What is the Origin and Reason for Hazel Eyes?

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What is the Origin and Reason for Hazel Eyes?

0:00 Hazel Eyes
0:49 Hazel vs Amber/Green/Brown Eyes
2:52 Origin of Hazel Eyes
4:39 Reasons for Hazel Eyes Developing
8:38 More Research Needed

What is the origin of hazel eyes and why did they develop in the first place? Also, how can you tell if you have hazel eyes vs green eyes or amber eyes or brown eyes? I will answer these and many other questions in this video.

Now around 5% of the worlds population have hazel eyes, with around 18% of the US population having them. They are the joint 3rd most popular eye colour in the world along with amber eyes, with brown being the most common and blue the second most common. Out of interest, do you have hazel eyes, please let me know below.

In general, there are two main types of hazel eyes: those with brown as the dominant color in the iris and those with green as the dominant color. While all hazel eyes will have a combination of green and brown colors, the difference in dominant colors is why they can appear either mostly green or mostly brown.

Given this, hazel eyes can quite often be confused with other eye colours in certain lighting conditions and in different environments. Hazel eyes can sometimes be confused with amber eyes for instance, but they are two separate eye colors. Hazel eyes are also sometimes confused with green eyes.


The World's Population By Eye Color - WorldAtlas

The Difference Between Green and Hazel Eyes - Owlcation

Eye color - Wikipedia

Hazel eye colour facts | What are hazel eyes? - All About Vision

Chromosome 15 - Wikipedia

What Color Are Hazel Eyes? | Warby Parker

Moors - Wikipedia

Rihanna Eye Color

Creative Commons Imagery:

Rapaceone File:Hazel Eye HD.JPG - Wikimedia Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. CC BY-SA 3.0 Deed | Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported | Creative Commons

#hazeleyes #eyecolor #ancestry
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Do you have hazel eyes? Please let me know your thoughts below... Thanks for watching!


Hazel eye from U.S. here. Hello fellow Hazels from around the world!🤗


My wife has beautiful Hazel eyes that go from brownish to greenish to golden to almost electric green at times. It’s always been a sight to behold.


I have Hazel Eyes, i am from Turkey. my theory is that Hazel eyes are more frequent in populations who have mixed blue eyed and brown eyed people, as my grandfather has blue eyes and my grandmother has brown eyes, my father has hazel eyes and i got them too. both my father and i are also the only ones in the family possessing hazel eyes, the rest have brown and blue eyes.


I am an American with 100% Norwegian heritage. My mother had green eyes. My father had blue eyes. My brother has blue eyes. I have hazel eyes. My eyes have an outer ring of dark blue. The next area is sage green. Then the inside area is golden. There are also small flecks of burgundy scattered around. The green and golden areas are about even now.


Well, I'm 63 and I've never known how to describe my eye colour... till today! I have the hazel sunburst centre, green above and blue/grey beneath. I always thought my eyes were just a confusing mess, now I know that this glorious variety of the spectrum is called hazel, and only 5% of the world have It.


Hazel eyes are the most beautiful eyes in the world!


I love having hazel eyes. Hello fellow hazel-eyed beauties!


Hello my hazel friends, I'm a Belgian 89 year old woman who received lots of compliments for those eyes when I was young, they are light brown with specks of yellow and green


My eyes are hazel, and it is funny to hear people try and describe them. It's either green or brown, hazel isn't a word in their ocular vocabulary. The best thing about hazel eyes is that our eyes can seem to change color, it really confuses people. For example, when I got my first driver's license hazel wasn't an option in the system so they listed me as brown. A while later when I showed my license they thought my ID was fake cause my eye color was off, they said I had green eyes and wanted to know if I wore contacts.


Yes, I have them. And when I married my fiancée Hazel, I told her that I've always had Hazel in my eyes . . .


I have Hazel Eyes,

In the US Appalachian region, my primary ancestry is Scottish, Fifth Generation on my Mom's side.

My Dad's side is Mulungeon, a mixed ethnicity native to the Appalachians; composed of Cherokee, Choctaw, British, Portuguese, possibly Turkish, and African ethnicities. My Dad's family has lived in the Appalachians for 400 years.


Hazel eyed American here. Mom had dark brown eyes and Dad has bright blue. I was born with Hazel. Interesting video. Welsh, French and Scandanavian descent.


Green / Hazel eyes here. I'm told they change color in light and with the color of my clothing as well as my emotions ~


I have hazel eyes and love wearing green as it brings out the green in my eyes. I didn't know we were such a rare breed 🥳


I do have hazel eyes and had no idea how rare they are. Makes me feel kinda special ❤❤


Hazel/Green here. I have received many compliments over the decades on my eyes. They are mostly green with a brown starburst around the pupil and a blue/grey outer ring.


Owner of a pair of Hazel colored eyes, and of northern European descent. My eyes do shift from more green to more golden depending on the light and color of clothing. Loved the video, thanks!


From New Mexico - I have 51% Iberian genes - and hazel eyes. You have the most fabulous Scottish accent


When I was in middle school a group of girls got in trouble for making a "Book of Bests". In essence a book that rated people and their features in our classes. I found out I won "Prettiest Eyes". I have Hazel green eyes, which often look pure green when the sun hits them. I didn't realize they were rare. Not that it really matters but it's interesting. Thanks for the vid buddy.
