What Should I Do if My Spouse is an Unbeliever?

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What if your spouse is an unbeliever? How do you stay in a marriage and thrive in a marriage where your spouse is an unbeliever? Many people find themselves in that situation and it is very difficult to say the least. In this video I share with you first and foremost what the word of God says and then I follow that up with 7 of my best tips for how to handle this situation.









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Hey family, I should have titled this, "What to do if You're in an Unequally Yoked Marriage" because that seems to be more of the situation than being married to an unbeliever. I think I'll do a follow-up video at some point in the near future addressing that SPECIFIC situation. Let me know if you'd like to see that one. Thanks family and my heart and prayers go out to those dealing with this difficult situation.


To all who believes there is no hope for your spouse, I was right there with you. It sucks. I thought I would have to wait a lifetime for my wife to accept Jesus. It only took 3 years. My wife had to be broken and put in the lowest point of her life with anxiety and depression. Don't give up praying, be joyful, light up the house with joy and love. Be strong and forgiving during fights. Be Jesus. Be radical. Blast Maverick City and all kinds of worship music in the house. Your spouse will see the difference of what life could be when you belong to Jesus. Be patient. God changed my wife's life when I least expected and it was all him and not from my effort, she's getting baptized this fall and has stronger faith than I do. :)


I got saved a few years into my marriage and things became different between us it was a hard time but eventually we got over the rough patch and I’ve been praying for years for my husbands salvation early this year God have me a dream of my husband being saved to let me know He hasn’t forgotten me and my husband will be saved.


I m Basker from India,
I am the only person who saved in my entire family from a Hindu background.
Please pray for my FAMILY SALVATION,
Dad: Kondal Raj,
Mum: Dhana Lakshmi,
Sister : Bharathi,
Sister's husband: Thirukumarasamy,
Child: Sai Shamanth.


Hey Allen, I am 17 years old and for the past 5 days i have been binge watching all of your videos. My whole life i have considered myself a christian but i never truly had a relationship with god. After watching your videos it inspired me for once to actually start building my relationship with him and reading his word. Now i feel as if i am closer than ever to him and my faith. I just want to say thankyou for opening my eyes to what i need to do in order to bring myself closer to god and my salvation. 🙏


Also, when you're dating, make sure someone is a true believer rather than someone who just says it. Many people says it but don't seek the Heavenly Father.


I have a unbelieving wife, we have children now. we dated a few years but we got married (trough the courthouse), and I came to christ late in my life, I honestly asked a pastor if I should leave her and he said no but we did talk about my relationship, I would search for relationship advice in the bible and from other pastors to see what they had to say. Oh boy, at first I was trying to convince her, she would go to church with me sometimes, read the bible together but very little, go to church meetings before we got married, I even took her to Noah's Ark in Kentucky which she liked but once she found out that we went because It was mainly for her she wasn't too happy but she enjoyed it, I spent a lot of time after church and on Wednesday's I had men's group, I take my daughter and son as well. Last year I got baptized and she was there, This year before covid I went to a mission trip that she really didn't want me to go. We actually watch Christian movies and I've seen her cry because of them. I used to get frustrated, angry, sad, emotional because I just wish we shared the same faith. I finally came to the conclusion that my job isn't to change her, it's GOD. She loves me even though she know's I love Jesus. This September will be together 8 years, she loves me and I love her. I pray for her, I read children bible to my children and she doesn't mind, she doesn't mind that I want to raise my children in the faith. She does know some of the scriptures you mentioned because I told her about them. Sometimes I still can't believe we're 2 different people together. Only GOD knows but I'm gonna keep praying for her and my family. Thank you for this video.


Great tips, Allen! I was married to an unbeliever for 20 years - last year at the beginning of COVID he surrendered his life to Christ! I think I had to use all of these tips at some point … I remember when I first got saved I was so excited and I kept pressuring my husband to read the Bible and listen to the Christian radio station when we were driving. I am surprised he didn’t divorce ME! Praise God for His goodness and grace and mercy.


