The importance of talking to strangers | Samantha Weinberg | TEDxKish

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What if travels was redefined, what if we all travelled like immigrants and felt the places we visited like locals. This is an exploration to discover the power of talking to strangers.
Samantha Weinberg was born in London in 1966 to South African parents. She has a degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge, but dates the start of her real education to 1989, when she moved to pre-independence Namibia and began seeing the world through other people’s lives. She has reported from five continents for most of the major publications in the UK, South Africa and America, and written six books, including the international best-seller, “A Fish Caught in Time: the Search for the Coelacanth”, and “The Moneypenny Trilogy”. Currently, she works at The Economist Group’s Intelligent Life Magazine, where she edits the Places section.
Samantha Weinberg was born in London in 1966 to South African parents. She has a degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge, but dates the start of her real education to 1989, when she moved to pre-independence Namibia and began seeing the world through other people’s lives. She has reported from five continents for most of the major publications in the UK, South Africa and America, and written six books, including the international best-seller, “A Fish Caught in Time: the Search for the Coelacanth”, and “The Moneypenny Trilogy”. Currently, she works at The Economist Group’s Intelligent Life Magazine, where she edits the Places section.
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