Why Can't We See Evidence of Alien Life?

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Stand by for an animated exploration of the famous Fermi Paradox. Given the vast number of planets in the universe, many much older than Earth, why haven't we yet seen obvious signs of alien life? The potential answers to this question are numerous and intriguing, alarming and hopeful.
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meanwhile in alien youtubes, "top 10 Moments nearly detected by humans"


“Saying there is no life in the universe because we haven’t found any evidence is like going to the beach and scooping up a glass full of water, and saying ‘there are no whales in this ocean’”-Niel DeGrasse Tyson


Why is the narrator's voice so therapeutic??? I dozed off after 3 minutes and woke up next morning


What if all life is perfectly separated to the point we are never ment to meet


What if we're the one's being watched underneath a microscope but too small to notice?


Everytime i think about space, i end up having a panic attack.


We're violent, destructive and territorial. I would keep my distance if I were an alien.


In my opinion, there is life out there. And we humans, are also called "Aliens" in their world, wondering the same thing if we also exists.


We still haven't found intelligent life, even here on Earth.


What if planets are atoms in a bigger human


If your watching this 9 years later you are definitely addict to these videos like I am 😂


"Maybe the aliens existed too early or we existed too late that we might be one of the last organisms ceasing to exist." -Han of Renoir


Maybe they were sending signals but we didn't have the technology so they gave up :/


*Long Story Short:* We're Not Advanced Enough.


never had a more perfect combination of an existential crisis and ASMR simultaneously


Humans haven't even been living a million years to even noticed other life forms in the universe.


We can't even get along with our own kind, we don't need to get on the bad sides of extra-terrestrial life too.


I haven't even found evidence of my love life, let alone alien life.


Can we appreciate the fact that this animation was made 9 freaking years before🙌


The thing is, maybe we (and them) have out-developed technology to a point where it cannot develop much further and this is somewhat the furthest that technology can go. Which means that a cost-benefit analysis would result in a negative by any civilization to send thousands of things into space. Why would they? Especially if they might already understand a lot of the universe and don't feel like they need to explore much more. Having reached the limit of technological development also means might mean that they cannot reach other solar systems (just like us) with spacecraft or it would not be realistic (just like for us with our current technology).

This is why we will not see leftovers of such alien materials that quickly and often as you might expect at all. Maybe never.

Maybe if one civilization has actually survived millions of years and can travel between star-systems to survive dying home-stars, they can detect us. But again, their cost-benefit analysis would result in the question: Is it worth it to travel passed a thousand or million stars away just to reach a civilization that they don't know whether we are dangerous or not? Or to send signals to us while we might be a dangerous more advanced civilization than them? (how would they know for sure)

Even if there is already an entire network of civilizations in some places of the Milky Way galaxy, they might see us as a primitive, basic species that should just be left alone and not bothered. Like how we are slowly getting more respect for nature and we want to leave habitats alone and let animals in the wild just be themselves without disrupting their environment. If they already know about our existence, why would they bother letting us know? In what way would they benefit from letting us know that they know? They don't really care and maybe already know a lot about our milky way, not having much left to discover or explore.

And then for the sad theory: We might just be an incredible coincidence. Think about all the random events that were needed for our planet to thrive with life. 1) Our planet being on the exactly right location from our star (the sun). 2) our planet having exactly 1 moon that has a good effect on our climate regulation (ocean tides, shifting winds). 3) Jupiter being on the exactly right location for us to throw many incoming asteroids away from us instead of towards us. 4) Earth having exactly right combinations of materials, subtances and gasses, forming and maintaining an ozon layer that is perfect. 5) Our star (the sun) throwing off less violent flares, having less aggressive activity around it than other stars. And having the exactly right amount of mass and size. 6) Earth having the exactly right size and mass to not create certain problems or risks for supporting life for an abnormal long period of time. 7) Evolution taking place and the coincidence of one-out-of-a-million species and variations of all the animals on earth (->the apes) accidentally evolving into something with larger-brain-capacity and complex brain-acitivity in the skull due to a coincidental biological/genetic effect, becoming something with higher intelligence. Possibly, we were never meant to be this advanced. That could be a diversion, an abnormality between the millions of animals/species on Earth. Or a wonder, a miracle, however you want to see it. So maybe, we were never meant to be. We possibly shouldn't exist and or an error in evolution. Could be but I like to think not. I see the more beautiful side of it. We were meant to be.

We have just had a small amount of time to develop on Earth. Some animals here have been here for 10 to 50 times longer than us. Maybe any planet like ours experiences mass-extinction events more often than we have found out by our research. Maybe the next mass-extinction event can happen any time now. A time that gives any civilizations too little time to grow very advanced.
