What If Anakin Skywalker was REJECTED By the Jedi Order?

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What If Anakin Skywalker was REJECTED By the Jedi Order?

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"Anakin will become a Jedi!"


Welp…the Jedi end up screwing themselves over *HARD*


Rejected after the events of E1, even Obi-Wan might get a bit dissatisfied with the order for not honoring his masters last request. The Jedi return him into slavery? After all that? Palpatine would do whatever he could to buy them out of slavery and have a perfectly disillusioned against the Jedi Anakin from much earlier on.


16:08 bro grabbed that canned food like he was Venom LMFAO


Typical jedi.
They didn't want anything to do with Anakin until they saw how immensely powerful that he was , then they kidnap him and brainwash him to be on their side .
They were the biggest POS in the galaxy.


The animation of the arm at the last bit of the video is the best thing i've seen in years.


QuiGon would cry in the netherworld seeing the Jedi making such a decision on the chosen one theyve longed for


Huh, so the Jedi Order used the same ritual they used on Revan? But on Anakin instead?


This is very great. I really love how Anakin Skywalker in the end gets to live a happy life with his mother and Padme Amidala. For your next What If, you should do “What If Anakin Skywalker helped Obi-Wan Kenobi save Satine”, and “What if Anakin Skywalker revealed Palpatine as the Sith Lord in his test to be a Jedi in The Phantom Menace (where Mace Windu is testing Anakin Skywalker to use the Force to say the names of the objects on the monitor he is using without seeing what they are directly, and then Anakin Skywalker unexpectedly reveals Palpatine as the Sith Lord because of the image of Palpatine appearing on the monitor)”.


Really enjoyed this especially the Jedi ritual to remove the dark side from Anakin


Why does this feel like when I was playing with my sat wars toys I am hear this story.


These are really interesting stories but one critique I have is that a lot of them end the same way, which is with order 66 being stopped by Jedis managing to defeat the sith lord. Aside from being formulaic, this is just not a plausible outcome. Neither Sidious nor Plagueis were the type of people who would risk their grand plan in a duel with the Jedi. They would've much more likely carried out the order from the shadows, and they would not have triggered it until the right moment, which is when the Jedi are spread thin and unprepared, and the public are turned against them. The Jedi also cannot just "defeat the clones" because of their overwhelming numbers. If the the combined force of the Jedi actually scale to the power of the entire clone army, then they wouldn't have needed the clones to fight the separatists in the first place.

As nice as happy endings are, I think it is more interesting to switch it up now and then and have some more realistic ones. The way I see it, there is simply no way for the Jedi order to survive once order 66 is carried out. For this particular story, the best possible outcome for the Jedi would be for the few surviving members, including Anakin, to assasinate Sidious after order 66 before going into hiding. They'd have to go into hiding because killing him would not restore the republic. It would just stop the empire from emerging and instead plunge the galaxy into a further period of infighting and power struggle. But then, the story can still end in a hopeful way as they can rebuild in the future by themselves, having learned from their mistakes and now being free from having to serve a government. One day, a new republic would emerge and the new Jedi order may also reveal themselves to be its protectors.

However, given the premise of this story, I think a much more likely scenario is a complete loss for the Jedi. Even if the Jedi manage to come up with this plot device...I mean plan to magically cleanse Anakin of the dark side, there is no way their plan to capture him would succeed, as Sidious would know their every move. I think what is most likely is that Sidious does not have Anakin fight for the separatists on the front lines. This is because the separatists are supposed to lose in the end according to his grand plan, but Anakin has to emerge on the winning side of the war, being his apprentice and all. Instead, Anakin will be turned against Dooku and eventually betray and kill him, thus becoming the hero to defeat the separatists and save the republic. During this time, he will have turned the republic against the Jedi, as they are seen as ineffective, and eventually he executes order 66 on the Jedi as they are spread thin going around the galaxy taking out remaining separatist forces. Finally, the surviving Jedi would try to assasinate Sidous and Anakin as in ROTS but this time obi wan would lose to Anakin because 1) he is no longer familiar with Anakin's fighting style as he was not the one would trained him and 2) Anakin is much more powerful, having been trained by Dooku and Sidious. Eventually, Anakin probably kills Sidious and takes over as Sith master to rule the galaxy as he reaches his full potential as the most powerful sith to have ever existed.


What If Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan turned Maul to the Light Side


What if c3po never had his memory wiped in rots


This is the best "What If" that I've seen in a while...up until you KILLED YODA!!! Yoda should never die!


Couple Of Ideas

What If Anakin either died or lost the pod race?

What If Watto actually loved Anakin like a son and treated him and Shmi kindly as hired help, rather than slaves?

What If Padme WAS in to it when she was getting choked on Mustafar?

What If Padme suffered a miscarriage, or Luke and Leia died during birth, along with Padme?

What If Luke went to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters?

What If Anakin only killed the Men, and not the Women, and the Children Too?

What If Obi-Wan was killed on Geonosis by Dooku?

What If Anakin Liked Sand?

What If C-3PO was NOT fluent in over 6 million forms of communications?

What if Darth Maul Killed Qui-gon-gin, Obi-Wan, Anakin, AND Padme on Naboo?

What If Anakin could not find a seat to take?

What if Anakin Snapped at Mace and yeeted him out the Windu?

What If Padme And Ahsoka Died To The Blue Shadow Virus.

What If The Jedi Council figured out Anakin killed not just the men, but the women, and the children too, and that they were like animals, and he slaughtered them like animals! HE HATES THEM!

What If Anakin Killed Dooku On Geonosis? (Keyword here, KILLED, Not Defeated him, KILLED him)

And, Finally, The One I MOST Want To See:

What If? Obi-Wan DIED While Disguised As A Bounty Hunter/During His Fake Death, Died For REAL From The Fall?


Anakin training in the darkside with Dooku and Palpatine would have vastly improved his ability to see into the future with the force, so I think it's no so far of a stretch to say Anakin would have seen the Jedi ambush on him. Still nice vid.


Dooku on that picture looks like the Czech president!


What if Anakin went back in time whit the 501st and star destroyers to face the ancient sith and achieved his full potential
