Is Getting Back With An Ex A Good Idea

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Is Getting back With An Ex A Good Idea

I've been asked many times throughout the years: is getting back with an ex a good idea?

Many times in private coaching sessions or when talking to people who just learn about our services, I've even been asked is getting back with an ex always a bad idea...

You'll discover my passionate response to such question in this video!


Our Mission is to help people find happiness in love, and to provide individuals and couples with the communication tools and relevant techniques to be together in healthy sustainable relationships.

Over the years we have helped people in all types of breakups, separation and divorces successfully get back together, and I highly encourage you to look into out how we’ve been so successful:

The WMEA MasterClass

The MasterClass To Get The Man You Love Back:

The MasterClass To Get The Woman You Love Back:

In The WMEA MasterClass You’ll Discover:
- 6 Powerful Situation-Specific Handwritten Letters
- The Seal The Deal Map
- A Radio Silence Time Scale
- 30 Ways To Seduce Your Ex
- The 50 Most Frequently Asked Questions In Breakup Recovery
- A Guide for Personal Transformation
- The Wheel Of Personal Transformation
- A Personal Transformation Checklist

What We Are Most Proud Of Is Just That: It Really Works

There are so many elements of this program that make us so proud. But by far the best bragging point for us, is that it really works. We’ve worked with thousands of people just like you. Crushed by a breakup, determined to get their woman back, and ready for some tested strategies and honest advice. I’m so proud to say that our clients come back to us all the time with incredibly inspirational success stories

While our goal is obviously to get you back together with the one you love, unlike some of our competitors, that’s not all we care about. We want to see you grow into a happier, stronger, more confident individual ready to build a sustainable, loving relationship with a bright future.

That’s why our MasterClass covers how to find your way back into a relationship with your ex, and how to prepare yourself for some of the challenges you will face along the way.

We pour our hearts into this work, and we’re really proud to be a support system for the people we help. If you’ve lost the woman you love, the woman you want to spend your life with, we truly want to play our part to help you get her back. That’s why we’ve developed this program to help you with every step along the way.

We want to fully support you and make sure you have everything you need, because we really want to see you back together. That’s also why we’ve made this course way more detailed and comprehensive than any other in the world.

The MasterClass To Get The Man You Love Back:

The MasterClass To Get The Woman You Love Back:


1-On-1 Private Coaching Sessions:

We also offer one on one Private Coaching Sessions for individuals who are interested in speeding up the process of breakup recovery and get back together with the person they love quickly by letting our experts guide you personally:

Private Coaching Sessions With Our Experts Here:

It would truly be our pleasure to help you be and with the one you love, as always keep fighting the good fight and I wish you all the very best.


Coach Alex, Coach Adrian, Coach Natalie, Coach Steve & Coach Samira
The WMEA Team


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You guys are gonna make ALOT of people mad because you speak honesty. You have a real truth to the things you all tell. I see a lot of growth for you guys. Keep up the good work.


Thanks so much for your videos.since my ex boyfriend broke up with me, your videos always tells me there is still hope and they encourage me each and every day and it really works..even though he is still in a rebound relationship for some months now he contacts me almost every day telling me he misses me and also wants us to marry and have a future together..I just pray he is being honest with me and doesn't change his mind ...God bless u guys for the good work done


Thanks Coach Adrian, I’ve been taking notes in every video in your channel that would best help me with my situation. Thank you giving me a chance that there’s still hope of us getting back together, I have also helped a friend of mine that is almost in the point of breaking but with the help of your videos here in your channel I was able to give them advice and they’re happy now and still strong. During this time of no contact with my ex boyfriend, I have realised a lot and also did find the solution to the problems that we faced during our relationship, Im still here waiting for the right time to contact him.


