10-Year-Old Boy Arrested for Sending ‘Threatening Messages,’ Cops Say

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A 10-year-old Florida boy was arrested after cops say he sent "threatening messages." According to reports, the fifth-grader sent an image of assault rifles to a friend and texted, "I bought this" and "get ready for water day," a gathering for students with good grades. The other boy's father called the cops and within hours, the 10-year-old was in cuffs. Now Dereck Marquez, the 10-year-old’s father, exclusively tells Inside Edition his son is still in custody.
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Sometimes scaring a kid straight is the best teaching method. They need to understand the consequences for their actions, joking about killing other kids isn't normal especially for a 10 year old.

Edit: If you're going to defend this kid, understand that the vast majority of school shootings were reported to the police prior to the kid shooting the school (dating back to columbine). Threats need to be taken seriously even if it's a 10 year old, otherwise people would be asking why the sheriff didn't act when the other parent reported before this kid shot up a school.


"He was a good kid." "He's never been in trouble." "He's never hurt anyone." Things parents say after their child hurts or kills someone.


The kid doesnt look like he’s affected at all. I also stand by the arrest.


I never talked about guns and hurting someone when I was ten in a “humorous way”


Unfortunately we have to take these threats seriously. He’s so young, such a shame. Parents please talk to your kids.


I stand by the arrest. Protect our children. He doesn’t need to be charged but there NEEDS to be consequences.


The fact the kid can’t even hold one of the guns cause it’s half his size😂😂😂


People have to stop making excuses for their children.


“It was the stupid humor of a child” is what we need to pay attention to and not just ignore. This can prevent soooo many massacres. Just because a child doesn’t have a bad history doesn’t mean he/she isn’t capable of doing anything crazy.


how is the dad, an army veteran, confused why his boy is receiving such severe consequences? Absolute denial on the severity or acceptance that his son could end up this way.


This reminds me of when I was in 7th grade. I was in a private Catholic school, and I passed out in the middle of the school year, during lunch, and I was sent home. I had a bully, and when I came back, my friend told me, "We all prayed for you, but your bully, she prayed for you to die, she told us". What kind of monters? Who is teaching them these things?


This is a serious issue that can’t take slightly, so many lives vanished. And need the parents to watch their kids. It’s heart breaking to see a young kid in a mug shot but this is a lesson’s to be learned and need to send a message to everyone.


I hate when parents immediately say “they’re just a kid” or something along that lines. I understand how they would feel (I have 2 kids) but, I would let my kid learn their lesson. Messing with other children’s lives & feelings & safety, that is 100% not okay.


Good on the cops for taking this seriously. This is absolutely no joke. Kid is an idiot, but at least this will serve as a lesson. What's worrisome is that his father doesn't seem to be taking this seriously


*Only if adults & teens took these kinds of threats more seriously, lives wouldve been saved.*


I swear the US is just something else 🤣🤣🤣🤣


LOOK people, WE can’t have it both ways! We can’t tell the cops to do something and then when they do something, we bash them for it! Parents need to have that conversation with their kids about joking this way. It is not a joke and the consequences could cause them to be arrested! EVERY single threat needs to be taken seriously no matter the age of the person! I have two teenage sons who I’m pretty sure would never joke like this but I’m about to have that conversation with them anyways just so they know! The cop wasn’t in the wrong to do what he did by arresting this 10 yr old IMO.


I’m so happy people acted. I understand the dad is heartbroken but we have to take these things seriously. Hopefully the kid will be surrounded by people that love him and address his issues.


Oh for crying out loud, it’s a picture of firearms, he’s 10 years old, and he just said “Get ready for Water Day.”


I'm proud of the kids who reported his disturbing message. The previous shooter sent images to girls too and they reported him and nothing happened and then guess what? 20 ppl were massacred. Enough is enough already. The parents of these young boys should be held accountable as well.
