Mid Acts Dispensationalism Teachings Refuted on Paul & Peter Preached Different Gospels!

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Mid Act Dispensationalists distort the gospel! Refuting false teachings and doctrines of Mid Acts Dispensationalism with Galatians 1:6-9 and 2Peter 3:14-18! Is Mid Acts a Cult? Did Paul and Peter preach 2 different gospels? Are Mid Acts Dispensationalists Pauline Only believers saved or Christians? Mid Acts Pauline Onlyism claims to rightly divide the Word of God the Bible but the are wrongly dividing the Word of God the Bible! What is the gospel of Jesus Christ that Peter and Paul taught? Did Peter and Paul preach 2 different gospels as Mid Acts Dispensationalists teach?

Did Paul preach the another gospel? Did Jesus, Peter, and the other apostles preach another gospel? What is the difference of Hyper Dispensationalism, Ultra Dispensationalism, and Mid Acts Dispensationalism?

Exposing and refuting Mid Acts Dispensational heresy beliefs! Hyper Dispensationalism also known as Mid Acts Dispensationalism or Ultra Dispensationalism teaches that Paul preached a different gospel from Jesus, Peter, and the other apostles. Hyper Dispensationalists also called Pauline believers followers teach believe and teach that Jesus, Peter, and the other apostles preached a works kingdom of God gospel for salvation for the Jews and Paul preached a gospel of grace through faith in Jesus Christ to be saved not by works for Jews and Gentiles. Hyper Dispensationalists believe that Jesus did not preach salvation was by grace alone but by works, and it was for the Jews only in His earthly ministry. Hyper Dispensationalists believe it was by Paul alone that the gospel of grace alone through faith in Jesus was preached for someone to be saved. Hyper Dispensationalists teach and believe that Jesus, Peter, and the other apostles did not preach the death burial and resurrection of Jesus from the dead, but that they preached a works kingdom of God gospel to the Jews. Therefore Jesus, Peter, the apostles, and Paul did not preach the same gospel for salvation according to those of the Hyper Dispensational (Mid Acts Dispensationalism) movement. What must I believe to be saved eternal life to go to heaven? (John 3:16; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9-13; Ephesians 2:8-9)

Is Hyper Dispensationalism and Mid Acts Dispensationalism a heresy false, heretical, unbiblical, Did Jesus and Paul preach the same gospel or different gospel? According to Luke 24:44-46, Acts 14:21-22, Acts 17:30-31, Acts 26:20, and 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Jesus and Paul preached the same gospel for salvation teaching Jews and Gentiles to repent of their sins and turn to Jesus Christ for the free gift of eternal life, salvation in Jesus Christ. Jesus and Paul taught people to repent, to turn, to believe and have faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, His death burial and resurrection from the dead, that repentance and works were results of a changed live that a person was saved, born again, a new creation, and that a person is not saved by works.

Are the Hyper Dispensationalists (Mid Acts Dispensationalists) Christians? Are they saved? That depend on the person. The beliefs of Hyper Dispensationalism heresy teachings and doctrines are false, unbiblical, heretical in how they twist the Scriptures to what they believe. Does that mean all Hyper Dispensationalists (Mid Acts Dispensationalists) are false teachers? The main problem and errors of Hyper Dispensationalism is on how they twist the gospel teaching that Jesus, Peter, and the other apostles did not preach the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead according to the Scriptures. Don’t be deceived by the false, heretical, unbiblical, twisted teachings and doctrines of those in the Hyper Dispensationalism heresy (Mid Acts Dispensationalism) movement. Be a Berean, examine the Scriptures to see whether these things are so (Acts 17:11).

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The young man asks Jesus what he must do to obtain eternal life, Jesus says keep his commandments, Paul says that salvation by grace is through faith without works, Ephesians 2:8-9, faith in Christ's finished work on crisis, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, and that we are not under the law, but under grace, and a little child in the third grade of elementary school would realize that both cannot be in effect at the same time.


