The Origin Of The Jinn Race

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Ibn Kathir said in al-Bidayah wa’n-Nihayah: Many scholars of tafseer say that the jinn were created before Adam and before them on Earth there were the Hinn and the Binn, then Allah caused the jinn to prevail over them, see what happened to the Jinns.

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I believe that jinns exist but I have no worry nor do I put my mind in account to them, if they wish to harm me I know Allah SWT will protect me and if they manage to harm me I know Allah has willed it and He is testing me. Therefore I will be patient until Allah SWT will give me shifa.


Iam so happy to have knowledge of Swahili ! I can understand Arabic ! It’s all coming together ! Mashallah


I myself am Catholic and Iove these videos because it gives me insight about Islam. I know a lot of people who are Islamic and I am really interested about Islam and Catholicism and I just like comparing both on how like we both believe in one supreme being which of course is god and how much similarities both religions have.


Interesting. So the Jinn are essentially humanoid beings like us, but they have horns and slightly different features, and there’s also different races of Jinn just like the races of Men. And they also have nations and tribes just like we do! That’s incredible. It just goes to show the creatively of Allāh, and how Allāh can make so many amazing beings with such diversity and history!


Wow alhaumdulilah, so much going on around us that we don't realize, May Allah protect us Amen.


Me and my family, including my twin brother (we’re Malaysians) had seen the manifestation of Djin ourselves. It happened when I was 14. That experience helped me to strengthen my iman in my teen years whenever I had doubt whether God exist or not. As a young teenager I had my doubts because in school they taught evolution and whatnot, and you thought in such a formal educational system, the evidence being put forth for evolution “should be” compelling. Astaghfirullah walhamdulillah for the light that Allah SWT has shone on my path.

Before some people accuse me of being superstitious, I will tell you guys first that I and my twin are rationale people and we also believe in science. I’m a medical doctor now, and my twin brother is an aerospace engineer at the Airbus Malaysian office.


Every time I hear the jinn are created from smokeless fire I remember the day I woke up in the middle of the night and around my bed saw humanoid figures that seemed to be made of that stuff you see coming off the asphalt on a really hot day like some sort of steam but it's like heat waves and I know that that what I saw was jinn. In that period of my life I was in a dark place but Alhumdililah I found Islam and ever since life has been peaceful. Also when I was younger I would get some sort of heavy jinn sit on me that I couldn't see at all but I couldn't breathe, couldn't move and even though I yelled my hardest couldn't make sound. They call it kara kula in turkish and it's a demon or jinn that comes when you sleep in the position of a dead person like in a casket. Ever since I try to sleep to my right as our prophet gave us advice to do so.


Thank you for your efforts and your own time to educate those in need, of the truth


I'm not sure what it is about how you convey these teachings...but your voice makes the teaching sound very true & believable...I take notes, and I believe these notes will prove to be crucial in the "End of times"...Thank you for your courage & descriptive knowledge sharing...


Very good video. I know most of us Catholics are curious, the more we learn the more we realize how little we are taught in our Sunday schools. Most of us Catholics are true believers of God the Father. God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. God of Moses, David and Jesus! Thanks a million for these videos! We encourage Catholics to watch, learn and NOT to ignore this vital lessons!

We have not said ... ohh join Islam, no. What we are saying is the man is making alot of sense so listen to him and listen carefully. If you learn something, then let the spirit of truth guide you to do what is right. Personally I am still a full Catholic but I have for a long time wanted to practice Judaism because I feel that is God's chosen religion... But hey, Islam is also not bad.


I'm an archaeologist, a spiritualist witch and scientist. This origin story is so interesting, I love this aspect of Islamic beliefs.


They are everywhere. In every house, there's at least a jin. Even in an open field there's one. It's a matter whether you can see or feel them. They comes in all form. They can be very malevolent or benevolent. Most people doesn't know or believe them, so they miss them. All paranormal and abnormal sightings are actually them.


The most fascinating part of Islam to me, is their knowledge of the Jinn. I started seeing entities in the skies after an NDE, and think it might be jinn I'm seeing.. So I want to know more about them and what that's all about


This is not "origin", its merely a description and introduction to the Jinn.


Assalam, I suffered in the hands of jinns, a few evil ones and one good one..
It was a great trial BUT what I learned that is Allah is powerful, and His words, the Qur"an is more powerful that we can ever imagine..
Have faith and let taqwa dominate your heart, you will be amazed by Allah's mercy on us all


Reminder to say this 100 times to not allow a jinn to enter your body

'Lâ ilâha illa I-lähu wahdahu lâ sharika lah(u) lahu-|-mulku walahu-|-ha md (u), wa huwa alā kull: shay'in qadìr."

100 times, after fajr


I love this, Islamic history is awesome


‎سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ
Subhanallahi Wabihamdi

Easy Zikr to say daily In’sha Allah


This is the power of our prophet muhammed (sallallahu alaihi was Salam) ❤️


The best thing for humans to say is "I don't know". I say this because it is from the world of the unseen. All we have to do is the right thing and worship only Allah. Nothing else. If Allah wanted us to know, we would.
