You Cervix and Dilation #childbirtheducation #stagesoflabor #activelabor #earlylabor

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This is all the sizes your cervix goes through when you go into labor before you start pushing your baby out!

#laboranddelivery #expecting #pregnancytips #cervix #pregnancyeducation #laboranddeliverynurse
**for informational and educational purposes only**
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**for informational purposes only, always consult with your provider for medical advice**


*removes ovaries in bathroom with tweezers*


I saw some one use a Ben and Jerry's pint to represent 10cm and now I just can't with anything anymore 😭😂


When the nurse checked my cervix she shamed me because a big blob of the mucus plug came away at the same time. Made a comment that it was disgusting. She was all prepared to send me home again but I’d reached 6cm dilated. She wasn’t the only d head medical staff member I encountered, of course there were nice ones too. I will never forget though, those mortifying moments when I saw someone taking pleasure in putting me down. When I was in fking labour and being polite myself.


Never really thought about it and now to see that after having children... Wow 😂😂 women are amazing, even if you cannot give birth, you are amazing too ♥️


I only dilated 3 cm after 48 hours with my son. I remember nurse checking me during a contraction. I begged her to wait until it passed. She absolutely didn't. She made my MIL and my mom hold my legs by my ears then shoved her fingers in so roughly. I started crying and my mom almost jumped over the bed to slap that lady. Wound up having to have an emergency c section. Then when we had my daughter I just scheduled a c section. She refused to come out. I had 3 people holding me open while the doc had the vacuum on her head and literally ripped her out of me. I actually thought I was going to die during her c section. They used a nerve block instead of an epidural and I threw up the entire day. Since I didn't eat or drink anything prior it was just stomach acid. I was in the middle of getting sick and couldnt breathe. Luckily the anesthesiologist noticed and propped me up as much a she could.


Thank you for calling 6cm active!!! Nice to see good medical info online


One thing should be added that unless having contractions/cramping dilation means absolutely nothing. If you have had 3 or more children you can be 4 cm and not even in labor. This is why cervical check should only happen when in active labor it gets mom all hyped or frustrated. You can be 1 cm and be in labor or you can be 2 cm and carry your baby until 40/41 wks.


There is a reason I will be asking for the nurse with the tiniest hands .... That right there is why my doctor also has small hands. And small forearms 🤣🤣🤣


Incredible, the only organ in the body that can stretch that much.


When I was in labor with my son my body wasn't cooperating, my water broke and I was having contractions but I wasn't dilating like I should have been at that point. A doctor came in to check my progress and it felt like she shoved a sharp blade inside me and twisted it. I screamed so loud and was sobbing, the doctor just walked away like it was nothing but a nurse came running in to see what happened and I told her what she did then my exact words were "if that bitch comes near me again I'm kicking her in the face". Which is pretty out of character for me, I'm usually super respectful and understanding. The nurse reassured me and told me it should have not been that painful so the doctor must have done something wrong. I didn't see that doctor again the entire time I was in the hospital.


Wow I pushed out a whole human 6 weeks ago through a hole so small 🤯😩 we are majestic 🦄


My nurse was very rude and kept saying that it is the worst labor she is seeing and I am not pushing in the right way and just kept degrading. I still have chills of that pain and her rudeness like I am doing something wrong


So amazing to see. Can’t believe I did that! And I can’t believe I’m about to do it again 🤣 So cool to see!


No one could reach my cervix the first time. They found 2 docs with long fingers so they would come check me. After 2 days they broke my water and it came down and was easy. Still had to have a csection. Baby was just too big and I found out I had a small pelvis. 2nd birth I labored at home for 8 hours, went in and went from fingertip to 10 in 45 minutes and ended up with an emergency csection. Thankfully I had amazing staff that supported me so beautifully in the hospital.


my face while watching this made me look like I ate something sour as hell 😭


my mom had two cesarean sections and almost died from giving birth to me ! uterus owners are the strongest mfs out here !!!!


and the worst part is, some heads are still bigger than this, so it gets stretched out even further!


My daughter is 4 months now I still remember that pain bcz I was not dilated enough for normal delivery 😢 my water broke at 39week of my pregnancy but I was not feeling any kind of labour pain they give me injections for pain I was in 18 hr labour pain and I was so tired to push 😭😭the hospital staff was not nice enough and I was alone bcz my husband was not with me too
My baby girl head was big and doctor suggested for c section but my baby’s heart beat was fine and my mother did not wanted c section for me she wanted normal delivery so I ended up with normal delivery but with so many stitches the doctor didn’t told me how many stitches I had 😭😭 I still feel the lil pain when I go in toilet
My baby girl is healthy that’s the best thing 😊 but I’m never going for a normal delivery next time I can’t handle the pain 😭
Sorry for bad English 😊


A beautiful illustration ❤! Thank you ❤
