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DIM supplement for acne and hair loss. Dermatologist @DrDrayzday reviews DIM supplements for acne, hormonal balance, and hair loss. Diindolylmethane supplements for cystic acne, PCOS, hair loss, and hormone balance. Are DIM supplements safe? How do DIM supplements work to treat acne? What are the side effects of DIM supplements? #acne #hairloss #supplements

0:00 DIM supplements for skin and hair
0:37 What are DIM supplements?
2:01 DIM supplements for acne
3:17 DIM supplements for hair loss
3:49 Do DIM supplements work for acne and hair loss?
5:37 What are the side effects of DIM supplements?
8:54 Can you get DIM from food?
11:55 Is DIM a natural alternative to other acne and hair loss treatments?

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Bhuiyan MM, Li Y, Banerjee S, et al. Down-regulation of androgen receptor by 3,3’-diindolylmethane contributes to inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis in both hormone-sensitive LNCaP and insensitive C4-2B prostate cancer cells. Cancer Res. 2006 Oct 15;66(20):10064-72.
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Pondugula SR, Flannery PC, Abbott KL, et al. Diindolylmethane, a naturally occurring compound, induces CYP3A4 and MDR1 gene expression by activating human PXR. Toxicol Lett. 2015 Feb 3;232(3):580-9.
Thomson CA, Chow HHS, Wertheim BC, et al. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of diindolylmethane for breast cancer biomarker modulation in patients taking tamoxifen. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2017 Aug;165(1):97-107.

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Рекомендации по теме

I've been using DIM since 2016 for my cystic hormonal acne. I wish I knew about it sooner. It works wonders.


I am 40 and have been taking DIM for over 3 yrs and I no longer have PMS or painful periods or hormonal acne!!! DIM plus no sugar diet like keto keeps my acne at Bay and my mood calm ❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤


DIM works.
I have hormonal adult acne.
Hit me at 32.
Crazy how you even mentioned blood clots and fear-monger on something you said has zero studies.
I went to a hormone specialist (OB/GYN) who recommended it after testing my estrogen and progesterone.
Take it. Be patient. Drink water. Add a retinol.
Thank me later.


I have been taking DIM supplements for over 3 months. Then last week I ran out just before my period. And God have mercy, I had the most intense PMS ever. I didn't even realise how DIM was slowly reducing my PMS symptoms over the past 3 months. Not to mention my pregnancy cellulites have gone down (along with regular moderate exercise). I sm frankly over the moon. Yes I do not know exactly what DIM is doing to my body, but whatever it is I am in love with DIM. Will NEVER stop taking DIM again. Lesson learnt ❤️


I’ve dealt with severe hormonal acne on and off for almost 10 years. The only times it cleared was during each of my 3 pregnancies. I just started taking dim 1 month ago and my acne and other hormonal imbalance symptoms have already almost cleared completely. I mainly only have scarring left. I understand that you want people to be cautious of others anecdotes, but it seriously does work. If there are no studies on it, someone should start some…


What cure my hormonal acne was not eating dairy. No yogurt, no cow milk. Avoiding meat. I haven't had any breakouts for 7 months. I'm 38 and i was getting really bad breakouts under my chin. Food is medicine. Also a simple skincare routine😇


Dim absolutely works for hormonal acne. I have been taking it for over two months. I take one capsule with food. It has also helped me tremendously with mood swings. I feel far more stable now. I had a headache for the first seven days of taking it, but pushed through, and the headaches stopped. I think dim is a really good supplement that helps multiple issues.


Thanks for talking about hormonal acne. It’s such a never ending cycle


DIM is the only thing that’s worked for my hormonal acne which I’ve had for over 20 years. It has reduced it by about 90% so I only get a few breakouts here and there, generally around my period. I tried stopping the supplement as I was taking a very expensive brand and the acne came back full force. Wish they would do proper studies on this supplement for acne.


2 years ago I developed cystic acne. The internet told me dim and the acne has never been back! Love this stuff.


I've been taking a DIM supplement for several years to help with estrogen balancing during menopause.


I’ve been on DIM for my Endometriosis for a couple years ago, it’s gentle on my system and really helps. Had no idea about the help with acne and hair loss claims.


For anyone dealing with acne, I recommend seeing a naturopath and not a dermatologist. My naturopath did extensive testing and found I had cortisol imbalances, adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance, and poor gut health from antibiotics that my derm put me on twice.

All three of my dermatologists never did any testing and were ready to put me on birth control, spironolactone, antibiotics, without disclosing the long term side effects of these meds.


DIM saved my face! I have mild PCOS and used to get terrible cystic breakouts for years after giving up hormonal birth control. I started DIM 5 years ago and my face is clear. If I skip it for 3 or more days I am guaranteed a cystic pimple or two.


I use it for my hormonal acne and it has worked wonders for me!


Hi Dr Dray, I've been a subscriber for quite some time now and enjoy your Channel. I went into early Menopause at 40 years (I'm 56) and have been on HRT basically from the beginning as I was suffering terribly from hot flushes, hair growth on my chin, hormonal acne and some male pattern hair loss as well as weight gain. I tried on numerous occasions to stop the HRT but then the symptoms merely reappeared. About 8 months ago I heard of DIM (on the internet). I had nothing to lose so I started taking it and dropped my HRT again. After 3 months of taking it, 3 times a day, my hot flushes all but disappeared, I no longer have hair growth on my face and almost no acne. It did nothing for my weight and my hair has not regrown in the spots where I lost it. The fact that it assisted me to stop HRT and the disappearance of the hot flushes, hair on my face and acne, was however enough for me and a great saviour to my mental health. It does have its side effects (like bloating and right at the beginning I had some migraines), but it is nothing compared to the side effects of Menopause and HRT's. I have also started phasing out my anti depressants a month ago and that is also going well. I'm not saying DIM is for everyone (and it assisted with only some of my hormonal problems), but to me, personally it is a life saver. Greetings from South Africa. 🌞😊


So am I the only person who took DIM and started shedding hair like crazy? Literally I was balding. Then made research and turns out it’s an anti aromatase, meaning it blocks conversion from Testosterone to Estrogen, but then Testosterone levels accumulate. It makes no sense DIM could stop hairloss and acne when these 2 are androgen driven…


I’ve been taking DIM and it has helped tremendously with my hot flashes.


I started taking DIM the past 2wks mainly for estrogen dominant issues...ive had restful sleep it feels so good to sleep well!!


I’ve never heard of this. Thanks for all the skin, hair, and lifestyle health 💕💕
