Come Follow Me Insights (Doctrine and Covenants 129-132, Nov 8-14)

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This week, we dive into the sections that talk about plural marriage (better known as polygamy). Unpack these sections with Taylor, Tyler, and their guest, Jenny Reeder, as they share insights into the practice of polygamy in the early Church. Stay to the end to hear a touching story about Joseph and Emma.

Come Follow Me Insights is a production by Book of Mormon Central, edited and produced by Benjamin Griffin with assistance from Joshua Taylor. Video recordings and audio editing by Zander Sturgill. Video subtitles/transcripts by Carol Jones and timestamps by Tammy Hulse.

Special Thanks to Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griffin for volunteering countless hours to make these videos a reality, and a very special thanks to Kiplin Griffin for content editing and review.
0:00 The practice of polygamy was a difficult period in church history. Historical background about plural marriage in the newly restored church.
2:17 D&C 129-130 provides instructions on a variety of topics: keys for the discerning of spirits, a celestial earth, civil war prophecy, agency and obedience, the Godhead.
7:28 D&C 131 provides additional insight about the Celestial Kingdom. To obtain the highest level in the Celestial Kingdom, one must enter the new and everlasting covenant of marriage.
10:45 D&C 132 The new and everlasting covenant of marriage, the Abrahamic Covenant, and laws governing plural marriage.
14:50 Section 132 was a private revelation to Joseph and Emma. Brigham Young had it read to the church membership in 1852 when plural marriage was made public.
19:08 The rule or law of marriage and its exceptions. Cross reference with Jacob 2: 27-30; D&C 42: 22; D&C 49: 16.
24:48 Emma’s character and struggle with plural marriage.
31:56 The revelation and practice of plural marriage in the church. The contrast between Joseph Smith’s practice and Brigham Young’s practice.
37:10 What does a church historian have to say to people who have concerns about polygamy?
42:33 D&C 132. Why marriage must be practiced consistent with the laws of God, performed under proper authority, and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise to be in effect in the next life.
48:50 Plural marriage was practiced by Abraham. Both Abraham and Sarah have entered into their exaltation.
53:12 What do we know about plural marriage in the eternities?
58:21 Conclusion: A beautiful story about Joseph and Emma Smith, their redemption and receiving a crown of righteousness.
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How do you faithfully approach difficult doctrines in the Church? We'd love to hear your thoughts below.

Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, Book of Mormon Central will be moderating this comment thread. Please be respectful of others and seek to build everyone's faith. Please don't degrade others beliefs, or state speculative doctrines. Thanks!


When the section on plural marriage was taught at seminary, I stayed in the car and slept. But really, I didn't want to hear the lesson. At BYU my friends and I skipped class on the day this section was taught. Even now I was avoiding this video. But I am glad I watched it. The presentation cleared up alot of misconceptions. I associated the plural marriage practices back then with a modern day lense, and viewed it as a form of exploitation. I dont know how JS and Hyrum had time to deal with many wives when they were already dealing with so much as it was. It is definitely a topic I am not comfortable with, but let me just say, I am not going to let this get in the way of the goodness I do know. I still believe in all the goodness JS and Hyrum did. I still know God is a loving God. And polygamy is not going to get in the way of all the goodness God has shown me. This is not something I would ever contemplate changing my religion for. The time for analyzing and getting the answers to this will come later. It was lovely to have Jenny on the show, what a beautiful perspective. There were so many things she said that provided beautiful insight. I love what Bro Griffin said about how there was an expectation on the Prophet to know everything. I also loved what Bro Halverson said about understanding the past as difficult as it is. I have so much admiration and respect for Emma. She did so much, put up with so much and sacrificed so much. As an LDS woman I am lucky and honoured to be a member of the RS group she organized. I just love the story that was mentioned at the end. That was a beautiful story. I actually got teary eyed listening to it. I am so happy for Emma. One day I will tell her how much her life has blessed mine. Thank you to the CFM team for approaching and presenting a contentious topic with open mindedness and with the guidance of the spirit ❤.


