Game Theory: Don't BREATHE! (Poppy Playtime Chapter 3)

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The new trailer for Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 released so we NEED to talk about it. Now that Mommy Long Legs is seemingly gone, Poppy herself is still as elusive as ever, and Huggy Wuggy is still there being Huggy - what else can we expect from this new chapter? Will we FINALLY face Bron? That seems to be the big hint... which is why I think they are playing us. What do I mean? Watch to find out!

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Writers: Matthew Patrick and Tom Robinson
Editors: Jerika (NekoOnigiri), Daniel Zemke, Tyler Mascola, and JayskiBean
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman

#PoppyPlaytime #PoppyPlaytimeChapter3 #Poppy #PoppyPlaytimeLore #PoppyPlaytimeTrailer #HuggyWuggy #MommyLonglegs #MatPat #Theory #GameTheory
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How to write an indie horror game:
Step 1: make a short game with some hidden lore
Step 2: have MatPat write, I mean solve the lore
Step 3: profit


If Matpat can deduce this much from a minute-long trailer, I think the second Scott Cawthon shows a random pixel, Matt will be able to analyse it, break it down and link it to the FNAF lore.


I feel like the gas mask is going to be this chapter’s “tool”. If you notice, in every chapter a new helpful tool is discovered to help you in the game, like the hands. I think the gas mask isn’t just something for the trailer, but it’s going to be a game function


Mommy long legs also said "they'd always go and never come back." Combine that with the train to the play care facility and the mention of gas, and this game just took a WAY darker turn than anything I was prepared for.


Sometimes it feels like Matt has more fun with his intro than the rest of the theory all put together.


Don't forget about the withdrawal syptoms shown by both Mommy and Poppy. The increasingly erratic behaviour, the enlagement of the pupils etc... Since no one is working anymore there is no one producing said gas. Explaining why the toys were nice before, and hysterical and murderous now. I don't remember exactly where I stumbled upon this theory, I think it was superhorrorbro but I am not sure.
(It was Tericho)


Here's another theory about the gas masks. What if they weren't worn around children in some gas chambers but rather around the toys themselves? In Poppy's commercial it was said that Poppy's hair smells like her namesake flower. Since it's obvious that they used opium poppy, which was mostly used as a somewhat drug to feel a sensation of joy and euphoria, in which would be usable for Playtime Co. to sell many toys smelling like poppies and easily give joy to children. Not only that, but since the scientists used the poppies to create living toys, it would be obvious enough that the toys would smell as those flowers as a result. Which would explain why in the beginning of Chapter 2, the game starts with a happy Mommy Long Legs commercial that ends with Poppy telling us to 'Wake up'. Because in the end of Chapter 1 we open the case where Poppy has been. Smelling like poppy flower. And of course, it would also explain why employees were instructed to keep a minimum distance of 20 yards away from Mommy Long Legs ( not just because of her hostile nature). Because she smelled like a poppy flower. It could also be that all the bloody toys we see around the factory smelled like poppy flowers. So in conclusion, the gas masks were worn because the toys smelled like opium poppies.
But hey, that's just a theory!


I feel that Bron will actually be a mini-boss before the actual boss, much like Pugapillar, Bonzo, and the Huggies. Maybe the one who will "greet" us when we load chapter 3.


to add an even darker spin on this theory, if the children were regularly being gassed by opium, an incredibly addictive substance, it could be a reason why there were seemingly no escaped orphans, the children were so addicted the the poppy gas that they didn't have the will to leave the factory if they couldn't get one more hit of the drug, much like real life addicts and if this is true, it explains why there are so many broken toys snapped open, the remaining toys are breaking open by the other toys in order to get some remnants of the opium drugs still in the system. for all we know, they could've been using the opium on actual employees as well, in order to help them with their experiments and not leak it to the public.


I love how he just extracts every single thing he can even when it seemed hopeless, keep it up Matpat :)


This went from being a FNaF-Bendy hybrid of a story to an Orphan Holocaust Toy Factory story very quickly... and that's horrifying.


Who else is coming back to these videos after playing or watching a playthrough of Chapter 3 to see how much Mat got right?


Doesn't it seem like Bron is...watching you? Even though he's never a mid boss or a final boss for the chapter, he's just...always there. And it's not like he's just some cameo or minor detail because, as MatPat said, he's always shown in the teasers/chapters, without fail. Maybe he's someone's eyes (like a security system) or, since his eyes were gouged out in the first trailer, maybe he's a potential ally in the future. He seems like- and I'm sorry to make this comparison- the Golden Freddy of Poppy Playtime.


I think Bron's appearances are not just a simple distraction, rather it's a conditioning. If Bron appear many times enough as a red herring, the audience will start to 'ignore' him.

Which is why I instead believe Bron will be the 'final' or at least 'close final' boss. Which will make his appearances on these trailers to be 'sensible'.


im surprised he actually predicted chapter 3 so accurately


If the gas theory is correct, I think Bron could be a glad-os type character. Who doesn't physically move a lot but controls different parts of the facility. Like maybe releasing a deadly gas.


This also reminds me of how bad orphanages were and how they could get away with beating kids to death and no one would bat an eye because they don't have anyone looking for them.


1:09 Huggy's laying like he fell symbolising the real Huggy's "death", Mommy's in two symbolising when she was crushed in two, and Bron's head's there suggesting that that's how he'll die in THIS chapter


Matt: Bron the dinosaur-
Me, who just got why he's named Bron: HES A *BRON* TOSAURUS


it's also worth noting (and this seems to be a little overstepped here) about Bron.... the gas mask *seems* to be a chopped up version of his face, the filters look like they are glued or screwed into the segment of the face for Bron. A normal mask's filter would fit snug against the shape of the mask itself, not leave a giant triangular edge (a spot where air potentially could leak)

It's possible Bron was a "warden" in the gas chambers, a big reason why Bron would be seen as the scariest dinosaur, the last dino they see before they are put to sleep.
