What Having a 'Growth Mindset' Actually Means

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Individuals who believe their talents can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and input from others tend to achieve more than those who believe their talents are innate gifts.

00:00 The meaning of "growth mindset" has become distorted
00:59 Misconception 1: "I already have it, and I always have"
01:27 Misconception 2: A growth mindset is just about praising and rewarding effort
01:54 Misconception 3: Just espouse a growth mindset, and good things will happen
02:16 Here are some traits of companies that encourage growth mindset
02:50 But, we all have our own fixed-mindset triggers to overcome

This is because they worry less about looking smart and they put more energy into learning. When entire companies embrace a growth mindset, their employees report feeling far more empowered and committed; they also receive far greater organizational support for collaboration and innovation. In contrast, people at primarily fixed-mindset companies report more of only one thing: cheating and deception among employees, presumably to gain an advantage in the talent race.

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This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 2 months ago about self development. Now I have 155 subs and almost 75 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place.


This video explains the "growth mindset" within a context of a larger Fixed Mindset. It keeps its focus on an individual but only hints on the source of the Fixed Mindset. Because of that, it "gets lost in the woods" of good concepts which then sound like buzzwords. In other words, it does not explain the essence/conditions of the Growth Mindset. The essence of the Growth Mindset is to have the opportunity to grow or in Lean management terms - Respect for People. There are - so many - great concepts/practices to explain the Growth Mindset. Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset is like living in two separate time/space dimensions.
Please consider the following "features" of the Fixed Mindset: focus on the How plus the "loyal" language, (productivity is a form of violence), silos, cost mindset, "the cart in front of the horse" reactive conversations, macho way "not having the time to do it right, but always having the time to do it over", immaturity (blame, excuses, defensiveness, cynicism, criticism, condescending behaviour, toxic culture etc), FEAR, stress, drama, curse of competence/incompetence, loneliness, wilful blindness, little lies, narcissists, violence (any form), etc.


This is very good. I'm going to share this with my 5th graders. We've been working on building our growth mindset all year. (Wow! Love the idea that, "We all have our own fixed mindset triggers.")


Key takeaways - AIR: 1) Align effort and progress, 2) Invest in learning, and 3) Reward based on outcome.


i was always insecure with the fixed mindset, i was afraid to look at the basics as i would feel stupid if i just found something out in the basics, with the growth mindset it goes away slowly


Growth mindset is a result of our beliefs, if one belief in his own mind that he can do anything and he has a strong willingness to do that stuff, he will do it . This strong belief leads you to make a strategy to reach your goals . That beliefs fosters you to follow that strategy and face difficulties and makes efforts, learn more along the path, try again and again, and don't quit or give up . Until you will see the results . To sum up, belief is the fuel of Growth mindset .


This concept holds true in personal life as much as it is important in corporate! I think its a powerful tool to overcoming struggles, self enhancement. Feeling of empowerment and worth does wonders to staying committed


Key success.1.Understand fix mind and find what to change.2.Understand growth mind set and go on new habit until new concrete habit.3.Notice yo yo effect if happening in the middle period of time.4.Keep going in new habit no return to old habit.5.Keep in it take a lot of time to success, make mind, gain some, lose some.


Hmm good info. Very difficult to find it in Corporate World now a days.


there are people who compete on concepts and people who compete on details. people who compete on concepts are okay but those who compete on details i hate because theyre way too competitive strategize and specialize is the


I actually don't trust the Harvard brand but you don't leave my algorithm so here I am


The background music is just too loud and distracting. How I wish there was a way to turn it off or lower it down


Very interesting video! Thanks for sharing.


i hate people with growth mindset especially those who compete on details and concepts. people who compete on concepts are okay but those who compete on details i hate because theyre way too competitive. strategize and specialize is the


amazing, it helps me a lots for now and also future 🥰🥰


I try to avoid phraseology like "individuals who..." when I present the concepts of growth mindset and fixed mindset 😊


Can I just skip the "Other's feedback" and "Admitting errors" part? 😅


I wished it is in german language spoken. Or can is find in german, anywhere?


2026 May 12 – HBR youtube channel – What Having A “Growth Mindset” Actually Means
(Tracer: Comment Part 1 by Emmanuel Matuco started on the HBR Explainer: Solving Problems Using The Worst Idea Possible)


Good stuff but unfortunately this is purely academic exercise. Culture and power structure in a company over shadows individual mindset. If the CEO has no growth mindset and courage to lose his job (i.e. not empowered), the rest of the team does not matter that much.