Originally salvation was to come to Israel first (Acts 3:25-26). Peter is referring to (Genesis 12:3). Salvation was to go to Gentiles but it was supposed to be through Israel. Look at Christ's instructions to the 11 in (Acts 1:8). If you let the words say what they say and mean what they mean and don't spiritualize the verses you will see that the mid-Acts Pauline dispensational right division is the only way that one will be able to interpret the Bible the way God intended. God bless you sir in your studies


Yes, there were 2 gospels in the 1st century, before 70 AD. One gospel of faith + works for the Jews and the other was the gospel of grace through faith.
That's why the apostle James could say: James 2:24 KJV Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

And the apostle Paul could say: Romans 3:28 KJV Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

And both James and Paul spoke the truth!


thanks for doing the video. going to share it. God bless!


Jesus Christ came to fulfill Promises to the nation of Israel not to the Gentile. If you read the book of Matthew in Matthew Jesus Christ makes it clear that you pluck out your eye cut off your hand if you cannot control them and you must bring all aspects of your thoughts into captivity and that you need that no man teach you. I could go on you cannot follow Matthew Mark Luke or John there's no way you can follow any of the verses in those books because they're not pertaining to you in the dispensation of Grace that we live in today, in Luke 13 7 through 9 God gave Israel a one-year extension of Mercy this started at the Feast of Pentecost and it ended with the stoning of Stephen in Acts 11 verse 19 Peters group were scattered upon the persecution that arose about Stephen.. and that's only a couple things they had to physically do and they were having to go through the tribulation that's what Peter said in Acts 1 this is that that is spoken by the prophet Joel read the prophet Joel he speaks of them going through the tribulation the time of Jacob's trouble. Where they must endure and if they don't they can lose their salvation. But the body of Christ is not appointed to wrath which is the day of Wrath the tribulation because we are not going through the tribulation. Again you're very bad at what you're talkin about here because you haven't studied. You haven't gone book by book chapter by chapter and looked into the Metaxa Viewpoint. And because of this you're standing here telling me that Peter's and Paul's gospel are the same my friend there gospels are not even close. The Jews were under a covenant theology they had to follow a covenant and the words in that Covenant you are not under a covenant theology today. Again you really don't understand a lot of what you're talking about here and I'm not saying this to be mean I'm saying it to be honest you have not honored 2nd Timothy 2 verse 15. Start studying man


During Jesus' time on earth God only required the Jews to believe who Jesus was to be right with God, Adam and Eve had merely to not eat of the tree to be right with God. All of them were considered right with God by faith but none could go to heaven, after death, because the sacrifice hadn't been offered . The Apostles were to go into all the world but were still in Jerusalem thirty years later because as a nation they had rejected Jesus a final time when they stoned Stephen and they couldn't preach Kingdom because the King wasn't on the throne. God set Israel aside at this time and went to the gentiles thru Paul and the Gospel of Grace. Paul was the first person saved by Grace alone as an example (pattern) for all those that would follow. Paul's letters of Grace cover from Romans to Philemon and his letter of Hebrews is to the Jew. Just as an example, if you were to lift Paul's letters (Romans to Philemon) out of your Bible and closed it back up from Acts 8 to Hebrews it would be like the Church age didn't exist and the Jewish timeline would have been continuous. But the Church age does exist and God will again deal with Israel after the Church is taken out of the way. Sorry this isn't more clearly laid out. DH


1 peter 1..to the STRANGER'S SCATTERED...act 18.19 now they which were scattered abroad...preaching the word to none but jews only! 2 peter, no mention of the cross, 2.15..Paul according to the "wisdom" hath written unto you =HEBREWS!
Where else did Paul write to jews? only his believing brethren.
If Paul preached the same gospel as the 12, why did he go to Jerusalem council to explain and defend his gospel if it was the same?


Pauls message of grace was to all, not just gentiles but all who believed in 1 cor 15:1-4 .... thats it ..! who is it resurrected in rev 20:5-6 The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years were complete. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection! The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with Him for a thousand years.… us with Christ amongst the celestials like paul teaches?? or saved Jews before atonement..???


Good little video. But it follows that if everyone in the Grace Movement believes in the the death, burial and resurrection of the Son of God, then they are Christian and thus the movement is Christian.


