Restarting My Weight Loss Journey

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I am restarting my weight loss journey. Yep it's another attempt but what choice do I have. Here's my latest weight loss update.

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How have you been doing on your journey?


I’m 68 years old and have lost 70 pounds over the past 15 months. I started at 204 pounds and am currently at 133 pounds. I’ve struggled with weight my entire life and have lost between 80 and 100 pounds, previously, two times, but have never been able to keep it off. I’m hopeful that at my age I’ll be smart enough to keep it off this time, but for me, the maintaining is far more difficult than the diet. Best of luck to you, on your journey.


As a loyal viewer- I selfishly want you around for a long, long time. Good health is important. I'm happy you are continuing the weight loss journey.


I applaud your starting again! It's great you are doing this. As an overweight woman of 70, I encourage you to drop the weight now at 51. It's so much more difficult as you age and the fears of falling increase. I'm back on my own journey and will be quietly cheering you on! 👏👏👏👍🏻


Stay strong, brother! You can do it! You'll get a lot of advice. My 2-cents: Just remember that about 70-80% of weight loss is based on what you eat. You can't exercise away a bad diet. Go, Tony!


This is awesome, Tony. Yeah the "secret" to weight loss is there's no secret, and you know what it is: eat fewer calories, move more. The _how_ you do those things are highly personalized. I am just 8 pounds from my goal weight (160). I'm 5'10" with my start weight of 300 in Autumn of 2020. I just made a few very small changes which just avalanched into massive changes, and yeah I just turned 50. I'm healthier and more fit than I was at 20, it's absolutely possible! I'm cheering for you!


Thanks for the encouragement Tony. In 2021 I began a committed weight loss program and was initially successful, losing 30 lbs. Then my Dad passed in October of the same year and found myself struggling to keep up with my daily exercise routine, thus gaining back the weight I loss and more. Lately I’ve been feeling as though I miss working out and the confidence it gave me. I’m ready to resume my journey, wish me luck!💜


I have an A1C of 5.7. Started low carb. I do 100 carbs 5 days a week and do 10, 000 steps those 5 days. I give myself weekends off so I can relax. I have now made it to goal weight. You can do this Tony.


I have had to restart my journey also. Glad to have company!💙


Good for you Tony! My favorite saying is "Failure is not the falling down, it's the staying diwn" & "i didn't gain. It over night, so I am not going to lose it overnight!" You got this!!


Losing weight is the second hardest thing to do….. keeping it off is the hardest. It’s a mindset and lifestyle that’s just difficult to do. Good on you for jumping back on the bus. Good luck and keep on keeping on!!!


I am 4’11” and 76 . Most of my adult life try to watch my weight. The low carb is my best success. Cannot do it 100% but try to adhere as much as possible. I would be obese if I did nothing to try to keep my weight down. Good luck and I enjoy the travel as well as the personal chat .


Thanks Tony, I too have stopped but feel encouraged to restart. I’ll be on this journey alongside you!


Good for you I was 108 in high school and wasn’t even eligible to donate blood… 55 I’m 185 and at 5’2” it’s a LOT…..I lost 32 pounds before the pandemic on Keto but have now gained it all back……you announcing this tonight that you’re getting back into the groove of eating a little better and moving a little more has inspired me too!!! Maybe I’ll keep you updated on my journey just like you share with all of us😊 LOVE your cruise/travel videos! Was glad you were not hurt in Dublin! Our prayers and love to Don💗 best of luck on your new journey 👍👍👍


I started slowly gaining weight after retiring in 2014 but COVID really helped me pack it on.
While visiting Yosemite in 2021 I was unable to do some of the hikes I had previously done so when we got home I put my nose to the grindstone.
Over the next 16 months I went from 248 to 160. A lost of 88 pounds! It was work but it was worth it! No longer pre-diabetic, sleeping better, back pain is gone, and asthma under control. During my last physical my doctor (new one at the VA) could not believe that I was 69 years old and said she would have guessed 55, maybe 60.
Stick with it Tony! You can do it!
BTW, I ate anything I wanted but counted the calories. I did cut desserts to only 2 a week and haven't had a sugared drink since 2021. At first 5, 000 steps was difficult but I routinely do over 20, 000 now.


Good luck with the journey Tony. I'm 65 years old, been between 315 and 330 most of the last 25 years. In January, a PT friend of mine suggested i watch some YouTube videos on intermittent fasting. He suggested videos by Eric Berg and Jason Fung. I watched quite a few videos by these guys and others (there are plenty of others) and in March, after returning from a vacation, I decided to give it a try. I'll spare you the details but after roughly 3.5 months I've lost 40 pounds. The health benefits of autophagy are well documented (see 2016 Nobel Prize for study of autophagy). I'm hoping to stick with it and see where it leads. Good Luck! As an obese guy most of my life, I understand the struggle . . . and the unhealthy relationship with food and drink.


I'm rooting for you, Tony! I'm having success in doing intermittent fasting. I think that might work well with a cruising lifestyle. Best wishes.


I feel for you brother! I started watching this channel late year. I’m 52 struggling with weight issues also. Your videos inspired me to lose over 70 lbs. I started the day after thanksgiving. I know I should exercise but I don’t. I lost the weight doing the carnivore diet. Maybe give it a shot. It’s not for everybody but it’s working for me.


I’ve struggled too, Tony. I’ll be following to hear your progress. And remember today is the first day of the rest of your life.


Tony, Good for you. I started walking everyday in 2016. Didn’t worry about the number of steps at first, just walked 30 minutes everyday non stop. After awhile I made it to an hour at a time non stop. I am now approaching 2000 days straight of 10, 000 steps minimum. After awhile it becomes a habit and now I feel guilty if I don’t do it. What really amazes me is I have gone that many days and never felt bad enough not to walk. I turn 63 in Sept. Just make walking a priority and you will be amazed at the results
