What Changed Your Mind on Baptism? | Doug Wilson

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In this episode of Ask Doug, Pastor Doug Wilson answers the question, "What changed your mind on baptism?"

Enjoying this video? Check out Doug's books, "Standing on the Promises" and "To a Thousand Generations" today!

Ask Doug is presented by Canon Press.
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Enjoying this video? Check out Doug's books, "Standing on the Promises" and "To a Thousand Generations" today!


I am reformed baptist (little letters) however RC Sproul's and Wilson's explanation of why they engage in infant baptism has given me a greater appreciation for that view. I do appreciate that, although I remain unconvinced and still baptist.


Love Doug's openness about how he has worked through things over a lifetime of preaching and studying and living out his faith. Thanks Pastor Doug you're one of the good Shepard's appreciate it.🙏


"...for man judges the outward appearance, but the Lord judges the heart."

-1 Samuel 16:7


So I had my son before I was saved and had him baptized when he was 6 and I didn't know anything really, I was a false convert, he wasn't raised to be christian he is an adult male in rebellion against the creator and me and his baptism was basically in vain to me. I still have hope and pray that he will be saved later, but it makes absolutely no sense to me to baptize anyone who isn't professing Jesus Christ as their Savior 🤨


What is the purpose of baptism? I think this is the fundamental question


This is why I'm still a Baptist. Exegesis must be textually driven, not driven by emotions. And with the exact same hermeneutics we use for every other doctrine. Follow these sound principles and you'll arrive safely and soundly at believers baptism.


I was baptized at 12 and I wish I had waited even longer until I understood more of the significance of it


Jesus made it clear-- Repent and be baptized. In that specific order. If you're still a young kid and don't understand sin and repentance, you're not ready for baptism. The problem is that people just treat baptism symbolically, and they assume so much of their kids because they are Christians that their kids believe automatically.


I really like Doug. I am in utter shock that he would not once mention any of the scriptures in this short discourse that tell us what baptism does, but instead cooks it all down to what his father believed and then further reduces baptism to our sign of commitment as a Christian for the world or at least a congregation to see. This is not a sound apologetic.


While I agree with Doug on many things, IMO a person must choose to be baptised.


Need more sweater vest dialoguing on the matter.


There is absolutely no example of infant immersion in the New Testament. Zero. Philip would not immerse the Ethiopian until his belief was confirmed. John ridiculed the Jewish leaders who thought they were good with God because of their lineage. He preached a baptism of repentance. Peter preached repentance prior to immersion at Pentecost. Infant baptism is simply not biblical. It is from the wisdom of man. Support it at your own risk sir.


excellent, thanks for this discussion


The argument Doug is essentially putting forward is the one that ‘if you don’t find it in scripture, it therefore shouldn’t be practiced is not a logical argument’, is in itself as well not a logical argument.
He said that you can’t find in the scriptures how when he was 10 years old during a Christmas service he desired to be baptized, that is a false dichotomy. He built a straw man in order to tear it down.
No Baptist ever claims that a legitimate baptism is properly done by following a strict formulaic form; it’s not the form or incidentals that should be sought in order to adhere to biblical legitimacy.
What baptists DO declare and believe is that the person being baptized, HIMSELF comes forward with a desire to be baptized. That IS ABSOLUTELY in the bible. What I would like Doug to show me is where in the Bible anyone was forced to be baptized against their will, or even their knowledge for that matter.


My parents call themselves Christian's, but are liberal ones. That being said they raised me and my brother more or less consistent with Christian morals, but now my brother is a meth addict living on the streets for 10+ years. As a child he wasn't rebellious to a major degree, but he most certainly wasn't raised to be a drug addict. I think the raising a child scripture needs to be taken in light of understanding depravity and slavery to sin. Only God can save someone, not Christian parenting.


I was dedicated into the covenant as an infant, made a credible confession of faith in my Christian school at five, and my baptism was completed in immersion at ten.


reading books about baptism??? doctrines of men??? how about an argument for
believing the word of God? belief in the gospel of Jesus is the only prerequisite
for baptism. preach the word.


" There is not sufficient evidence from Scripture that one might justify the introduction of infant baptism at the time of the early Christians after the Apostolic period."- Martin Luther.


There is not a single verse in the Bible about infant baptism. Baptism is ALWAYS after confession of faith in the NT.
