Overall motion periodic infinite freedom simple factorization nonlocal noncommutative: Alain Connes

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"There is an overall motion. ...I always hesitated to give this talk. It's an intuitive idea. It's based on mathematics....the intuitive idea is that there are factorizations with infinite degrees of freedom that they generate their own time and of course it's related to thermodynamics." Alain Connes
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These paths are reminiscent of Brownian motion, a characteristic feature of which is the appearance
of two ‘derivatives’ at xk, a ‘forward’ and a ‘backward’ derivative, illustrating the non-differentiable
nature of the path. In this paper, we need not discuss the precise nature of these paths to arrive at
our conclusion. It is sufficient for us to note that the substructure of a quantum process is certainly
not classical.


by Louis H. Kauffman [ORCID], Department of Mathematics a(squared) = b(squared)= 1 and ab = −ba. Using our iterant formulation, we can take a as the iterant corresponding to a period two oscillation, and b as the time shifting operator. The product ab is a square root of minus one in the non-commutative context of this Clifford algebra. The annihilation
operator for an electron can be symbolized by φ = (a + ib)/ 2 and the creation operator for an electron by φ† = (a − ib)/2. These form the operator algebra for an electron...Then, i = [1, −1]η is a time sensitive element and its self-interaction has square minus one. In this way, iterants can be interpreted as a formalization of elementary discrete processes.
Note that if we let e = [1, −1], then e2 = 1, η2 = 1 and eη = −ηe. Thus, e and η generate a small
Clifford algebra....The factorization of i into a product eη of non-commuting iterant operators shows, in the iterant viewpoint, the temporal nature of i and its algebraic roots.


150 people or less is still a great goal for group behavior though. Most people could learn by trying to cooperate in a group of that size. We live now mainly in cities based on hierarchical collective structures that are destroying ecology. 50% of wildlife have been killed off in the past 40 years and the ecological crisis is accelerating - that is due to larger size human collectives. So yes collectivism will never work indeed but humans will keep ignoring this larger collective dynamic due to very effective mass mind control techniques.


The Arctic hasn't been this warm for 3 million years | Earth
Oct 25, 2020 — The Arctic hasn't been this warm for 3 million years ... Every year, sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean shrinks to a low point in mid-September.


hey hey my friend! we are currently doing a livestream, and would love to have you on. come in the livechat, we'll post the link. i also meant to postthis 2 hours ago. sorry. snd hope to still see u . and blessings brother!
