5 Early Warning Signs Alcohol Is Killing You SLOWLY

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#sober #stopdrinking #alcoholfree

00:00 - Intro
01:02 - Increase in blood pressure
02:20 - Weight gain
03:11 - Memory loss
04:24 - Change in appearance in your face
05:11 - Irregular heartbeat

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Two days sober! Give me a round of applause my dudes!


I have to get sober. Lord please guide me. Good luck to everyone trying to get/stay sober!


50 months sober now, best decision ever.


2 weeks sober! No more drinking for this lady. Thank you Jesus!


I'm one week sober today, and feel absolutely amazing. This video just solidified my decision to give it up.


Getting by the first 90 days is tough but you get used to it. Then there becomes a point where you really enjoy being in the moment. That's when life becomes a trip in itself. You start thinking clear, saving money, and feeling great. Don't wait for tomorrow or next week to quit. There's no better time than right now to stop drinking


I haven’t had a drink in 11 years - it took 5 years to get my marbles back and 5 years to learn how to play with them - I’m so grateful I hit 365lbs, now 190lbs


I quit drinking for 7 years in 2005. My life was a mess and getting no better. I had the presence of mind to quit. I started again in 2013 and have worked my way slowly into 3 drinks a nite at minimum ever since. Already did the heart attack and bypass surgery several years ago but stayed relatively healthy at 65. Then I realized I've gained 25 lbs and I cannot get it off due to the alcohol. The alcohol sugar and lack of self control make it impossible to shed weight. Also blood sugar was rising, causing fear of diabetes. So, I quit again 2 weeks ago. Ive already lost 10 lbs. My B.P. and heart rate are down 20%. My glucose is back at normal levels .I feel better physically but also feel empowered because I really didn't know If I Could quit again. That's quite positive. Good Luck to us all on this journey. Keep God or a higher power at your side. Just discovered ur channel and appreciate its message and brevity.


About 5 minutes sober. Best decision I ever made


Most people I know where alcoholics actually lose weight because they don't want to eat, they prefer to drink instead and have very little appetite


Alcohol silently took away 10 years of my life being my youth. While I have nothing to complain about (better late than never), it did give me blood pressure, older looks, lethargy, lack of sexual drive and motivation etc.
30 days sober now and I know it in my heart that the sober lifestyle is my thing. All the best to you guys.


I relapsed after getting out of rehab a week after leaving and when I left my skin was glowing I looked like an entirely new person. But the night after I drank I swear it’s been 5 days and I look like I’m 100 years old and I haven’t been able to eat in 2 days my body just can’t take it anymore. I’m upset it has come to this point but I am currently in treatment and I can promise I will never go back to alcohol I want to live. Also I’ve been watching your videos for a few years now brother thank you


I am 10 minutes sober! I haven't had a drink in over ten minutes. And I'm not giving up! Wish me luck!


When I was deep in my drinking late twenties - I'd wake up and run to the bathroom looking for yellowing
I quit when I learned how slow it and painful that self destruction would have been
I love life now 14 yrs sober


185 days sober today. I keep going strong


Day 7. I'm really tired of alcohol & seriously can't take it anymore.


I’ll be 6 months sober in two days. It took me at least 5 years and a million tries to quit. But I got help from God this time. I’d highly recommend it, but do what works for you! Good luck to you all, whether you’re on day 1 or day one thousand. Much love♥️


5 days sober. I plan going on much longer.


25 days today, starting to feel like my old self again. What baffles me most is when my girlfriend told me months ago after I had relapsed after being sober 7 months I had quit again for like 2 weeks or so. And I remember my friend not answering my calls, he was driving some real long 6 hour drive and it was raining real hard so I called him to check up on him. And I told my girlfriend that I was worried about him, and she said something along the lines of 2 weeks ago, you weren't worried about anyone. Just crazy the things alcohol does to one's heart.


I’ve quit drinking for almost 2 months now and I can tell a big difference! I quit because I started having high blood pressure at age 36 after a binge for about 3 weeks drinking very heavy! The best part of quitting is not waking up feeling like crap and the crazy anxiety!
