as re-infection, pain, or breakage in the tooth. There are several different reasons why a root canal can fail (more on that in a bit). Not only is endodontic failure painful in most cases, but it also puts you at a high risk of tooth loss.

Fortunately, there are dental experts out there called endodontists who specialize in root canal treatment and retreatment. Their offices are equipped with state-of-the-art technology designed precisely for root canal procedures. On top of that, endodontists have 2-3 years of training in addition to 4 years of dental school. So, if you were to experience failed root canal symptoms, they’re the dental specialist you’ll want to see.



Intro 0:00
Pain 1:02
Tooth Sensitivity 1:22
Swelling 1:40
Discharge/ Pus 2:11
Boils On Jaw 2:27
Sinus Problems 2:45
No Physical Symptoms 3:14
Retreatment 3:44
Prevention 4:07
Talk With Your Dentist 4:49


***This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on social media.***

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Just had a root canal yesterday and i pray that theres no complications🙏


I've had root canals and one time I did have retreatment. The retreatment failed, so my tooth and the bridge connected to that tooth had to be removed 😳 Now, I'm having 2 implants placed for a total of over $12, 000 😢 (this includes bone graft, sinus lift, with additional bone graft, and the 2 implants).
On a single income family, financially, this has been extremely difficult! My car broke down, so until I get this dental bill knocked down, we're using my husband's work truck. Thank the Lord I still have transportation!


“Theoretically your tooth shouldn’t feel anything after a root canal because all the nerves have been removed.” Actually that’s incorrect. The nerve only controls sensation to hot, cold, sweet and sour. It can take up to a year for an abscess to heal after a root canal. I work for an endodontist and most of the post-operative symptoms we see are related to inflammation, occlusion, cracked teeth or re-infection due to not getting the tooth restored after the root canal. Of course we also re-treat failed root canals that were done poorly by the original operator. Seeing an endodontist for your root canal will ensure a higher success rate.


I went to dentist for cleaning, exam, and X-rays on Tuesday. Major infection in a root canaled and crowned tooth. Never had any symptoms. On Wednesday, I had oral surgery to remove remaining tooth and clean out infection and received a cadaver bone graft as I now need a bridge! What an expensive pain!!!


Hi, Whitney! I was suffering from a cavity on one of my wisdom teeth back in November and I came across your channel for some tips on going to the dentist. I haven't gone in a LONG time and was a bit nervous, but thanks to your helpful videos and tips, I get excited to go to my dentist now. I've been doing a great job taking care of my teeth at home (after a lot of fillings), and now my dentist is proud of my progress! Thank you for helping me with my oral care routine at home💜


After my root canal, I had severe pain and kept getting reinfections while my dentist just kept giving me antibiotics without even checking me up with excuse that he is busy. I got to endodontist specialist, who did retreatment, and being fine since then. After that, I would never again do a root canal with dentist.


I had a failed root canal after years of having it. The gum was soft and squishy. I also had ear drainage due to the root canal being up on the far right of the mouth. If you have ear infections or issues, it might be your tooth. I now have an implant and the ear problems went away immediately.


Thank you for this video. I had a HORRIBLE experience with my dentist and now 2 years later have to have a retreatment with an Endodontist. I wish i could sue my old dentist...

First i went in for a cavity to be filled, she drilled my tooth to do the filling and told me i needed a root canal. I then had to wait weeks to get the root canal done and had a temporary filling that flaked off in my mouth all the time. THEN went into get the root canal, she drill and tells me i just need a filling. She does the filling. Two weeks later i am in EXCRUCIATING pain and couldn't even work. Just paced around the house in pain. She tells me i now need a root We do the root canal, it goes well. I get the crown on, immediately falls out that night biting into a soft piece pizza. I go back to get the crown on.. a few days later it falls out AGAIN, .. she puts it back on... Im not even kidding it falls out AGAIN. She tried to say it was me because i grind my teeth, i told her i have another crown and it has never done that before. She shaved it down so it fit better. I told her i can feel a gap with my tongue between the gum and tooth and she says its fine... then tried to charge me $100 for each time i needed the crown to be put back on. She refused me my 6month cleaning until i payed. I got a new dentist and always eat on the right side of my mouth to avoid the left crown that falls out. On and off i have pain when it feels like its infected, i take ibuprofen and it heals, now i have an abscess that has puss like a pimple and pops and cant get into an Endodontist for two months.

Can i sue for this??


I had a root canal in November 2022 and have been in pain since. I have been back to my dentist several times who adjusted the bite said take ibuprofen and suggested a night guard. I have been back to the endodontist who gave me antibiotics and adjusted the bite. I'm going back to the endodontist after this video. I'm so sorry I ever got the root canal done.


ID hate to inform you I had three root canals done around 15-20 years ago and all have failed... overtime the base of each tooth cracked which I was told is very common... this led to extractions and now dentures.... so they do fail trust me on that


I had a root canal over 30 years ago and never had a problem since. I had a root canal recently and it was a painful experience. The sensitivity in my jaw area lasted for over a month. I couldn’t open my mouth halfway without feeling sharp pains. With the 1st root canal, my dentist put me on an oral antibiotic to ensure any abscess or infection was gone. It doesn’t seem like dentists do this anymore. Instead, they administer medicine directly in the tooth. I wonder if that has anything to do with failed procedures or reoccurring reinfection? It doesn’t seem like a holistic approach.


I've had two root canals. The treatment went really well and my teeth aren't hurting anymore. I don't even have crowns on them, just a normal filling. I'll probably get a crown on them because my dentist recommended it, but as of now, it dosen't feel like they're fragile or at high risk of breaking. They feel really normal, which i'm so happy about


This honestly makes me really nervous. I had a root canal about 6-7 years ago, past few days I've had painful gum pain especially when I brush and there's a small black line around the crown/gum. The dentist said I'll have to have another one or replace it with a implant. I can't afford either treatment


I appreciate this. I had my first cavity after 35 years and it was a root canal. I came here because I wasn't given any post instructions or what to do for the foreseeable future. They didn't give me a crown. They gave me a filling for now because it was what I could afford. I'm on day 3 after the root canal. I have minor aches almost like a small bruise. It seems like this minor dull pain will fade. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to eat on that side of the mouth.


I got root canal twice. My first experience is hurt really like hell, but after the first session all the pain were gone. Now i got my second root canal, and after the first session, it still hurt and swelling. So i watch this video


I'm absolutely stuck. My root canal tooth feels weird. I've had it a few months but all of a sudden this past week I can feel pressure and an uncomfortable feeling coming from that area.


I've got a root canal tomorrow and I'm currently binging your videos to prep. Thank you!


My dentist has been making me very mad lately. I have had 2 root canals done and just had a 3rd. They were all needed after routine cavity fillings performed, and once the novacane wore off, any slight touch to the tooth killed me with pain. I feel the Dr. must have triggered something or hit the nerve causing this. The third one I just got done today, still has the exact same pain on the tooth that is triggered from very light pressure or touch to the tooth.

I am tarting to think about suing my dentist, are these valid reasons to do so? I think its unfair to have to pay for any further dental care after the initial root canal should have taken care of the problem. Would love your feedback. Thank You!


Flossing around my crown often results in some pain unless I use charcoal dental floss. Is that a sign of a failed root canal?


Very cheerful, very positive. Though serious conversation with less laughing may match better ! Keep it up. Great video.
