Game Theory: DON'T Trust Your Neighbor (Welcome Home)

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Friends, welcome back to the neighborhood! Last we left off we were going through the Welcome Home website trying to see what we could find from this new update, and boy is there a lot. However, I believe what we’re talking about today is the KEY to all of this, and explains most of what’s going on in this world. So take a seat neighbor, and let’s watch together!

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Writers: Matthew Patrick, Eddie “NostalGamer” Robinson and Tom Robinson
Editors: Dan "Cybert" Seibert, Tyler Mascola, Koen Verhagen and Alex "Sedge" Sedgwick
Sound Designer: Yosi Berman
#WelcomeHome #WelcomeHomePuppetsShow #WallyDarling #WelcomeHomeLore #WelcomeHomeWally #Theory #GameTheory #Matpat
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Matpat didn't point it out, but it also makes sense for Franky to be growing food if he''s human. He's the only one that actually needs to eat.


I'm going to be honest, the videos of the conversations between two characters that suddenly cut off when someone mentions Wally is exactly what it feels like to be caught dissociating/zoning out.


Matpat seems like the kind of person who's entire house is filled with pictures connected to eachother with things written on the walls with a red marker


I also found it odd that frank’s the only one that can actually rotate his entire head around. It’s like he needs to keep watch of every corner of his surroundings or else he might get caught, if he hasn’t already.


Honestly, Eddie the Mailman is the only one who actually sounds irritated and frustrated with Barney B. I would too if someone was chasing me down.


Whether there are deeper lore implications to it or not, I do love the detail of Barnaby chasing Eddie, mailmen can’t catch a break from dogs even when they’re puppets 😂


Matpat is the detective in a modern mystery movie, he gets it right just for the lore to go in a completely other direction


Frank’s name is the only one that doesn’t have an -ie or -y at the end. Wally, Barnaby, Julie, Sally, Poppy, Eddie and Howdy but then… Frank. He’s also said to be arguably the smartest neighbour in the neighbourhood in his character description.


13:33 Since this is Wally's perspective, this means that Wally probably placed the clothe pins like that and therefore knows that Frank is the odd one out. He might also be showing the rotting fruit because Frank isn't compatible with the neighborhood and so his plants rot in the soil of the neighborhood


Julie is also associated with flowers, so Frank may be saying something about Julie lying as a lying flower. Bonus detail for this is that she is also known for making up ganes, playing pretend and taking her pretend games way too seriously, taking on the role to where you don't know if she believes she's the character or not. Sally's association with theatre is at least an honest and direct distinction between acting and being genuine, distinct from lying, which makes it all the more important to point to Julie in regards to themes of lying...


Side note to support this theory: When they mention Wally, his "possessed by home side" comes out, and you can clearly tell because in your last theory before this one you explained how Wally sometimes is warning us about home. "I can't see." when they mention Wally and his bad side is returning, the screen or perspective GLITCHES. That means Wally is losing is vision and "can't see" anymore. His evil side is returning. So when it's the whole "I can't see you can you see me" page, commonly he would definitely see us because his eyes are friggin glowing, but that's because he's shifting to his bad side and "can't see". He's warning us of what's yet to come.


I think the clip about the flowers at 12:58 has an additional layer: Frank implies that blue flowers are lying and there are 3 blue figures. I wonder if the other 2 neighbors lying are Wally and Home or if there are secrets involving other neighbors that Frank hasn't yet revealed to us


Honestly even before all this was revealed Frank seemed like the odd one out. He’s clearly in the role of the straight man, the normal person among this batch of wonderful cartoony characters who’s there to point out how this is all weird. If anyone was gonna be a spy or an outlier it’d obviously be Frank


Before Home “Opens and closes its doors judgmentally”, Barnaby was talking about how Eddie is “getting better at running”, and that he’s scared easily. He’s obviously referring to him chasing him for the kazoo, especially since that’s what Barnaby brings up right afterwards. Thus Home being unhappy would make sense and have nothing to do with malicious intentions. Also, right before those final creaks and bangs, a silent creak is heard (which is also not mentioned in the transcript), which sort of sounds like a concerned whine, almost as if it’s worried for Wally. In the case of those last few noises though, while it could be interpreted as laughter, it might be it attempting to “wake up” Wally. Speaking of which, it seems like Wally isn’t just watching the other characters during the recordings. In none of them is he ever looking at a character, seemingly being spaced out, with him only moving his hand a bit in only one of them. This is further emphasized in that last recording, with Wally seemingly just blankly staring at his canvas, and Barnaby points out his strange behavior.


Another thing that’s convincing of the Frank theory is that the image currently on the bottom of the homepage is laid out like the Last Supper with Wally as Jesus and Frank seated where Judas is


Don’t forget the 5 P’s
1: do not publish PRIVATE info
2: stick to PUBLIC info
3: do not tressPASS
4: do not PHONE or harass anyone
5: keep the discussion in one PLACE


I like how matpat graduated from Duke University, which has an acceptance rate of like 5% and specializes in medical practice, to make theory about video games and other popular media


Whether this or not, Frank is definitely something important. This is an ARG. Everything is thought out. There’s no way they just randomly don’t have a backstory for him


Idk how mat is always able to connect such obscure dots in every theory he makes, man must be a genius.


I wonder if Wally's last name, Darling, is a reference to Wendy Darling from Peter Pan. Is Home some kind of Neverland? A place where children never grow up? Is Wally going to need to choose between growing up or staying trapped within Home?
