What Would Have Happened If Anakin Refused To Betray Mace Windu In The Revenge of the Sith?

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Interestingly, an answer to this profound question does exist and can be found in the Darth Vader and the Lost Command miniseries. In this series, Vader experiences a dream, possibly influenced by the Force, depicting the consequences of siding with Windu to defeat Palpatine. The dream envisions Anakin and Padmé discussing their son's future and Anakin's potential to become the youngest-ever leader of the Jedi Council, owing to his pivotal role in eliminating Sidious. Additionally, it shows Padmé ascending to the role of Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. In this alternate reality, Anakin and Luke Skywalker, named Jinn Skywalker in this timeline, hope that Padmé's leadership will usher in an era of peace, potentially rendering the Jedi unnecessary.
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