Do you believe that someone can be saved without knowing and understanding the gospel?


Did Peter add unto Paul or did Paul add unto Peter?


I have always considered this one of the very weakest arguments against mid-acts. Paul is very specific when he says "preach any other gospel UNTO YOU (the church) than that which WE have preached UNTO YOU, let him be accursed." Indeed, the commentator left out "UNTO YOU" the first time he read it, as they always do. Clearly, there is only one gospel for the church age, and if anyone preaches anything different UNTO US, i.e., today's "social gospel, " ignore them because it's not OUR GOSPEL at all. Doesn't mean there was no other gospel before US, neither that there won't be another one after US.
For example, there will be a different gospel in the great tribulation, but we won't be here, so the angel from heaven won't be preaching it to US, so it's okay and he won't be accursed.
Finally, Gal 2, Paul talks to the other apostles privately so that they understand what Jesus gave him to preach to the gentiles (Gal 1:12) and not spring it on them in public where they might have to condemn it to save face without hearing Paul out. The meeting ends with the apostles preaching the gospel of the circumcision shaking hands with Paul and Barnabas, who are preaching the gospel of the uncircumcision (Gal 2:7), agreeing that the apostles would go to the circumcision while Paul and Barnabas would go to the heathen (2:9).
Finally finally, when Peter preached his gospel, it was never a good thing that the Jews killed Jesus. That's why they were pricked in their hearts in Acts 2 and begged "what shall we do?" Whereas with Paul, it's all good, good, good - good report, good pleasure, good comfort, etc.
Acts is a transition book -- from the age of law to the age of grace alone -- so there is some overlap with the gospels, but Peter's gospel was fading out while Paul's was just beginning. : )


you your self said Paul preached both messages Paul was persecuting the Jew church before his conversion he knew their Gospel verry well! so when he was preaching to jews like peter he preached the jew message and when preaching among gentiles or a mix crowed the gospel of Grace revealed to him after his conversion that was a mystery kept secret since the beginning of the world hid in God
let switch gears was the gospel preached in Matthew 4:23 and Mathew 9:35 the same gospel as 1 Corinthians if not than Jesus and his disciples preached a different Gospel than revealed to Paul! and if it is the same Gospel then why in later chapters did the disciples not even know what christ meant by rise the third
or does God maybe dispense different things at different times to different people according to his plan!!!???


Peter and the little flock did not write to the gentiles. Gal 2:7-9
Your wrong about mid acts check out some good preachers. David Reid, Paul Lucas


I don't know who you're talkin to but we who believe in the mid acts dispensational aspect of scripture no full well that Paul spoke with the body of Christ and with the kingdom Church even took up an offering to give to the kingdom Church in Israel. Again you're taking these verses out of their context just because Paul spoke to the kingdom Church doesn't say anything against what he spoke to the body of Christ what you're doing is very lazy Bible study


The gospel is the gospel of the kingdom!

Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah died for his people! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people at his coming! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21

Matt 24
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Jesus said the Father is the only true God!

John 17
3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.


2 peter 3:14-18 Peter says that what Paul taught is hard to be understood and are unlearned and unstable wrest. Which means he really didn't quite get what Paul was teaching because it was different than his own. Peter was saddened that Jesus died on the cross while Paul was taking glory that Jesus died on the cross. "Galatians 2:7 - but contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel to the uncircumcision was committed unto me (Paul), as the gospel of the circumcision was unto peter." and in the verse above, Paul says nothing was added unto him when he was meeting with the disciples of Christ, which means he learned nothing from them.


It’s blasphemy with what they preach I believe


Hey friend, as one in Christ to another, if you believe the gospel which was given to Paul by the ascended Christ, I would enjoy a friendly conversation with you and you're posse and show the errors of your statements. I will also, through Scripture, show you that Jesus during his earthly ministry and the twelve during their entire ministry preached a different gospel than the one Paul preached. Yes I did say I will show you in Scripture . holler back. U want my email, let me know. friendly, christian conversation.
