What If Anakin Skywalker REFUSED To Spy On Palpatine In Revenge Of The Sith

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About time Anakin got an ending where he comes out the other side *not* bogged down by war crimes on his conscience.


"Anakin, spy on the Chancellor"

"Nuh uh"

"The FUCK you MEAN NUH UH?!"


“Anakin isn’t loyal to abstract concepts such as peace he’s loyal to people and expects loyalty in return” the Jedi Council never understood that Anakin didn’t need a Jedi order but a family instead


Saesee Tinn try not to die in these stories challenge: Impossible


Clones: You are are knocked out and defeated, but we do not grant you the rank of mercy.
Master Windu: How can you do this? This is outrages, it's unfai-
Clones: Take a blaster bolt, young Windu.


“Anakin, spy on the chancellor”


What if Anakin said my IQ has double when he caught count duku in episode 3


This is one of the most realistic what ifs.


Obi-Wan: Anakin we need you to spy on the chancellor for us
Anakin: Nah. Imma do my own thing


What if Shmi was a deity to the tusken raiders, she still gets kidnapped by them but she’s not tortured by them?


Very, very nice; well done! I chuckled out loud when Anakin felt the shift in the force after asking Maul if Sidious was Palpatine. That’s all it would have taken - Anakin would be PISSED! The “groomed” line would have indeed been very revealing.


What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


"Hey Anakin, we've tried to keep you from becoming a Jedi because you were a slave. We've dissed you at every turn just because. Now we know this guy Palpatine has almost been a father figure. It's time for you to reaffirm your loyalty to us, you can repay all you owes us by betraying the guy who's been tour biggest supporter"

Anakin asks why

"Don't question us. Questions lead to doubt. Doubt leads to the darkside"

Anakin declines respectfully.

Windu breaks out his sword "I told you this boy was no good. It's time to end him"

Yoda nods approvingly.

Obi Won looks on in disbelief. Without warning he intercepts Windu. Obi Won is dismissed along with Anakin. The two go on and begin dispensing justice like Lethal Weapon.


You got a piece of lore wrong, , Anakin was upset that obi wan didn't let him go save his mother, but it turns out that Anakin didn't tell him the full truth, obi wan yelled at Anakin saying that if he just said he saw his mother die in his visions then he would've allowed him to go much earlier.


What if Anakin opened his own business after leaving the Jedi Order at 13?

Anakin is a smart lad, managed to do many things with tech when he locks in so its not a far reach that Anakin can build up his own business and expand across the Rims.


I've said this before, but you're writing has gotten so good, you should feel confident writing about anything. Thanks again for the escape.


I really loved how you used some parts of the novelization of Matthew Stover. Specifically when Obi-Wan mentioned about how loyal is Anakin to people and not principles :D


Bro you really did it with this one, an absolute masterpiece💪🏻


What if Satele returned during the Phantom Menace and trained Anakin? What if Malgus returned during The Clone Wars?


What if the Jedi Council refused to make Anakin a member of the Council but instead granted him the rank of Master? This actually makes some sense: there were a bunch of Masters who were NOT on the Council, but I believe that one had to be a Master to be on the Council. Perhaps they could, considering his heroics in defeating Dooku and how close he came to getting Ahsoka to Knighthood, agree to make him a Master, but tell Palpatine that they themselves should be the only ones to appoint members to their Council, and that they consider his pushing himself into their affairs with his emergency powers to be a breach of liberty in the Republic.

This might give Palpatine an excuse to perhaps vilify them for defying him (though probably not enough to issue Order 66), but, on the flip side, it would undermine Palpatine's claims, to some degree, that the Jedi don't trust him, as they gave him his coveted rank of Master. And that's what he was REALLY hoping for in being on the Council anyway, as being a Master meant access to the Restricted Section.

Of course, Palpatine could still try and lure Anakin in, stating that the Council should have done both, and were insulting both Palaptine's authority as Chancellor and Anakin's qualifications by not making him both a Master and a Council member.
