Powerful Guided Meditation for Healing & Letting Go 🤍

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A 10 minute guided meditation for healing, letting go, and inner peace. Heal your heart & emotional wounds with positive energy visualization, energy healing heart chakra tapping, and positive affirmations. This healing meditation will help you cultivate gratitude, self forgiveness, and perspective for your journey. Great for beginners and all levels.

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I’m Aileen, a lifestyle creator sharing knowledge and inspiration on creating your dream life.

Lavendaire is a resource for personal growth & lifestyle design. Follow along and learn how you can create a beautiful and meaningful life.


Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video. All opinions expressed are wholly my own.
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It’s not a coincidence that you’re reading this, you’re protected and guided by the universe. You deserve all the best, you are worthy and enough. I know it hurts right now but i promise you, it’s gonna pass and you will get stronger. This is just something that is getting you to the best version of yourself, to the life you have always wanted. I used to have no belief in myself, I was struggling with self-love but it passed. I promise it does pass. I love you. Keep going, don’t give up. It’s a journey. Keep healing yourself. And if you make a mistake, don’t give yourself anger. The little innocent kid inside you doesn’t need anger, it needs love in order to heal. Heal it with love and understanding. I love you. You will get to where you want to be. ❤️✨ I believe in you !


My dream as humanity awakens is that school children will learn meditation as part of their daily activities and spiritual education as well as art and creativity will be an integral part if their learning along with math, reading etc. Balanced right-left brain development is the formula for creating geniuses


Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her


Never thought I would cry when I meditated. I cried when I said ' I forgive myself'. The best thing to let go myself at the end of 2023. Thank you for the great video.❤


"The wound is the place where the light enters you" - - - Rumi
Really touched me.
Thank you for this lovely healing meditation for the heart, body and soul.


I didn't expect this meditation to touch me so much, I had never cried before while meditating, this was the best thing i've done for myself lately, I couldn't complete this at first because it hit me so hard and personal, after taking some good deep breaths and ended up giving it a second try, and I was able to go through all of it, feeling lighter and loved in the end, thank you so much Aileen! I appreciate your work ane dedication so much! ♡


I do your 5 mins meditation as my daily meditation. And just yesterday, I thought about try another new. Such a perfect timing, this video is here. I got my eyes teary once I’m done with this meditation and it’s such an opening eyes. I love it so much ❤
Thank you, Lavendaire. Thank you so much for making this channel.
Looks like it’s my first time drop my comment here, but I want you to know you’ve been accompanied me through a lot.
Have a beautiful day.
I love you.. 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Not crying when she asked "what your heart wants?" 💔


"And when you strip all that heaviness away, you are love, you are light".
Brought a tear to my eye, thank you for such a beautiful meditation - I really needed it. I struggle with Fibromyalgia (especially during the winter), and it feels so heavy at the moment. Your meditation helped me channel some of that heaviness away and I feel so much lighter now, thank you <3 Sending you love and light xxx


This was exactly what I needed through a really difficult time. Amazing! Thank you so much.


This brought tears to my eyes the moment you said "it's okay to feel" . Have been feeling a lot of heaviness and this was exactly what I needed. Thank you Aileen❤️


You are an incredible soul, Aileen. Feeling so enlightened and grounded after this beautiful meditation. Sending you love!


I started crying midway which made me realise how much I have been holding my negative emotions. I am so glad I have chosen the path to heal and let go.❤️


Never thought I would cry when she said the wound is where the light enters thank you lavendaire.


i never have done a meditation that affected me this much, i didn't expect to cry during it but at the end of it all i felt so much lighter and felt the healing began. thank you so much, sending love and light 💗


I was searching yesterday for healing guided meditation hoping i find one for you cause i love your guided meditations so much they are so peaceful and calming and today you published one and i can't be more grateful, thank you so much, i will meditate everyday with this and one day i will be back and say to myself i am healed i am okay cause i will ❤


this was amazing, this video come to me and I don't even know that I need it, I literally cry now the "I love me" was so hard to say but so needed, this video is so soft, so beautiful, so perfect I never see an meditation video like that before, thank you so much for that (English is not my fist language sorry for the fault) to everyone's here to healing we are one the good way !


I've been doing this for Two consecutive weeks after i broke up and it really helped. Thanks, you're an angel ((::❤


Amazing ❤ please make more of these! Your voice is so soothing!


I never believed in meditation that much until I once played one of your guided meditation and give it just a try.. Previously I tried meditation on my own without any guidance and I got impatient but the comforting warm words of yours throughout the video changed my whole feeling about meditation. From the day one it hit me differently from inside. Today after the ending of this particular one, tears literally came down in my eyes.. it was so so powerful and soothing. Sometimes, we know what is inside of us but we don't give a consciousness in it, so things become so heavy. This one really did the work, it made me conscious about my thoughts and gave it a positive meaning. Thanks a lot for your works, it was muchly needed. You somehow is saving millions life, healing the hearts and protecting mental health. Thanks a lot!!
