Noncommutative Antigravity secret of Pascual Jordan: father of quantum paraphysics & quantum biology

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Disclosure: This is in no way an endorsement of Pascual Jordan's evil Nazi political views and practices. thanks see my vid a couple days back on the Jordan Product focus of Basil J. Hiley
The mercury plasma antigravity research moved to the U.S. when all the Nazi scientists were imported (1600 Nazi scientists!). I corroborated the claims of Ed Fouche.
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"The string can be replaced by an infinite set of uncoupled harmonic
oscillators, one for each mode of the string. The harmonic oscillator is the simplest application of Heisenberg’s new quantum-theoretical scheme. The basic idea behind this scheme was to retain the classical equations of motion but to reinterpret these equations—hence the term Umdeutung—as
expressing relations between arrays of numbers, soon to be recognized as matrices (Born & Jordan, 1925), assigned not to individual states but to transitions between them and subject to a non-commutative multiplication law. 2 When this Umdeutung procedure is applied to the harmonic oscillators representing the modes of a string and the mean square energy fluctuation in a small segment of the string and in a narrow frequency range is calculated, one arrives at a surprising result.
In addition to the classical wave term, proportional to the square of the mean energy, one finds a term proportional to the mean energy itself. This term is just what one would expect for a system of particles.
For this simple model, one thus recovers both terms of Albert Einstein’s well-known formula for the mean square energy fluctuation in a narrow frequency range in a small subvolume of a box with black-body radiation. As Einstein showed in 1909, this formula is required by Planck’s law for the spectral distribution of black-body radiation and some general results in statistical mechanics. " Duncan, A., & Janssen, M. (2008). Pascual Jordan’s resolution of the conundrum of the wave-particle duality of light. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 39(3),
The derivation of the fluctuation formula in the Dreima ̈nnerarbeit, though presented as part of a
collaborative effort, was actually the work of just one of the authors, namely Jordan, ‘‘the unsung
hero among the creators of quantum mechanics’’ (Schweber, 1994, p. 5). Today, Jordan is mostly
remembered as perhaps the only first-tier theoretical physicist who sympathized strongly and
openly with the Nazi ideology.16 It is hard to say whether this entanglement has been a factor in the
neglect of the derivation of the fluctuation formula in the Dreima ̈nnerarbeit. Our impression is that it
only played a minor role. For one thing, it was not until 1930 that Jordan began to voice his Nazi
sympathies in print and then only under the pseudonym of Ernst Domaier (Beyler, 2007, p. 71).
A much more important factor, it seems, was that Jordan’s result immediately met with resistance,
even from his co-authors. Right from the start a cloud of suspicion surrounded the result and that
cloud never seems to have lifted.17 Our paper can be seen as an attempt to disperse it.
Except for a short period of wavering in 1926, Jordan steadfastly stood by his result and
considered it one of his most important contributions to quantum mechanics. He said so on a
number of occasions. One such occasion was a conference in honor of Paul A. M. Dirac’s 70th
birthday. At the conference, Jordan talked about ‘‘the expanding earth’’ (Mehra, 1973, p. 822), a topic
that apparently occupied him for 20 years (Kundt, 2007, p. 124). For the proceedings volume,
however, he submitted some reminiscences about the early years of quantum mechanics. There he
Another piece in the ‘Dreima ̈nner Arbeit’ gave a result, which I myself have been quite proud of: It
was possible to show that the laws of fluctuations in a field of waves, from which Einstein derived
the justification of the concept of corpuscular light quanta, can be understood also as
consequences of an application of quantum mechanics to the wave field (Jordan, 1973, p. 296)