What an amazingly insightful and real dialog by this gifted sister regarding plural marriage! Her scholarship as a historian has enriched her ability to share some personal experiences of Emma as she wrestled with this challenging commandment from God. The sister’s closing witness was full of faith that even though we may not completely understand this timely God-given law bringing valiant spirits to help build the Kingdom of God, it all worked out. I am eternally grateful many of my faithful ancestors were among the those who were inspired to participate and it was often the wives who encouraged their husbands to do so!


I tell you this, that subject right there is the reason why I'm the only member in our family now. My wife simply could not put up with that, and we are still together even after thirty years of this. And even myself still struggle with that subject. But it's like elder Oaks said, trust in the Lord all these things will work out.


This was phenomenally done. A perfect example of how we do not have to hide from difficult conversations. We can handle it! And we need to work through these things together!


Thank you all.
Jenny is the best! Not only is she faithful, intelligent, knowledgable and insightful but her heart made of gold! I was privileged to work with and get to know her as we served together in the temple.


Forgiveness is to abandon all hope of a better past. I love it! 💝


I went into this week of Come Follow Me with a prayer that I would learn new ways to understand our church history and polygamy. This is the third podcast I’ve listened to about the subject and am very grateful for the perspectives of historians like Jenny Reeder, Brittany Chapman Nash, Dr. Kate Holbrook and others. It really helps! I am learning to respect these pioneers, believing that they lived this principle because of their faith in God and the commandments they received at the time. What a huge sacrifice! I love Joseph Smith and Emma. I love their legacy and everything that is important to me comes through the restored gospel.

One thing I noticed though, in the podcasts I listened to no one mentions verses 62-65 and those are the verses I struggle with the most. They just don’t make sense. I would have liked to hear your perspective on these “yuck” verses.


In response to the request for comments: I don't worry about it. I may pray about a particular question, but if no answer is forthcoming then I leave it be and just keep trying to faithfully live my life with the assumption that things will be made clear someday...maybe not til eternity.


I so enjoyed Sister Reeder sharing her knowledge and heartfelt testimony. Her sweet spirit just radiates from her. I would have enjoyed hearing more from her years of research and expertise. Thank you for another wonderful episode on such a sacred and delicate issue.


I love how honest our Church is about our past, rather it be good or bad. Honesty is so important. You all did a great job breaking this part of Church history down. Love the videos


In my youth I had observed the absolute truth (absolute in my frame of reference) that the person performing baptism was previously baptized and held the priesthood required of him for that ordinance. When I read that Joseph and Oliver baptized each other I thought I saw a contradiction. I was viewing through the the lense of my experience. Of course, I latter learned that it was the prerogative of the author of that priesthood to direct the manner of Joseph and Oliver baptizing each other. These seeming conflicts are often resolved in our minds by the spirit if we seek and ask of God. That you for expanding our knowledge.


So grateful for Dr. Jenny and all the work she put in over the years to make my heart glad today. So good! I have struggled with this issue for years. I can't imagine what Joseph and Emma went through to live this commandment. I like that what I feel is true is what I know about this subject. In everything I don't know, I can have faith in the Savior and his orchestration of saving souls for a better purpose.


This was AMAZING!!! Thank you for asking Jenny Reeder to join. She was fantastic! I learned so much today! Thank you all so much!


You handled this difficult subject so well! I love Dr. Jenny! Too many people I have heard over the years have given all sorts of opinions about plural marriage and how it applies to all of us. I agree that how this will look in the eternities has not been revealed.


I am teaching this lesson tomorrow to my seminary students. You have blessed me with insights that will aid me in ways I could not have anticipated and I will conclude, just as you did, with Emma's final story. Thank you so much.


Personally, I really don’t like the polygamy issue. I feel for Emma and admire her for her faithfulness. I think it would be a hurtful thing to live through as well.


Bravo! Excellent discussion of a difficult topic. Very grateful to Sister Reeder for her historical insights.


This was especially helpful to me (thank you Br Griffin and Sr Reeder). I had asked for guidance in understanding the section and your thoughts and ideas helped shift me from cynicism to skepticism to It is OK not to know. The caution about "presentism" is so needed today on an even broader scale than Section 132. Sister Reeder, you've made me want to learn more about Emma Smith. Thank you.


Oh my, thank you all so much. This lesson gave me such peace and happiness!! I loved this!!