I was in a LDR and visited her for a month, it was amazing and we both really loved each other so we decided I would move in. We are both young and it was a big move and the relationship got negative all of the sudden. She broke it off a month before I was gonna move in. I already did no contact and messaged her. I'm 100% willing to start from scratch with her and give it another go if she wants to but in a way I feel like I wan't to move on.
I see a ton of really good things in her that I really want from a spouse one day but also a ton of things I could live without.
Not sure what to do. :/


I definetly agree with your guys philosophy. It has been helping me take much more risks rather than worring and stressing about the future. I haven't 100 percent change. But I can definitely confirm to myself that I am growing. Finding new hobbies and interests. Not caring about what people say and think about me. While valuing my time to what matters that is my life with me, family, and friends. The only thing that I'm still working on for myself is controlling stress and being more assertive instead of being too submissive. But I see this mistake as a great lesson to help me grow even it pushes my ex away doesn't mean I will lose hope because many people told me that you can still get an ex back regardless the amount of times you made mistakes by focusing on myself. And obviously making sure not to harass my ex to the point that I can get sent to jail. Lol. I know that I definitely feel happy being single but at the peace part is something that is still in the making.


Hey coaches, me and my ex-girlfriend broke up in February after 9 months of dating and nearly three years of friendship. Following the breakup, I chased after her nearly every day for three months. In April, I even took her to a concert where we ran into her ex-boyfriend from over two years ago. In between the three month period of chasing, there was a brief period of no contact that lasted about three weeks, and then we ran into each other and she initiated a meetup at our church. I went, and we saw each other a few times after that in the following weeks. About a month ago, she told me that she's still in love with her ex-boyfriend we ran into at the concert (who currently has his own girlfriend). We steadily began talking less and less, and now she's not speaking to me at all. I have been an emotional wreck! I moved all of my things back home 90 minutes away and have been trying to work on things in my own life, but I can't stop thinking about her. I thought that I was going to marry this girl, and then one day she just ended it all. When she told me that she was still in love with her ex, she told me that he's the one that she thinks about when she thinks of marriage. He's the one she thinks about when she thinks of kids.

In the pain of it all, to get away from photos and other social media I deleted her on Facebook and disabled my Instagram temporarily. I realized after the fact that this might have been a mistake, but the damage is done. I haven't gone as far as to block her from any platform, even though I've thought about it. I haven't been able to move on from her because I really think that she's the one, guys.

What do I do? I'm struggling so much to maintain my composure and keep working on myself apart from her. I don't want to be apart from her, I want all of the things her and I promised each other in our relationship. Can any of you coaches lend me some advice?


My ex broke up with me after a year of dating. We were always happy together and didn't fight much. He broke up with me over the phone when I was in Europe visiting some family ( we live in the US). Before we started dating we were friends for around 2 years and I knew he had 3 other girlfriends that were all long-distance that he dated back to back, without even a week/2 weeks break in between each girl. I did the math and discovered he'd been in these back to back relationships for 6 years counting my self. He said when I was away he had this rush of emotions from never properly dealing with the breakups and start of each new relationship, all of these surpassed emotions and thoughts came to him all at ones from each relationship. He said he broke up with me because he could no longer be in a relationship with anyone any longer. When this rush of emotions came to him he said the love he had for me turn off like the flip of a switch. At the end he said he ones some time passes he wants to be friends with me again. I have been in complete pain and heartache since the day this happened. I want him back, I thought he was the one. Can you help me understand this and give me any advice on my situation? I know no one that has been through something similar like this and no one knows what to tell me. I don't know if I should let go and move on or wait for him to come back to me. Please help


Like to share something with everyone here, as you may see I post a few times regarding my situation, my ex is with another guy and has been since we broke up. Done the process of NC and reached out after self development and improvement to myself. I can tell it is awkward for her just now speaking to me through text however she does respond which is positive. She even initiated the idea of a meet up! Thank you to the channel, the advice and I will continue the believe and keeping up the good fight!


Adrian you definitely knock it out of the ballpark! Putting in the work, time and effort into rebuilding yourself has helped me tremendously! People are coming to me for advice! 😃 now I want to show my ex how much I have grown as a person, I feel much more confident and I'm glad this channel exists!


After 18 months apart my ex husband has told me I have become the woman that he first fell in love with. I fell apart when we broke up but then I decided to just focus on a better life. we have been toxic though, and on and off over 18 years. We always came back together without making any changes. We are both very dubious about trying again but we have been talking things over at least.