This was made for me. I was literally just crying because of this


This was so helpful. I've been married for 7 years and my wife has stopped believing in the Bible. She always questions all my beliefs and it has been difficult because I don't feel like we are equally yoked. Please pray for us. Thanks for the Word. 👍


I am a Christian and my husband is a hindu. He is not serious about his religion, but my mother in law who also lives with us is a hardcore hindu. Its a spiritual battle at home every single day. My two boys are also Autistic. Life is surely not easy living with a non-believing family. There are many times I cannot breathe and feel suffocated. But, as I look to Christ daily, and seek His Word, He gives me perfect peace and rest.
Thank you brother Allen for this video, I believe the Lord has led me to this particular one. A lot of the things you mentioned that we shouldn't do to distant ourselves away from our unbelieving family, I am guilty of. I must not give up and continue to intercede for my husband and family. I praise God for opening my eyes to this. 🙌


I am a Christian woman married to an amazing muslim man who respect me and my beliefs because he understands that my God and my beliefs go before him. We love and respect each other, I have an online ministry and his friends love and respect me because they know where I stand and even over the years they have come to respect me more because my relationship with my husband is strong and so is my love for God. You cant change your spouse only God can but you need to live with love, compassion and conviction and dont be a wishy washy Christian. Pray for your spouse and respect each other always. My husband is and amazing man who will one day be a Christian because I can see how God is molding him while he continues to mold me. Trust God and dont be pushy or wishy washy. Bendiciones


My aunt remarried after her first died, her new husband was a total drunk and very disrespectful to her and her 2 daughters. She believed, she would change him over time, after 30 years he turned 60 throw out my 63 year old aunt and got himself a 30 year old girlfriend. You can make all the assumptions you want and pray for someone but the reality is some people don’t want God because they love their sin more . Take care everyone and God bless


A really tough situation to be in, for sure, and in so many ways. I thought I married a believer, but her belief, as it turns out, is very much on her own terms, rather than His...and so our marriage has been similar. I've seen her heart change when I've been willing to humble myself and pray for her, but I've also found that I often won't sincerely pray for her because of offense.
God is calling all of us to a level of maturity that can only come through the power and gifts of His Spirit. I am grateful, but O how I wish my wife was more of a helper to me, spiritually, rather than a hindrance.


I came to Christ a little before my wife. Us both being raised Jehovah’s witnesses, it was difficult for her to “see the light” and understand the trinity and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I had to persevere in prayer for her, and in time, it all clicked for her. We have to be patient with our unbelieving spouses. It’s a work of the Holy Spirit that helps people receive Christ, not our own doing.


Thank you brother. This info is so crucial. I have a unbelieving wife. I love her so much and I want her to know christ. Thank you for posting this.


Thank you so much, I needed this video. I've been praying for my husband for 20 years & still & will continue to pray. My spouse definately is my test of faith everyday. It's been really hard but I continue to trust God & live out my faith


Thanks Allen! This was good for me to hear and I'm gonna save this video for future reference. This is something I struggle with every day sometime just mentioning my faith will set a argument off. So I just keep going to church and leading my children in faith, preying for my spouse daily is something I need to work on. You are truly a great teacher thank you!


Thanks Allen! My husband & I were unbelievers when we got married. Then I became a Christian. From the beginning God made a promise to me thru the Word that he would become a Christian. He used the story in Acts where, I think Peter & Paul were in jail & there was an earthquake. But they didn't leave. When the guard found out he ask "what must I do to be saved?" They said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ & you will be saved, you & YOUR HOUSEHOLD. I claimed that as a promise. Also I took Peter's words to heart & never suggested, or gave him Scriptures. I did invite him to church every once in a while. He did come to our daughters baptism. I prayed 35 yrs.!! Never once did I doubt although I did wonder at times what was taking so long. 4 yrs. Ago he gave his life to Christ! This makes me look like I was perfect. I maid mistakes. One was I got to involved in church. Caused a lot of problems..but God worked it out 😉


I wish I could like this video a million times 😂
