Is Mid Acts Dispensationalism a Cult? Did Jesus & Peter & Paul Preach Different Gospels?

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Is Mid Acts Dispensationalism a Cult? Examining & refuting Mid Acts Dispensationalism false teachings on Jesus, Peter, and Paul preaching and teaching different gospels. What is Mid Acts Dispensationalism? Galatians 1:6-9 teaches if anyone preaches or teaches another different gospel they are a false teacher teaching a false gospel. Did Peter and Paul preach different gospels? Did Jesus and Paul preach different gospels? What are the differences of beliefs in Acts 2 Dispensationalism, Mid Acts 9 Dispensationalists, Mid Acts 13 Dispensationalists, and Acts 28 Dispensationalism? Examining, refuting, and exposing the false teachings & false doctrines of Mid Acts Dispensationalists.

What did Paul teach about those who preach another gospel in Galatians 1:6-9? Did Jesus, Peter, and Paul preach the death and resurrection from the dead as the gospel for salvation for a person whether they are Jew or gentile to be saved who believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected from the dead 3 days later.

What is the difference of the grace ofJesus Christ gospel vs the kingdom of God? Some other names of the Mid Acts movement are called Hyper-Dispensationalism and Ultra-Dispensationalism which do not rightly divide the Word of God. Mid Acts believers claim to be rightly dividing the Word of God the Bible, but in reality are trusting the Scriptures and wrongly dividing the Word of God the Bible.


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Berean Perspective Apologetics

Kelly Powers
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You don’t understand…. As a dispensationalist I no longer need a Lens to look at scripture… for example before I started getting into dispensationalism i had to say “well Jesus doesn’t mean sell all your things and follow him” it’s more like don’t worship money…. But as a dispensationalist I can say no Jesus literally meant sell all your stuff and follow him. So dispensationalism allows me to take off my lens


The gospel of Christ is not mentioned in Hebrews 4:2, because to (them) the gospel of Christ was a Mystery = Eph 6:19/Rom 16:25, 26, before Jesus death, nobody knew about Jesus death burial and resurrection.
In Heb 4:2, when it says = (us), that's the gospel of the kingdom of heaven approaches from Jesus ministry = Mat 9:35/Mat 4:17, Jesus mentions the rest = Mat 11:28.
When it says =(them), that's the gospel of the land, which is the rest from = Deu 12:1-10

These 2, the (us) and (them), received the same gospel, which is the land, the rest, the Kingdom, the Millennial Kingdom.

We need to read Heb ch 3 and 4 in it's context to understand.
In Heb 4:1, it says = Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
👉They can fail to enter the rest, in this gospel. Just like in the gospel of the kingdom of heaven approaches, they can fail to enter the rest.

The Church does not need to fear to enter His rest. Our citizenship is in heaven = Phi 3:20/2Cor 5:8
The Church does not need to labor to enter His rest= Heb 4:11

👉In the gospel of the kingdom of heaven approaches. Israel must endure unto the end to be saved = Matthew 10:22/Matthew 24:13..
In the letter of Hebrews salvation is not given yet = Heb 6:9, the word accompany in Greek is echō, which means ( to have) salvation.

In the gospel of Christ, the Church is saved Today= 2Corinthians 6:2


Hi there. Watching your video further - I have another question. Your reference to Acts 15 where Peter made the statements in response to the council, how does that align in timing with the reference in my previous post to Galatians 2 where Paul rebuked Peter and proclaimed the gospel of grace apart from works to him? Also, if I understand correctly - then the words of Peter in Acts 15 is the last recorded of Peter - so this must be later - please assist me. Then I would also like to ask the experts - Peter uses the words "even as they" KJV in verse 11 - as his conclusion. Do I get the idea here that Peter might have had a change of heart - saying that the Jews must also now be saved according to what was learned from the gospel preached to the gentiles? Please assist me. Love and blessings to all!


I was just introduced to this today talking to someone, and the first thing I thought was this sounds cult like. I didn't even understand what they believed fully, but she gave me no scripture and instead posted pamphlets. She couldn't answer my basic scripture questions and instead posted stuff about rightly dividing the Bible. It was red flags all over.


This is a joke. You come in with your own biases.


