Why You Should Get Back Together With Your Ex

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Whhhhats up YouTube, this is Brad Browning… you guys already know who I am, and you know my videos are all about breakups and getting back together with an ex. Today’s video is probably going to stir up a bit of controversy, because in a second I’m going to explain a few reasons why you SHOULD get back together with your ex.

So, there are a few exceptions… but most of the time, breakups don’t happen because two people are just fundamentally wrong for one another. Usually -- and I’m sure many of you watching this video can relate to this -- a relationship will begin perfectly, full of passion… couples will be madly in love, share an intimate connection, and want to spend every waking moment together. But then, usually gradually over time, things start going downhill.

But the key thing here is that most relationships WERE great in their early stages. You found a compatible partner, fell in love, and built a close connection. That doesn’t happen easily or often, I’m afraid. You don’t fall in love with just anyone… we’ve all been on terrible first dates and been in short-lived relationships that had no future.

See, developing an intimate bond with someone, falling in love… it’s relatively rare. Most relationships or flings will fizzle out long before they get to that stage. If finding a soulmate was so easy, and you’d be compatible with just about anyone of the opposite sex, then we’d all be married to the person we went on our first date with. No-one would be single for more than a week or two after a breakup.

I think that my point here is pretty clear: you had a great relationship with your ex at some point. You know you’re compatible and have the ability to love one another. But, somewhere along the way, things unraveled and the relationship went downhill. What if you realized what went wrong and knew how to avoid it next time around? If you and your ex were to get a second chance at love… start from scratch, and this time get it right the first time around… why couldn’t the relationship stay healthy and lead to a lifetime together?

*** More from Brad Browning: ***
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Honestly most relationship just go bad because it was a bad time, imagine if you've met them a year after or even a couple months after. Many things could have gone for the better


They always come back
They just think that the grass is more greener on the other side.


heart break is the worst feeling in this world, worst of all, wish i cud b emotion less robot


In my opinion infidelity is a good reason to break up!! Right??


I guess this is only referring to relationships that end for subtle reasons. Then there’s Relationships that end because of abuse, betrayal, and just toxicity all around.


My heart belongs to my ex husband. We are still in each other’s lives and I know he loves me. We just both have personal growth to do and we weren’t doing it together. I have hope for a reunion in the future. Thank you Brad!


all I miss are the faithful promises and the romantic old times, I wanna fulfill them.. we're compatible, inexperienced error put us apart in the first place. I want her back. I feel she feels the same too.


This is what I need Brad. I think I’m finally back to my old self after drowning in sorrow for months. I’m bringing back the person she fell in love with; the one that got her excited! Would love more videos on this .


Whenever I feel hopeless that this 30day challenge wont work om me and my ex's situation, I just listen to your videos and it motivates me all over again!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!


Great video and very nuanced. Not all questions are so simple to answer.


I've said it once, I'll say it for the rest of my life. Fuck depression. Please touch on depression in relationships. I'm new to this channel and I'm not sure if you have touched on this in the past but if you haven't, please do. Depression and anxiety in relationships is a truly uncontrollable barrier in relationships that I've seen rip relationships (including mine) apart and it needs to be addressed


Its been 11 months since me and my girlfriend broke up and I'm still trying to get over it we were together for six years and we have a daughter together. She told me that she needed space to see what she wants. I have been giving her space and have only been there to take care of my daughter. A lot of things have changed in both of our lives that maybe we have grown to far apart.


Ex of 4 years relationship, we didn't communicate for a bit after since it was way too hard, after we moved on a little we didn't entirely cut contact, we would send each other reels and catch up sometimes, half a year later he suggests getting back together. Our first 2 years were really good but the last two not so much because we would keep circling back to the same issues. I am open to retrying because I miss the good moments and connection we had together. It was our first relationship and at the beginning of our 20s, we didn't treat each other so well. It took a while for our anger inside to die down. I think that we needed some time to experience things by ourselves and to grow, also to look at the relationship from a different perspective. Looks like there is potential, let's see.


I broke up with my girlfriend after 3 and a half years. We kept in touch and went out as friends. I met someone else but it never felt right. After almost 6 months apart my ex asked us to try again so I took the plunge and ended things with the new women. Our relationship has never been better.


Just broke up last sunday, and my ex just fine without texting me at all. I begin no contact phase since yesterday. hope this works.


❤️ ❤️
No one is perfect!! We can make mistakes, learn from it, and get it right the second time 😊


Did you notice that he was so nervous at some times ? He started stuttering and they cut it, probably for him to take a break or so, I love that he cares enough to want to present it perfectly


Hi Brad
Am 21 and my ex is 23
We broke up 2 yrs ago after dating for 2 yrs we were best friends I must say, , but after our break up we've been communicating once in awhile, it would sometimes start with a simple hi or him reminding me of something about our relationship, , he sometimes says am a wonderful person but then end up saying we can't be friends I should never talk to him again and all rude things it's really confusing. A few weeks ago he sent me a picture of me that he had posted on his Facebook about 3 yrs ago and we actually joked about it but all of a sudden he started being rude to me, , I must admit that even though I had moved on my feelings for him are slowly coming back and I don't know how to deal with his attitude 😥


what if we broke up because of cultural differences, family disapproval, distance and me being needy..are these good reasons for breaking up, ?..:( like no chance at all getting back..


Well we didn't end on bad terms, we never cheated on each other, we never did drugs, i was best friends with his female best friend, who is helping me cope. He broke up with me because all of his focus is at school right now. He thought we were drifting apart. We broke up after 3 years. And he said he wanted to get back together later if possible. We're still in love but he had to break up with me, because him not seeing me as much was hurting him and me. So maybe after we graduate things will get better, maybe....i still have a little hope. But not too much hope. I cried, I'm okay, and I started working out to help relieve stress. He said we could be friends but I need space right now so I said, we can be friends but for the moment I need space. I blocked him. But maybe after a year or so I'll unblock him