Coach Adrian can you please do a video talking about your breakup with your now wife? I’ve heard you reference it a lot and it gives me hope! Could you talk about how you realized she was the one after breaking up with her? Thank you!!


Hello Coaches! I love to think in advance. So could you please do a video regarding "What To Do If An Ex Came Back?" And let's assume that we both already changed for the better, emotionally and physically. Please give us (your viewers) some advice as to what to say, to do, to act when the specific situation ever happens. Thank you so much Coach Adrian, Nat, Alex, Steven and Samira. Much love for you all. 😊


My bf broke up with me for the second time 2 weeks ago.He told me that he loves me, but he is not sure if he loves me the same way as in the beginning of our relationship, that he is too busy at work and he is suffering that he can't spend more time with me. The problem is that we work at the same company and sometimes we have to see each other. I love him and want him back...


Hi Coaches! I finished my 3 week no contact that was recommended through a reply. I’m still blocked by my ex, I tried to text her about a movie that came out I knew she’d be interested in watching but they didn’t go through. That’s fine I could take that hit haha. I believe it’s been a month that I’ve been blocked on text and Instagram now. And next Friday is 2 months since the breakup. I decided I’ll try again at a later point. She’s been rude since the breakup and I don’t know why she did the dumping. But! She wanted me to get a job as a I was a full time college student and she was working 2 jobs and now I’ve had a new job interview that I feel really good about! I feel better and am able to get out of bed every day where as a few weeks ago I would’ve wanted to stay there all day. Any advice would be helpful! Thank you coaches


Hey love advices so i had friends that tells me to burn my ex boyfriend pictures why would they say that?.i love my ex we both were the blame for the was lost and communication.


Everyone take the advice from these guys, they are more than beyond smart and honest. Also look into the laws of attraction “LOA” it’s opened my eyes so much and I believe it’ll help you guys as well. I’m already starting to see signs and I believe I’m on the right path to success, I believe it will help you all too, bless you all and best of luck with your situations. Namaste


Can y’all please make a video about pushing her away and trying to get her. Back please I’m so depressed and she went back to her ex days later after we where together for 1yr and 6months we talked a little bit this month because I owed her some money back but I broke when I seen her talking with her ex she really likes him I messed up I hurt her he did too in the past but we had alot of good times too every time we talk I lose it I don’t yell but just being difficult I’m hopeless he was the better man he got her back I love her to death and know I can heal the pain I caused and today she says she has nomore feelings for me and it’s only been 3 weeks ..but Adrian ima transform myself I really am and by the time I might not want her anymore but right now she don’t see change I’m going to do this for me because I’m a happy person and confident I just have to find myself again .


So I am in a confusing situation and want your input. I recently started no contact with my ex, then she started tweeting things that sounded like she wanted to get back together. Then I checked in with her just to see how she was doing the other day. She had mentioned that she is not sure about getting back together yet. But the day after she told me that she tweeted “I will always go back” and posted an insta story of a song called “love it if we made it”. Any advice is welcomed as I don’t know what to think rn.


Hi there, i deleted my comment <.< sorry! In the last days everything is going better after the exam session. I feel less anxiety thanks to meditation and i'm organizing to go outside with my friends next week and i went out with other friends yesterday. They told me that they are so happy for me because they see the change about how i live my life and how to endure things in life, and they are happy i'm building good habits and they are also confident about me wanting to back with my ex. I'm having doubts about "what if he will never write you again?" "what if you send a letter and it doesn't work or it's a bad timing?". Those questions push me down because i want to seduce him back again but it's a long distance relationship also we don't talk and i have no idea if he checks how i am just to "reassure" him self that he did the right choice feeling less guilty, i don't want really bother about those questions. I will be patient and try to have fun as much i can. I try to be patient and keep doing my stuffs. Btw i'm finally enjoying small things right now, and was very very hard for me enjoying them but i have always to put effort to be happy even if it looks like "making this (exercises or running) tastes like a medicine" sometime. Any suggestions for me? :)


Make a video on confused men!!! Please!!