Mid acts point of view distinguishes between the Kingdom focused gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the death/resurection gospel emphasized by Paul. You guys spend all your time talking about Peter...why is that? The Synoptic gospels are about the return of Messiah...not the "mystery" that His death/resurection was to pay for the sins of the whole world and make way to eternal life. It is reasonable to say Matthew, Mark, and Luke gospels are DIFFERENT from Pauls in that respect. Most of this video is talking about Peter vs Paul. Why? I been looking into Mid-acts stuff all day and never came across anything suggesting Peter and Paul differed on salvation through faith in Jesus death on the cross. You guys are really not being straight here.


Guys I am back! Wow! I came on here just over 2 years ago when I was first introduced to "Rightly Dividing" to look for opinions and answers because I research everything. Boy oh boy was I ignorant back then, even looking at my opinions below I realise I had much to learn. I can you tell you this - after many many months and hundreds of hours of searching scripture and prayer I now know the truth! Right Division and specifically the Mid Acts position is the only way to find a victorious position in the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Those 13 letters from Paul were written to gentiles and it reveals the fellowship of the mystery which Jesus Christ revealed to Paul, the 13th Apostle, from heaven. Your arguments in the above video are so empty. Since I started rightly dividing I have had such a desire to study the entire Bible. Mid Acts makes the Bible so extremely approachable and it destroys all traditional denominationalism and confusion caused by the babbling found in most churches today. Anyway, your video above is a EXTREMELY uneducated and inaccurate representation of Mid Acts Dispensationalism - you sound puffed up and very ignorant.


My first time watching you... excellent so far...not done with this episode yet... keep up the good work 👍


Total misrepresentation, Mid Acts is the Holy Spirits answer to the Bible Babble of today's churches. Let God be true and every man a liar.


Gospel means good news. Why was the birth of Jesus and his coming to Israel good news to the nation of Israel? What is this promised kingdom on Earth that Israel was expecting?

Understanding what the gospel of the kingdom meant to the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 15:24), requires one to put himself in the shoes of a Jew during Jesus days.

Why did Peter resisted so much and even rebuked Jesus for telling them he had to die?

Why was he so disillusioned at the pending cruxifiction, that he renounced Christ?

Why wasn't any of them camping at his tomb on the 3rd day counting down to his resurrection?

All these indicated that no one in the OT was "looking forward to the cross" as it is commonly taught.


99 percent of what you said is awesome. however I would disagree that they can be saved because they believe in 2 different gospels yes they preach a gospel but they have a false Christ were they teach works based salvation. when a person is saved they understand that there is ONE GOSPEL not 2 if they think that they are still unregenerate and need to hear that truth of the gospel. thanks for the podcast the lord bless you Laura


Just want the truth, I was raised Catholic, never really knew his word, but knew Christ died for us, now 53 at 50 was introduced to oneness pene costal, found out this was a cult by you and Justin Peters. Now for over a year I've been in ifb in two states, KJV only and dispensationalism is new to me but was taught read Romans to Philemon, learned a lot, but now find out it's considered a cult. 😞 Now I will continue studying, I was never discipled, so where to go to church now. I've watched Justin Peters, you, and mostly Chris Rosebrough. Can you help me?


Why don't you bring a Dispensational ist on your show?


these guys have no idea what the talk about. You are only saved by Grace gospel doesnt matter which Bible, KJB is the only Perfect words but gospel which youre saved can be found in all version, 1Corin 15:1-4


Before the disciples were regenerated, before Christ was crucified, even before the disciples, including the 12 apostles understood that Jesus had to be killed, the disciples were already preaching "the gospel" (Luke 9:6). My question is, what gospel were the disciples preaching then? Was that gospel the same that Peter preached later on in Acts 3?


Not scripted just sticking to what the scriptures said.


The foundation of the Gospel that the 12 Apostles preached is the same foundation of the gospel that Apostle Paul preached. The foundation that both preached was the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus.

Paul makes that very clear in
1 Corinth 15:1-4. The scriptures agree with you guys that Paul received the same gospel as the other Apostles as it pertains to the death burial and Resurrection Christ Jesus.

HOWEVER, you guys overlooked the fact that Paul was ONLY talking about the death burial Resurrection of christ Jesus. He was NOT talking about the additional information that was laid upon that Foundation. The information that was laid upon the foundation of the Gospel that Peter preached is NOT the same information that was laid upon the foundation of the Gospel that Paul preached. Let's compare scripture with scripture to see if the information laid upon the death burial and Resurrection is the same for Peter and Paul.

