What if Anakin Skywalker REFUSED to Kill Count Dooku?

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00:45 - Story
21:50 - Outro

Palpatine’s plan for gaining control of the galaxy is easily one of Star Wars's greatest conspiracies, spanning decades and requiring countless pieces to fall into place. The key was turning Anakin to the dark side. To do that required him to kill his current student, Count Dooku. However, that outcome was uncertain, and that one decision could have changed everything.

Welcome to Darth Theorist, where we explore the depths of the Force, analyze characters, and speculate on what could have been. Whether you're a Jedi Knight, a Sith Lord, or a curious traveler, prepare to ignite your imagination as we begin this journey.

The words echoed across Anakin’s mind as he stared at his defeated foe. Count Dooku, the leader of the CIS, one of the greatest duelists in the galaxy, and perhaps the Jedi’s greatest traitor knelt at his feet, defeated, and disarmed. His and the count’s lightsaber were leveled across his throat. One swing was all he needed.

And yet Anakin hesitated. Though it would have felt good to do and had been just, the Jedi Code was clear on such things. Never kill an unarmed man.

Palpatine: Anakin, you must hurry! Kill the count. He would gladly do the same to your master if given the opportunity. We must depart before this ship burns up.

Anakin's hand wavers and in a quick motion, he extinguishes the blade and punches Dooku, knocking him out. At the same time, Obi-Wan wakes up and secures the count while Anakin focuses on landing the Invisible Hand.

With some difficulty, Anakin manages to land the ship on the surface, allowing the Jedi to reach them. They swiftly arrest Dooku while Anakin escorts Palpatine out.

Palpatine: Thank you, my young friend.

The words are kind, but underneath he seethes with fury. Anakin's failure to execute Dooku has thwarted his carefully laid plans. To turn him would require more effort than he first thought.

A few days later, Count Dooku is brought before the Jedi council. The once-mighty Sith lord looks exhausted and disheveled from days without sleep. He does not look anyone in the eye but keeps his head low.

Dooku: Masters of the Jedi Council, I stand before you to confess my role in the events that have transpired. I have indeed led the Separatists, but I do so under the influence of a greater power.

Yoda: A greater power, you say? Who is this master you serve?"

Dooku: My master is known as Darth Sidious, and he is none other than Chancellor Palpatine himself.

Mace Windu: Chancellor Palpatine? This is preposterous!

Obi-Wan: Wait. Dooku mentioned this name to me before, during our encounter on Geonosis.

Dooku: Your memory is as sharp as ever. Palpatine was the one who told me to gather the separatist leaders and build the droid army to start the Clone Wars.

Anakin: This is a lie! Palpatine is a great leader and a friend to the Jedi. Dooku seeks only to sow doubt among us.

Dooku: chuckles why spare me if you will not hear my confession, Skywalker?

Anakin: Because taking your head is too good of a death for you!

Yoda: Troubled, you are, young Skywalker but taint your earlier success by giving into anger, you must not. Listen to these claims, we must.

Anakin storms off in anger. Although the council might hear these claims, he won’t sit and hear the slander against his friend. Some like Mace and Obi-Wan are inclined to believe him, others are more cautious and agree with Anakin.

While they debate, Anakin seeks solace with his wife, Padmé Amidala. As he enters their private quarters. Although he enters her apartment troubled, Padme is smiling brightly as she holds a hand to her stomach.

She reveals the news that she is pregnant. Anakin's eyes widen in astonishment and he runs up to embrace her. For a moment, all the troubles of the galaxy fade away as his entire world is this small apartment.

The couple shares a quiet, intimate night, having dinner and talking about their plans for their children, playfully arguing, especially after Anakin vows to team their kids to pod race. For once, feeling more like husband and wife instead of Jedi and senator.

But as they drift off to sleep, Anakin is ripped from a dream come true into a nightmare. Visions of Padmé in agony haunt his mind as she is giving birth. He wails in agony as she struggles throughout the process. Despite her best efforts, the birthing procedure is too much for her.

As she takes her final breath, Anakin desperately reaches out for her, but the dream shifts. Instead, he finds himself with a much younger Count Dooku standing in a darkened warehouse and speaking with a hooded figure.

Palpatine: I sense your frustration, count. What troubles you?

Dooku: Enough of your games. I know you’ve read the reports.
Рекомендации по теме

I swear we got another great what if writer on the rise


What if JarJar tripped knocking over the vase revealing Palpatine's lighsaber.


Obi-wan: The Negotiator
Anakin: The Disarmer


I like the idea that Anakin sparing Dooku actually results in a redemption arc for Dooku despite him now having no hands.


"Maybe it's not such a bad habit after all". Lol.


We have a potential GOAT of Star Wars what ifs in the making here


Just because Dooku is missing his hands doesn’t mean he can’t use the force at all


I would slow clap, but Anakin has severed both my hands! What a disarming fellow he is.
Great story!


We are just assuming Dooku stands before the council with 2 nubs for arms? 😂


That kit fisto death took me out LMFAO Quickly we must AHHHH


What if Vader didn’t track the Tantive so Leia met Luke on Tatooine?

What if Revan was never removed from his stasis and discovered during the Clone Wars?

What if Jar Jar accidentally tripped Palpatine and knocked the lightsaber out of his sleeve?


Great story and even better delivery! This chanel will make a fine addition to my star wars what if collection


I wanna say I’m liking the stories and you have one of the best voices in this sub genre.


Anakin in this Fan fiction has more restraint then me because there is no way in hell that Dooku could chop my arm off years ago & I don’t take his head off when the chancellor says “Do It‼️” years later 🤷🏾‍♂️.

Goes to show that I’m truly a Sith Lord At Heart, great channel bro 🔥.


Great, great video, as always, and i particularly loved the idea of Anakin joining Mace to seek justice for being manipulated and absolutely played by Palpatine. Lots of stories have him still arriving to interfere in favor of Palpatine. I was NOT expecting to see Fisto go out to some blaster fire though, unfortunate that he was caught so off-guard. I also particularly liked the idea of Dooku and Anakin working together, as if forced Anakin to open his eyes, it's definitely a different approach to his, "swing first, ask questions later" attitude. Before i forget, one thing i wanted to point out, small nitpick, if you could even call it that, Fisto and Tiin's names are pronounced Agen, like pagan, but without the P, and Saesee is pronounced like say-see tin, like a tin can.


Thanks for giving count dooku a chance to redeem himself love the count dooku voice


21:39 "Boom ya fuckers! I'm a master now!"


I love these what if story arcs and would love to see more of them. It would be interesting to see some what if scenarios that are set during the galactic civil war era.


Dude you're so good at doing Anakin's voice. You sound just like Matt Lanter.


Certainly one of the best, I have no doubt you will continue your success 👍
