INFJ Dating Advice - Stop Waiting For The ONE

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Aug 7th, 6pm CET, 12pm EST, 9am PST

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Thanks for watching 😊 what are your experiences? Have you been this way? Are you still this way? Where are you at right now? Let me know 👍😀


In my opinion, self love only goes so far. We are built for relationship. I think we've all had days where someone smiles at us and treats us well, and it makes us feel so good for the rest of the day. A lack of love can create an existential crisis. A person alone on an island no matter how self-loving, will go crazy. I think a lot of mental disease out in the world is people living all alone surrounded by others.


"We're so afraid of being ourselves, because we're scared of rejection" - this is so true. Great advice


"I kind of feel like I'm waiting"- 1:33
WOW! What an insight, and something I can absolutely relate to. As an INFJ, it feels as though you have so much to give, so many dreams and thoughts, and people don't see it because we are pretty private. So we wait for people to take interest in us and ask us what we feel. But we shouldn't put our fate into other people's hands, but take initiative and give what we have to give when we want to give it.


I’m alone because I haven’t found who I want - not because people haven’t wanted me. But as a super empath I’ve pulled in the wrong people, mainly narcissistic men, so I’ve had to do a lot of work on myself to stop 🛑 bringing in emotional vampires. I’ve lived my life mostly alone. It’s a good life. But I do get lonely. So I’ll keep moving forward and hoping the universe delivers as I continue to grow myself, and love myself enough to say “no” to the wrong broken people.


It's not always self loathing, if I need someone to love me, to have purpose. I was trained as a child to avoid being myself, because there was deep abandonment, making it a fight or flight type situation. I have figured out that there is so much training involved in what is my personality. Now, that I get why i am where I am, I can begin changing the way I express my personality, and move away from the knee-jerk reaction of "needing" someone else. I actually like myself.


Thanks, Wenzes! I'm glad to hear you say "self-love is a discipline" because it certainly is! I thought is was just me....even when someone start a giving me attention, it is a challenge to stay focused and centered on making me happy. I'm learning the signs: when I become unhappy after that "rush" of feeling lovable, it means I've lost my center and stopped loving myself.


Hi Wenzes, re: 'INFJ's try being the person they think the other person will like.' I think your analysis is spot-on.
And if INFJ's enter a relationship, many end up giving their love to a narcissist. It seems to be a common pattern.
Loving yourself is indeed the cure. It's not selfish (like the narcissist) as long as you also love others. :)


Am 23 never gone on a single date i can play it in my mind like a movie but going always have an excuse of not going to


I've been watching you for awhile and I picked up this video because I met someone online who seems really interesting. As an infj I can be in a room of a 100 men and a hundred and first one is the one that I'm interested in. So I've been telling this person about some of the lessons I've learned since the pandemic by watching videos like yours about me and my personality.. It's a pretty unusual thing to start a relationship with knowing some of the traits that I already have that aren't going to go away. And we've been talking for about 3 weeks now online and things are going pretty well I would say. The more I Empower myself by saying this and this is what I need,
I noticed how uncomfortable it is for me to articulate. Stop being sad once it's out there in print, I can go back to it and stay yes that's that's who I am and that's the way I see the world and because of that that's my truth. You don't have to like it or you don't have to love it. But that's who I am. I'm almost saying you know if you can't handle who I am walk away now. The idea of falling in love with someone online so you've only known for 3 weeks and all of that total combination of conversation might be the total of two typed pages, leads me to believe this to be a love bomb situation.. but it's so far it's okay. I told him I only want to be friends and see what happens after that. And I'm not budging on that


I am so thankful for you Wenzes. This is such a concept and it is freedom, our fight to be free. It’s the messiest battle but nothing is more beautiful in the end.


I used to see a lot of general tarot card readings online and many times get this card "love yourself first" in it. but I never really understood what it meant. I think you just sorted it out for me


Another amazing video. Co dependent relationships are the unhealthiest ever. Loving myself is the most important thing which I learnt in life. And you are right that we shouldn't lose ourselves completely when we fall in love with a person, I made that mistake in the past but not gonna repeat it again. I love your content so much and can relate to it a lot. Please keep posting more videos😍😍


No relationship is perfect. They all take work. Be authentic and love who you are.


thank you so much honestly just watching this 10 min video has changed my life forever thanks for the content


"That person loves me, so why in the hell should I love myself" OMG WOW!


I love your videos so much. They have been a great help to me. 🙂


You are the light, believe it, love it, be you!❤️


Interestingly enough, I learned this lesson early in life.   My only problem was, my family and friends wouldn't believe me when I acted like "that one right person"  wasn't enough to fill up my whole life.  In fact, I often felt like they were trying to get me to quit doing what I enjoyed in order to devote myself to finding that one right person ( in my case, finding the right guy to marry).  The pressure was actually  the hardest while I was doing fulfilling work - broadcasting and music teaching.

I believe that people are important, and if we have good friends or a significant other who supports us, it makes a big difference.  But I really agreed when you mentioned us "giving out of our integrity."   I had to start with loving myself and reject the "either/or" factor in relationships.  I've always been most comfortable with people who appreciate what I am doing and being supportive of it.  I want to be accepted for what I do as much as what I am.

Автор who is the one? Who is the one, guess time will tell. You are right....Tony Robbins talks about how an individual makes themselves happy in his Awaken The Giant Within book. I did not believe it for many years...until July 2018 when i met up with one girl who i went to college with. During that when i realized that it will be me that will make me happy. Other people can enhance the level of your own personal happiness but they can never create it inside of you.