Watch closely👇
Acts 10:35
But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."

So is that the way you and I are saved today? Do we work righteousness to be accepted or do we rest faith and trust in the one who was righteous on our behalf?
Our answer is found in Romans 5:19;

"For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be MADE righteous."

Notice that today we are MADE righteous by the obedience of Christ and NOT by our obedience.

We don't "WORK RIGHTOUSNESS" as Peter told Cornelius in Acts 10:35. That was Peter preaching according to the "gospel of the Kingdom".

Again, Peter clearly said "he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."

To the logical contrary, Paul states:

"NOT BY WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us... Titus 3:5
(Caps for emphasis, not yelling).

A clear difference and its just one of MANY.

It seems rather clear that the information that Peter preached on top of the death burial resurrection of Christ Jesus is not the same information that Paul preached on top of the death burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus, though the foundation is the same.


Hi Kelly, you have stated a few times that " Some in the Mid Acts are saved but have been misled, but I know there are those who believe that they are Christians but sadly are not. Lord bless you" So this is a pretty generic statement as the same can be said about all denominations. My question is, what is it that MAD believe that has such an impact on them being saved or not? Not all MAD are in agreeance with each other, but the vast majority believe

That-1. Believe that Jesus Christ is God almighty.
2. Believe that Christ died for our sins on the cross, that his shed blood is the atonement for our sins.
3. Believe he was buried.
4. Believe he rose again from the dead, for our justification
And if you believe this in your heart and not just a head knowledge, this is salvation.

So if that is what MAD believe why do you question their salvation?


Ask Trey from truth time radio to come on your show


Hi Guys - thanks for the video and discussion. I always enjoy to see and learn from believers in Christ - so little time and so much to learn and study (-: I have been studying and listening to Mid Acts Dispensational teachings much lately and find the views fascinating, interesting, and it is causing me to really delve into scripture much to test everything in study in prayer. I might ask some more question but will like to start and hear your input on some of the verses and encounters portrayed in scripture that is used by the mid Acts dispensational preachers such as Galatians chapter 2. 
Let's quote from verse 4-8 : "This matter arose because some false brothers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus in order to enslave us. But we did not give up and submit to these people for even a moment, so that the truth of the gospel would be preserved for you. Now from those as important (what they once were makes no difference to me; God does not show )—they added nothing to me. On the contrary, they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel for the uncircumcised, just as Peter was for the circumcised, since the one at work in Peter for an apostleship to the circumcised was also at work in me for the Gentiles"    
Just a couple of things. Firstly verses 7 & 8 is used to show that there were different offices between Peter and Paul, and these are used by the mid acts preachers to prove the point about different gospels. - But what makes it very interesting is when you look closer at verse 7 through different bible translations. I have learned to utilise various versions and translations and this case I referred to 4 popular English translations. The differences in my opinion are crucial because one word is translated in 3 different ways across the 4 versions that I used. That word is the word "to, or "for" or "of" as in verse 7 the KJV uses the word "of " - when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me" The NIV and ESV uses the word "to" : " I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the ESV The Christian Standard Bible used the words "for" - "I had been entrusted with the gospel for the uncircumcised "
I guess I am asking two inputs, the meaning of the passage and then also the different words used. This shows a completely different message when switching between "to", "of" and "for" This also can be a good point to consider why the KJV is preferred by the mid acts preachers.Question, do I understand the passage correctly that the spies were sent from Jerusalem, from the church leaders to undermine their liberty in Christ...?

If we read the passage further, to the end, we see how more information is given. I also note that the KJV does not introduce a heading after verse 10, therefore making it more readable as one message where the other translations make it look like the story ends after verse 10.

Interestingly, Paul accuses Peter of hypocrisy and for proclaiming a false gospel. Galatians 2: 10 - But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned. For he regularly ate with the Gentiles before certain men came from James. However, when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, because he feared those from the circumcision party. Then the rest of the Jews joined his hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were deviating from the truth of the gospel I told Cephas in front of everyone ..."

Reading further to the end of Chapter 2 we see how Paul interacts with Peter
WOW! Did Paul share the Gospel of Grace with Peter as showed here in Galatians 2?

Please help me understand this passage correctly and how does it not support the view that there were 2 gospels proclaimed between Peter and Paul?? I ask this sincerely as fellow believer who has only one desire and that is to know the truth and to bring Glory to God through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
