How to STOP and think before REACTING? Learn how to Navigate your Emotions | episode 02

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How to stop and think before reacting? What does it really mean to navigate your Emotions? Can we control or master emotions?
If you ever felt you've lost control of your emotions, and you regret it, we have a simple solution to help you change.
Learn how to stop and think before reacting and learn how to respond instead.
In this video we explore how emotions are made in the brain, what happens to us when they move through our body and why emotions make us react.

Joshua Freedman Six Seconds, shares neuroscience based tips to help you stop and think, and PAUSE before reacting. Joshua shares ideas from Candace Pert and her work on Molecules of Emotions as well as research from Antonio Demasio and his work on embodied emotions. Joshua explains what it means to navigate your emotions and how you can master emotions with one easy technique.

Check out this EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Learning Lab Episode 02: Navigate Emotions (this time, with ducks! 🦆🦆🦆).
--) learn about the biology of emotions
--) learn what emotions do to your body
--) learn about the emotional cascade effect
--) learn how to activate the Six Seconds pause
--) learn how to become a more emotionally intelligent person

Ready for more about emotional intelligence? Want to be better with neuroscience? Emotional Intelligence is a set of learnable skills and you can increase your EQ today to create a positive future.

Check out our brand new video course on Udemy
Emotional Intelligence at Work | Master Your Emotions

Download a FREE ebook to get started practicing emotional intelligence
Practicing Emotional Intelligence

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#stopandthink #sixseconds #emotionalintelligence

0:00 - Start
0:19 - Emotions are chemicals
2:54 - Cascade effect
4:36 - Downshifting, fight flight freeze
5:20 - Six Seconds pause
6:20 - Recap
Рекомендации по теме

This is really a fantastic explanation Josh. It will help me so much in explaining the 6 Seconds Pause to the leaders and teachers that I work with! Thank YOU!!


Yes!! Such a brain-friendly explanation of the neuroscience of emotions. Thank you Joshua!


This is one of the best descriptions of how Emotions work and the link between our brains, emotions, chemicals and call! And the best part is, it comes with an "Actionable Tool", aka the 6-second pause.


Finally there's an explanation that makes sense for me why I feel so out of control sometimes and overwhelmed when Im angry. I've tried counting to 10 so many times and it doenst work. But maybe I wasn't using ALL of MY BRAIN. i'll try the pause and see how it works.


Absolutely fantastic Josh. The way you explain things makes learning fun and easily absorbed. Thank You


Great presentation you are just lovely . Your warmth together with your perfectly paced explanation is so helpful. I will share for sure. Thank you.


Your videos are perfect man i just couldnt understand why im so angry all the time, i understand its not who i am but how i think!


That's a useful technique to know, Josh. I'm referring to the idea of inserting the cookie recipe and computing the portions required to produce six batches. Thank you.


An excellent way to present some really useful information. Love your stuff!


This is so much fun, a very creative way to learn the complexity of emotions and the brain and make it easy to understand. Thank you Josh, learning is always fun with you.


But how to create a little space, how to pause when we got angry? what should we do?


Thank you, Josh. This is excellent and will help immensely.


Thank you so much :) for another super fantastic video. You made it very simple.


Great presentation with practical info for managing emotions during fight or flight activation…. love the metaphor of the waterfall cascade and the pin ball machine to describe a flood of emotion and the need to pause during intense situations to neutralises the molecules of emotions and interrupt the cascade. Brilliant!


Best video I have ever seen about emotions. Thank you for doing this!


this is marvelous! So if I instantly shift my focus from the thought that first generates the undesired chemical to another thought or to something I happen to be doing for 6 seconds (and don't engage with that thought again), I'm gonna be able to move that undesired thought to trash?


I feel like I'm only half-understanding this. I understand I need to think more before I react, it's what everything in my research has said, but usually when I react, it happens so fast. I find it difficult to fully comprehend how fast the "slow down" process between action and reaction should be. I keep feeling like I'm going to stare off in space and come across "slow" as I try to process a reaction. I liked the part in this about using the brain to do a quick math problem, but I think that part also confuses me, cause I suck at math and it would likely take me 6 mins to solve something simple. I don't know...


“Emotions are embodied.” Eckhart Tolle in his book “The Power of NOW” declares that “our emotions are our bodies’ reactions to our thoughts.” I would like to add that many people confuse emotions and feelings. Unlike feelings, emotions can be faked. I think this is because feelings cannot be filtered through the mind, unlike emotions.


Biological-Electromagnetic Chemical Reactions 🎯💯🎯


Uau! Parabens! Fantastico! Eu sou professora de dança e fitness, considero os segundos iniciais de cada aula preciosos para envolver minhas alunas num clima positivo em que possam ser liberadas de todas as tensoes e entrem no flow da aula como experiencia optimizada. Acredito que a escolha das musicas e dos movimentos expressios da dança, sempre orientados aos estados emocionais positivos como a alegria, podem contribuir nestes 6 segundos iniciais para mudar toda a experiencia da aula, mantendo as alunas engajadas e imersas no flow da alta performance e experiencia optimal. Gostaria de saber mais sobre como o cerebro funciona, nestes momentos em que a dança, o movimento expressivo e a musica sao introduzidos nos momentos da pausa de 6 segundos, ja que certamente alteram a quimica corporal pela açao direta que impacta o corpo e pode facilitar o desenvolimento da inteligencia emocional e tambem o estado de flow. Obrigada.
