The German Food Culture | Get Germanized

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German food culture? Is there such a thing? Yes, there definitely is and today you'll learn all about it and what cuisine you can find in Germany apart from that and more! Enjoy and Get Germanized!

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Learn German, get to know Germany and German culture and have fun doing so! My videos are directed at native English speakers that want to learn about my country, its language and culture online for free! Put your dictionary and grammar books away and start studying with me instead!
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We watch you a lot in my school lesson!


I love the "Maultaschen" in so called "Besenwirtschaften". In Stuttgart, I also discovered my favorite cake called "Mohn-Birne-Kuchen" at the "Café Planie". 😋🇩🇪🎈🇫🇷


Labskaus, Haxe, Leberkäse, Schnitzel, Bratwurst (alle möglichen Gerichte in denen Bratwurst vorkommt), Königsberger Klopse, Rührei mit Spinat, Bratkartoffeln zu vielen Gerichten ;D, Spätzle, Armer Ritter, Rouladen, Kassler, die Weihnachtsgans (Himmlisch xD), achso dazu fällt mir gleich das Schlesische Himmelreich ein, Tafelspitz, Rollbraten, Mecklenburger Braten, Senfeier, Wildgerichte mit herrlichen Pilzen und Saucen, beeren etc. :) bei den meisten normalen Gerichten auch Velouters und andere Soucen mit dabei. Currywurst, verschiedene Fische einzigartig zubereitet (Matjes oder Forellen. gibts ja auch hausfrauenart usw.), Kartoffelpüree und Kartoffelsalat, die östlichen Gerichte die aus Russland kommen aber nun ja auch trotzdem Deutsch sind, wie Soljanka :). Maultaschen, Flammkuchen, Rollmops und jetzt fällt mir doch gerade der Name nicht ein von dem Schweinesteak mit Zwiebeln und Senf oben drauf ein xD. In der kalten Küche viele deutsche Wurst und Käsesorten, Weißwurst und soovieles mehr. Erstens, schade das wir deutschen auch immer mehr zu Fast-Food-Essern werden und die deutschen Gerichte vergessen werden. Zweitens, viele wurden von vorallen sehr alten deutschen Gerichten in der Kindheit geschockt. Glaubt mir (mein Vater ist Koch) wenn man typische Schulgerichte wie Senfeier, Königsberger Klopse, Rührei mit Spinat usw. richtig macht dann schmeckt das Bombe. Man muss es nur richtig machen. Das Schulessen war an sich schrecklich.


Can't wait to go to Germany sometime :))


I had the greatest Turkish food ever in a neighborhood place in Frankfurt. 

I called a cab, and when I asked the cabbie to bring me to a specific restaurant, he asked me if I liked Middle Eastern food.  I said yes, so he asks me if he can take me to this place he knows.  I didn't' know if I was going to get good food, or get robbed, but he took me to a great place, and the food was fantastic.  It wasn't a fancy place, but they know how to cook. 

I'd never be able to find it again (I had no idea where in Frankfurt I was at the time), but it was a tasty and rewarding adventure.


Located in England


When I was a kid, I remember going to Haussner's in Baltimore a few times. That was a treat. The place was not only a great restaurant that served some really exotic foods, but also an amazing art museum.


Love love love Flammkuchen and Hugo. Also, the original Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte is amazing. I did my masters in a small Hochschule in a small town in BW, very very south, just two hours by train from Freiburg. The food in that area was great!


One of my favourite foods is a German-Dutch combo: Knödel with mayonnaise :D


Dominik - Last August my family and I visited Würzburg. We knew we would get there quite late, so we pre-booked our first night's meal at the Alte Mainmühle. The food was excellent and I would recommend it to anyone!


Loved it!!  When we are visiting our family and friends in Bavaria we eat at all the places they take us!!!  Can I remember any names?  NO!!   Love your videos!!


Favorites for me would be, 1. the Jagerschnitzel at Landgasthof Leibeneck in Osterspai, 2. Rindsgulash at the Ettal monastery restaurant across the street from the Ettal Abbey, 3. Lahmacun at Restaurant Ali Baba in Freiberg, and 4. the Wurstteller at the Augustinerkeller in Munchen. Those would be the top, but I have had many incredible meals in Germany.


Oh, Currywurst!! I am stuck here in Trumposlavia, but I can make my own Currywurst. Wunderbar! And you can serve it with so many different side dishes.


The last time I was in Freiburg, I had Mexican food from a food truck. As a Southern Californian, I was skeptical, but the food was very good. I also had a Chai McFrappe at a Freiburg McDonalds that was delicious, and it is a flavor that I haven't seen in the United States.


In Palatinate and Hessen we have Spundekäs, which is creme with paprika spice, garlic, pepper and Salt and it's really delicious with little pretzels, soft pretzels or on baguette baked with cheese, bacon and on top you put a little bit of salad and tomatoes. Other than that we love to pair all kinds of cheese with our wine and we also have Kochkäs, which is this really semi-liquidy mixture of harzer roller (Handkäs), Schmelzkäse and other good stuff and you put it on a fresh delicious piece of bread with butter, Schwarzwälder Schinken and on top of the cheese you put pickled onion rings and caraway. So if you really like wine and cheese, you should definetly come to southwest Germany, because we go crazy over our cheese here. For example, on new year's eve, we usually have Raclette or Fondue


Als was ich gerne esse ist entweder spätzle mit gulasch oder frankfurter grün soß, kommt beides eher aus dem Süden aber ich habe noch nie jemanden bei meinen Eltern in der Gegend getroffen, der Spätzle nicht mag. Soweit ich es mitbekommen habe ist es sogar relativ weit verbreitet, dass eltern und kinder an ein paar Sonntagen im Jahr die Großeltern besuchen und da gibt es dann Spätzle mit Gulasch. Als Nachtisch ist bei uns typisch deutsch Kirschenjockel (auch bekannt als: Kirschenmichel,  Kirschenplotzer, Kärschepolschter, Körschmichl, Kerschemischel, Kirschpfanne, Kirschenmännla, Chirsichlotz). Ich hab mir bei meinen Großeltern viel abgeschaut und hab auch hier in LA manchmal das ein oder andere deutsche Gericht gekocht und ich kann stolz sagen, dass es Australiern, Briten, US-Amerikanern, Canadiern und Franzosen geschmeckt hat xD. 
und jetzt einige Restaurants, die gut sind: In der Nähe von Heidelberg: Zum Ochsen in 69256 Mauer, Krone Post in 69256 Mauer, zum roten Ochsen in 69121 Handschuhsheim, zur Sonne in 69151 Dilsberg,
In der Nähe von Freiburg: Alte Post 79199 Kirchzarten


I love Germany so much! I visited in 2013 and you guys honestly impressed me with your hospitality and your food. My husband and I are saving money to come back! Can't wait!


Curry wurst! I loved that stuff while I was in Germany, It's crazy we don't have it in the US yet.


Best food I ever ate was at a small gasthaus in Schrollbach, Germany. It was right across the street from where I lived.


I have a food question about braunschweiger. My wife and I went to a restaurant in Ohio called the HofBrau Haus and some wonderful young lady brought us out a meat and cheese plate and we asked her what my favorite meat was called and she told us it was braunschweiger and was made out of goose liver. It was grey and the only thing I can find in the united states grocery store is called braunschweiger and it looks more like a soft version of American bologna but does not have the same taste as the grey looking stuff we had a HofBrau Haus in Cleveland that I absolutely loved.
