5 Top Warnings Signs Of Bed Bugs In Your House

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5 Top Warnings Signs Of Bed Bugs In Your House

We all wish to sleep tight and not let the bed bugs bite, so in this post, we cover the top warning signs for bed bugs in your house so you can take action before it’s too late.

Itchy bumps develop from bed bug bites
This isn’t always the first sign you might notice, but it is a pretty clear warning sign for bed bugs in your home. Bed bugs suck blood and when they do that on humans, it can end up leaving itchy, red, bumpy bite marks.

Unfortunately, it may take time for these bite marks to develop because when bed bugs feed on humans, they also inject an anesthetic which numbs the pain associated with their feeding. People can react differently to this. In some cases, people experience dramatic itching and red bumps all over their body, while other people don’t react to the bites at all.

Blood stains from bed bug bites and bite wounds
Blood stains on your bedding, bed, and even pillow cases can be another big warning sign for bed bugs in your house. Since they feed on blood, some blood from the bite or from squished bugs may end up getting on your bed during the feeding process.

In addition to blood stains coming from feasting bed bugs, there can also be blood stains from prior wounds from bed bug bites. Often, bed bug bite wounds can become very itchy, so through scratching or just rubbing the wounds on your bed, they can start to bleed.

This can cause blood stains as well from open sores caused by bed bug bites. Typically blood stains alone isn’t always a solid warning sign by itself, but when combined with the other warning signs for bed bugs, it should lead you to seek out a treatment for bed bugs.

Feces and crushed bugs stains
While bed bugs can sometimes go for weeks and even months without a blood meal, they defecate often during feeding times and can cause a lot of fecal stains on your furniture and bedding. Since their diet consists of blood, their feces and fecal stains tend to be a reddish brown color.

Bed bugs usually come out at night and then go into hiding in cracks and crevices around beds and furniture when they aren’t feeding. These hiding spots and seams, cracks, and crevices of your bed and furniture is the first place you should look for feces stains from bed bugs. Don’t forget to look up as well when inspecting. In many cases, bugs will squeeze between the wall and ceiling squeezing out little fecal marks as they go.

As you roll around in your sleep, you may sometimes crush bed bugs as well causing stains from that as well. You may notice blood from a full bug or just the crushed bug.

Eggs, egg shells, and skin casings
Bed bugs also go through multiple stages of development throughout their life span. This can happen 5 different times following a blood meal.

When bed bugs go through their next development stage (called instars), they shed their skin and leave hollow casings behind. You’ll want to look for these cast skins in a variety of areas typically around your bedding as well as potentially near feces and blood stains as well.

Another warning sign of bed bugs in your house is finding their eggs or egg casings. These unfortunately can be very hard to spot as most bed bug eggs are only about a millimeter in length, but if found, they can be a clear warning sign of bed bugs.

A Funky smell is another warning sign of bed bugs in your house
The last major warning sign you have bed bugs in your house is that you’ll start to smell them. Imagine you left an old wet sweaty towel laying around in your bedroom, that’s the sort of smell you’ll find coming from a bed bug infestation.

This smell may start off mild, but the more the bed bug population increases, the more intense the smell will become. As bed bugs release pheromones in the room they are infesting, it can start to smell like a dirty gym locker room.

Pay attention and be on the look out for these top warning signs for bed bugs to keep them out of your home and to get rid of them quickly before it’s too late. Bed bugs are extremely hardy and many over-the-counter pest control products have little to no effect.

We recommend if you are experiencing any of the above warning signs for bed bugs to reach out to a pest control service like us at Rove Pest Control, to have your home inspected and treated for bed bugs.

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Рекомендации по теме

"Sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite" hits different when you been through it


I’m so scared, I just saw one on my wall! A friend had them, they come over maybe once or twice a week for like an hr OR we just washed clothes at the laundry mat and the clothes were right next to where I found it.
I hope he just caught a ride and didn’t bring anymore!!!!


Bed bugs are pure evil and gross and terrifying, I hate them


I'm completely traumatized by my experience. It's been a year of battle! I can't sleep in my bed or couch. I slept on a stool for months. Thought they were gone but back again at new home.
Got these nightmares for an appointment building I was visiting!! I won't go to people homes Incase. I'm going mentally insane from lack of sleep. It's also embarrassing! I don't wish this on my enemy.


I wish this video had images to illustrate each sign he describes.


After suffering bedbugs for months, I finally found salvation through lightly dusting all their hiding places with diatomaceous earth (non-edible version). It's truly the most effective solution, and cheap too.


Thank you, this was really helpful! I was worried that I had picked up bed bugs from someone. Happy to say I have not


I’ve inspected all our mattresses and the furniture I can. I don’t see any signs of bed bugs. But when I look to the carpet, I see them literally hiding between the little strands & cracks. I’ve found over 5 of them scattered around the carpet all over my apartment. My daughter & I have been getting red bumps on our legs. I am scared & can’t sleep knowing they’re crawling around & leeching off of us 😭😭


I woke up this morning with like 7 bite marks on my legs and I’m not too sure if they are bedbug bites that is the only things that was different no weird smells no blood stains just the bite marks. I’m not sure where they came from because this is the first time I’ve gotten these marks in my life and I’m worried. What should I do?

Update since I forgot- I did not have bed bugs, checked my mattress, got someone to come in and check they found nothing so it might of been a mosquito. Just glad I don’t have any cuz the amount of times I clean my room that day 😀


I’m just tryna find a reason that I don’t have bed bugs and maybe I’m just having an allergic reaction but this guy just straight up told me....”You have bed bugs.”


Me: *looks at my leg* I have 6 bumps in one spot... REEE *takes pillow and slaps bed*


The only reason I watch this is because I saw a bug on my bed


Warning: do not eat or drink anything while watching this video lol


The bed bugs bit me so good now I have all these bumps last night


Just moved to new apartment complex and although my unit seems clean there were of course some reviews saying bugs. Really hoping that they're just disgruntled tenants


It really would have been nice to see what the trade marks, eggs, shells etc on this video


Know someone who had them. They had a brand new mattress. They kept waking up to something that felt like a bug crawling on them with itchy red bumps but couldn't find any bugs. Finally they found possibly what could have been a bug. They took a picture of it. They went to their apt manager and showed them. They said the manager took a picture of the picture they had. The manager hit several buttons while taking the pic when they were done they enlarged it and said see its not a bedbug. It did not look like the pic they took from their camera. The itching continued. The sprayed rubbing alcohol at night on their bed and the itching stopped instantly. The problem is rubbing alcohol does not kill the eggs. My friend began to find white egg like things that were shaped smooth and other times not so smooth but always white. One day she was making the bed and she seen a bug. She got a small plastic bag and put it there. A exterminater came told her in was a adult bedbug. The manager told her the exterminator told them that it could have been a coachroach. She took it to another exterminator and they confirmed it was a bedbug.


One thing that keeps bed bugs going is pest control charges too much.. some people can not afford it and the people that can afford end up getting more because of poor family members and friends.. prices need to come down on this service..


Bed bugs were eradicated in the 40’s. Then when foreign travel happened more frequently in the 90’s from China and India, they came back. China also brought the tiger mosquito, which is outdoors day and night, as opposed to just night time. They have a slight tiger look, easy recognizable.


Quite professional and very informative presentation.
