Все публикации

Open Theism and Dynamic Omniscience with Warren McGrew, ROUND 2

Premillennialism's Pitfall

Peter Ruckman - Where I stand.

The recent fall of you know who

Shifting between Calvinism and Charismatism, with Gordon Cawsey

Quebec First: 3-way debate on Calvinism and Soteriology (French w ENGLISH captions)

IT BEGINS! Counsel And Might Seminary announcement & special guest

Michael Knowles is WRONG about the shroud of Turin

Bible Vs Quran, Sura 2:200-218 Commentary!

Replacement Theology Corrected with Daniel Rizeman

Apostolic Succession REFUTED

Prager and Heiser say it ain't cussing (+Daniel's 2300 days extra)

Millennial Debate with Dr. Sam Frost as appeared on Standing For Truth

DeCalvinizing 'you're not my sheep, you cant believe' - John 10:26

Psalm 24's everlasting doors expounded + Q & A

Stephen Shutt (Gail Riplinger's son-in-law) Interview on the King James Bible

Help our church claim TERRITORY in Montreal

The Synagogue of Satan Stuff | Interview with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson

DeCalvinizing Proverbs 16:4. God, the wicked, and the day of evil

The most sensitive passage in the Bible: Genesis 9:20-27

March for Life Quebec, more!

March for Life in Quebec!

Counsel & Might - Dr. George Antonios is live!

Captives in Gaza in the Bible