Quitting sugar: A 10-day detox plan for weight loss

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Leader of the Cleveland Clinic's Center for Functional Medicine, Dr. Mark Hyman, believes there is new hope for the tens of millions of people who are overweight or obese. Hyman joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss his new book, "The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook."
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The doctor is completely right. I did it 28 days and lost 20 pounds. Felt 100 percent better.


I followed this plan and lost 100lbs in 5 months! I know it works and I feel great. 3 years later I still have kept the weight off.


This man kept his smile on his face although he was talking to rude journalists who have no clue what it means to be a good listener. If they had let him do a three minute presentation without interruption maybe there would’ve been time for sample meals. Now I have to go to another video or Internet search to find a meal plan. Gayle King how did you get this job? I miss Phil Donahue.


I find it hilarious that the interviewers are attacking him like the true sugar addicts they are! They don’t want to hear it! I am doing Whole30 this month. I am half way through and I finally feel free from the grip sugar had on me.


I'm on day ten now of a thirty day challenge. I had a constant headache for the first four days as well as tons of depressive mood swings, but today I feel pretty good. I've started falling asleep faster and after the first four days had much less cravings for snacks. Now I have one snack per day instead of constantly grazing, which was a major issue before. I feel more confident that I can reach my weight loss goals. Also my acne is starting to fade.


What's the point of interviewing when you don't want to listen.


This "interview" came across as a cross-examination.


How many times does he need to explain the term detox


I’ve been on keto for 12 weeks, was 220 lbs, now I’m 186. Not only does cutting out 95% of sugar / carbs burned my fat, I sleep so much better, and I use to pop Advil’s a couple of times a week due to headaches and other inflammatory issues most of my adult life. I haven’t taken a single dose of Advil’s in 3 months since I cut the sugar.
We all have to come to a realization that sugar, especially highly processed like high fructose corn syrup is killing so many of us, and it’s really not our fault, this stuff is in every box of food in our supermarkets and commercialized with fun ads.
If you educate yourselves you can navigate what is best to eat. Not saying everyone goes on keto. Just cut the processed sugars and eat whole foods, read the labels, have your fruit glucose that’s natural in moderation, have baked potatoes instead of Fries. Eat more greens. Of course never drink SODA 🥤 again, sugar is as addictive as cigarettes and cocaine! Ask yourself, can you go without bread/pasta/rice for a year, or steak? Most people would pass on eating the steak, they can’t live without pizza 🍕 pasta 🍝, rice 🍚, donuts 🍩.
I wish everyone good health.


"What do you say to people who eat crappy food, and still feel pretty good?" Yeah, Gail is a real genius.


Hey guys when you interview ask a question and WAIT for the answer. Thanks from the listening audience


Dr.Hyman you are a blessing to human beings. God bless you.


The doctor is right. It's helped me feel better.


but what is detox dr mark? really what is detox? no, really how does detox work? what does detox do again dr mark? what does detox mean? but really the main question is what is detox? im not sure if we've asked what is detox?


I "quit" sugar, I've cut out sugar almost completely (all sugar except unadded sugar/what naturally occurs in fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts). My TOTAL sugar consumption is about 20g of sugar per day, usually one serving of fruit or 100ml of cranberry juice (which is extremely healthy in moderation) and/or a serving of milk for coffee or low sugar granola cereal, plus whatever miniscule amount of sugar I get from vegetables or nuts. DO IT, you'll feel incredible. Sugar is poison. Now I can taste sweetness in things I never would have considered sweet before because my brain was programmed WAY beyond its natural sugar sensing boundaries. I can't even eat candy anymore because it's overwhelmingly sweet and tastes terrible (comparable to eating something that's coated in too much salt). Please quit sugar, it is poisonous.


Charlie Rose clearly doesn't believe sugar is much of an issue.


I saw a little rule of thumb on another channel. I don't know how true it is, but I use it and I've lost 30 pounds. The speaker said 4 grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon of sugar. Try to keep your sugar intake to under 7 teaspoons of sugar per day. Somehow this made it easier for me to calculate how much sugar I was consuming.


Charlie is a terrible interviewer and the other two kept butting in over and over.... So annoying. These 3 interviewers were too slow-witted to properly interview such an intelligent man. It didn't seem like they could quite grasp the simple context of detox. DUH !


what an awkward segment. is it just me or the 3 jackasses in a way were sort of mocking the doctor ?


That’s how the media is and dirty media, mocking him and laughing at him .
