What IS Mid-Acts Dispensationalism? And what is it NOT?? PART 1 (INTRO)

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To STUDY God’s Word properly, it is imperative to RIGHTLY DIVIDE The Word of Truth. Dispensationalism is know for approaching Scripture with the most literal methodology of interpretation leading to a Premillennial view in Eschatology and making clear distinctions between Israel & The Church, Law vs. Grace, The Old Covenant & The New Covenant, etc.
However, the ones who also rightly divide things like Prophecy vs. Mystery, the gospel of the kingdom vs. The Gospel of The GRACE of God or The Gospel of Christ as revealed to the Apostle Paul, and The body of Christ beginning with Paul rather than Peter at Pentecost are those who adhere to the method of interpretation known as Mid-Acts Dispensationalism.
But what is it? And what is it NOT? At first glance, it raises the eyebrows of most at a minimum, but it raises the blood pressure of many! The very idea that Paul preached a different Gospel than Peter & the rest of the disciples (and JESUS Himself) is often met with anger and cries of heresy, but is it justified? Or is there more to it? Did Noah & Abraham get saved by believing Jesus Christ “would” die for his sins, be buried, and raised again? Is that even what The 12 preached prior to Paul’s conversation & the receiving of “his” gospel from the Resurrected Christ (ROM 16:25, GAL 1:10-11)?
Answers to these questions and more in this NEW SERIES are coming soon! We will take a look at the false accusations, slander, and straw man arguments against Mid-Acts Dispensationalism to then look at THE TRUTH…
I will also be continuing my series, Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth! Please pray I can find the time to do so very soon!
However, the ones who also rightly divide things like Prophecy vs. Mystery, the gospel of the kingdom vs. The Gospel of The GRACE of God or The Gospel of Christ as revealed to the Apostle Paul, and The body of Christ beginning with Paul rather than Peter at Pentecost are those who adhere to the method of interpretation known as Mid-Acts Dispensationalism.
But what is it? And what is it NOT? At first glance, it raises the eyebrows of most at a minimum, but it raises the blood pressure of many! The very idea that Paul preached a different Gospel than Peter & the rest of the disciples (and JESUS Himself) is often met with anger and cries of heresy, but is it justified? Or is there more to it? Did Noah & Abraham get saved by believing Jesus Christ “would” die for his sins, be buried, and raised again? Is that even what The 12 preached prior to Paul’s conversation & the receiving of “his” gospel from the Resurrected Christ (ROM 16:25, GAL 1:10-11)?
Answers to these questions and more in this NEW SERIES are coming soon! We will take a look at the false accusations, slander, and straw man arguments against Mid-Acts Dispensationalism to then look at THE TRUTH…
I will also be continuing my series, Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth! Please pray I can find the time to do so very soon!