The practical dangers of hyper-dispensationalism

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Something that occurred to me this week, Messiah told "Peter" אבן That he would be the "Stone/Rock" that he would build his assembly upon.

Matthew 16:17-19

Peter "The Rock" warned that if one does not know the Thurah/Law/Instructions "Paul's" writings would be confusing.

2 Peter 3:14-16

"Christianity" went and built their house upon "Paul" in confusion, not because Paul is wrong, because they lack context, because they do not understand The Law (Psalms 19) or The Language... which in my view is why they profane both in apostacy.

IMPORTANT: Peter distinguished between Pauls "writings or epistles" and Scripture and said the unlearned would pervert his writings as THEY DO THE SCRIPTURES to their own destruction.

Worth considering. Shalum.

Love & Respect, All-Ways



John20:22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:...Here we see the Holy Ghost received on others before Acts 2. I always thought that being baptized in the Holy Ghost/Spirit happened to believers when they believed the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus for the remission of sins unto salvation. This was possible after the risen Jesus Christ event occurred, and happened different times to individuals when they received, including Paul.
