Cessationism: What, When, Who, Why This Doctrine Was Developed

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Learn what Cessationism vs Continuationism is in Christianity, and when it came into existence, why it came to be believed and by who was it originally developed as a doctrine?

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They don't even have scripture to support cessationism, while they claim it defends the sufficiency of scripture. Smh


If the apostolic gifts have ceased, how-come my mother was carried to a pentecostal healing meeting and came home walking and I went stuttering and came out talking! I am now 91 years old having spent over 20 years in central afirica as a missionary plus 20 years in the UK as a pastor.


I was born again when I was 19 years old. I still think back to how wonderful it was to have just read the Bible and believed it without all the junk that I’ve acquired over the years. I’ve gotten back to that now, but for about 10 years of the past 30 the reformed movement destroyed that intimacy I had with Christ and that pure faith.

I guess I was too naïve to know any better, but I was only a year in my faith and my friends Dad was dying of leukemia in intensive care, and I walked in and put my hands on him and said be healed in the name of Jesus. And then I looked at him and said God has healed you… now you just have to believe it and go home. I know unbelievable right that I would say such an “immature irresponsible” thing. But I just believed the Bible and I loved Jesus so much and he was healed and he went home the next day with the cancer gone.


Wow... you have explained it so well. What a strange doctrine cessationism is. If I believed that, I wouldn't bother praying, as any answer to prayer is a miracle.


Amen Brian!! You nailed it. Cessationists don’t want the gifts they are afraid of them because they want man in control. They minimize the Holy Ghost and grieve the Holy Spirit. As long as we still have an enemy who relentlessly seeks to steal, kill and destroy we need all the gifts and armor of God and a fresh filling of the most important gift God gave the Church when Christ ascended, the precious Holy Ghost.


I used to hold onto reformed theology when I first got saved. I don't hold on to it anymore, tho.


It’s interesting that they only deny the gifts that they don’t see evidence of in their own lives. They deny the gifts that require true faith. Having known many who are calvinist, I have also observed that they don’t have much faith in answered prayer either. They will say they do, but in practice they don’t.

Over and over again, Jesus told people that they had gotten what they came for from him because of their faith. he would say it has been done for you because of your faith, or he would say your faith has made you well. And yet people find it terribly offensive to say that maybe God didn’t answer your prayers, because of a lack of faith, but it’s all throughout the scripture. Now, I would never tell someone that because I can’t judge someone’s faith, but I will talk about that as a general scriptural principal.

Could it be that the majority of people, and especially those in reformed traditions, do not see evidence of the miraculous in their lives, because they lack of faith?


Mark 16:15-18 (KJV)
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


Justin Peters a Fantastic example of what NOT to believe


I love the video as usual Brian! I watched with my wife last night and again today. I like that you pointed out the fact that the supernatural gift of tongues does not always manifest in Spirit filled people (Acts 4:31). In great respect for the precious Holy Spirit I will say I believe "the fruits" of Him (Gal. 5:22-23) are an equally important witness of Christian Faith toward the lost and to fellow Christians, as are the supernatural gifts. Of course, I don't downplay the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and have/do experience them myself. Justin Peters thinks the gifts outside of teaching/preaching, are only within the "charismatics". We see Paul, however, telling the people in the church at Corinth - "Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy." (1 Corinthians 14:1). The congregates at Corinth were definitely not all Apostles! Thanks again for another great video! ✝


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Not to be rude but if you’re a Christian and don’t believe in healing, you are insulting Christ for when he paid for the healing with the stripes on his back. If you deny that healing exist, why would Christ heal you and bring you out of a wheelchair?


Thank you so much for this video. God bless you Brian!


Who and where are the ones with the gift of healing? Lots of children hospitals with sick kids. Why didn’t Paul heal his affliction? Didn’t Paul say that “God’s Grace is sufficient”?


God has ALWAYS worked miracles and God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

The Gifts of the Spirit are for the congregation - not everyone is a preacher, teacher etc etc. The gifts are to hold the body together and cause it to work perfectly, mutual edification and for effective witnessing.

We are still the body, we still need built up we still need mutual edification and we still need to be a witness.

The problem with one head, is it’s all about that one man in the pulpit who has no bodily support, the congregation doesn’t get involved, grow or get to be used by the Lord.

If this was happening in churches the devil wearing Pravda would have no place to walk in and corrupt because the body would be sharing the instructions of the Holy Spirit.

It’s unscriptural and it’s getting exposed


Exactly right. They have philosophical theology not biblical theology.


You say the cessationist are wrong and the gifts have not ceased. You blame John Calvin and Calvinism. So, per your “logic” the gifts of the spirit abounded until John Calvin comes along in the 16th century and puts a stop to it.

What examples from history can you show that these gifts were still operating and flourished until Calvin came around?

But I am more concerned with modern examples. Beginning in 1901 when the modern Pentecostal “experience”, that is the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues. That is when there is a marked difference where so many “preachers” come along and claim to have the gifts you spoke of, such as the working of miracles, the gift of healing, the word of knowledge, the gift of faith etc.

From 1901 until the present who are those individuals who have in the past or who currently operate in the gifts of the spirit?


Yes it is to be continued until his return, then it ceases.


All of those gifts that the Calvinist just mentioned any atheist can do. I was a believer for 20 years and saw many miracles in my life from praying in tongues. Once I become deceived by Calvinism, for the next 23 years, miracles ceased. When I got set free from the lies of Calvinism miracles started happening again.


My Pastor has healed the sick and resurrect the dead and caused blind men to see many were poor and some homeless. I seen a man come to church in a wheel chair and leave walking.


By calling them the apostolic gifts is a mistake. They were spiritual gifts that happened to different people, such as Agubus or Philip’s daughters. Nowhere in 1 Cor 12 were they called the apostolic gifts.