When I graduated with my master's degree the University was just looking to hire someone to supervise "sustainability" development at the University. The University President actually emailed me - asking me to please not go on unlimited hunger strike since I had accomplished enough already. haha. He then joined the University to the "Workers Rights Consortium" which was one of the campaigns I had launched. I had a paid op-ed job at the University newspaper serving 50, 000 students. I didn't know about Nate Hagen - he is after my time. Looking at his research - he doesn't mention the Aerosol Masking Effect? His background is economics - which is the wrong priority. Guy McPherson figured out the correct priority of ecology with his conservation biology research on global warming to properly integrate the different issues. I realized we were doomed by 1996.
So also I don't see much corporate institutional analysis by Nate Hagens. I did research at the University to expose the corporate control of the University - I went through the corporate-sponsored research there (100% tax deductible "donations" - over 300 different businesses). For example biology professor Phil Regal personally told me that Cargill had taken over the biology department. I had exposed this genetic engineering corruption of Cargill and Monsanto - on my own as a student activist in 1998 or 1999. I was actually accused of just trying to seek personal attention at the time. Hilarious.
My dumpster diving started AFTER my master's degree when i was "semi-retired" as a part-time job at Clean Water Action for 10 years - so I read one scholarly book a day while I sat in full lotus yoga position. So then I rode an old British 3 speed bicycle year round and dumpster dived food. Luckily I worked at the office during "off" times - basically alone at the office. I ate garlic to offset the junk food in the dumpsters (a lot of pastries, and sometimes even left over half-eaten meals!).
Yeah it was an adventure because I knew the US economy would collapse and food stamps use would spike - and I wanted people to see me as a "worst case scenario" - you know like - hey at least we're not as bad off as that smelly dude hanging off the dumpster, etc. hahaha.
Are you the Professor of Economics in Mexico? I had Mexican farm coworkers when I worked in an organic fruit warehouse job. They never had time to learn English so they had to suffer my terrible Spanish for two years. haha. They also had to suffer from my Cumbia dancing but I also demanded they play that traditional Cumbia as it made for great Trance Work synchronization for packing boxes, etc.
I see he interviews Hermann Daly - I read his work in 1992 - I was trained by my activist mentor Dr. John E. Peck who directors "Family Farm Defenders" out of Madison WI. He did his Ph.D. at University of Wisconsin-Madison on indigenous technology knowledge of Shona farming in Zimbabwe - in the Land Resource Economics program. It took him six years to finish the degree because the Professors were very reticent of accepting that type of analysis. We did activism for the University Greens group in the early 90s - and the FBI apparently took great interest as I was told the FOIA request landed over 900 pages on a couple dozen activists - most of it redacted of course. That's also when I was the Earth First! Contact in the newspaper in the early 90s - and finally I got investigated as one of the top 12 "eco-terrorist" Suspects by some corporate private research group called "Cyberian Intelligence" - for the Fur Farm agribusiness association or something. I discovered that online much later - it's been taken down. I was accused of being a "Multi-sector" and "habitual" activist! haha. I did get arrested eight times - the last time though it was for snoring in full lotus on the handicap toilet during Spring Break in the former Eugenics headquarters building - or one of them - a cop kept trying to accuse me of being homeless. It was cold out and no one was around - and I forgot the homeless slept in that stall.
Anyway I left the city soon after that - and I went on Bike-About for 250 miles - dumpster diving along the Mississippi river while checking out monasteries of the southeast asian immigrant community.
And so... Unfortunately without a focus on Ecology - the approach to Abrupt global warming is naive. I did a semester in conservation biology and "sustainable development" in Costa Rica in 1992 - and we read E.O. Wilson's newly published book that Guy McPherson says was the first reference discussing the mass extinction of species crisis.
I realized that modern Western mentalities are basically mass mind control from Platonic philosophy. I have been focused on noncommutativity since then - but to finish my degree I went through the African Studies department training in nonwestern philosophy with a qigong Chinese spiritual healer, named Chunyi Lin. So I know that ghosts are real and telepathy is real and Precognition is real and dare I say even levitation is real. haha. I have an academia edu site under "drew hempel" with details. thanks


The main exception was Walther Gerlach. The personal fight between Jordan and
Gerlach had been extremely bitter; in 1958, Jordan hired an aggressive lawyer to threaten Gerlach,
who eventually petitioned local prosecutors to open a libel case against Gerlach for describing
Jordan’s depiction of the Göttingen Manifesto as a “blatant falsehood” and a “conscious distortion.”
This court case was finally dropped by prosecutors in July 1959, but Gerlach would never forgive
Jordan for the saga.149
However, even when Jordan mended the fences, these colleagues were not willing to change
their minds about how they viewed his actions under Hitler and after the war. After Jordan
attempted in 1964 to explain his conduct during the Third Reich to Born by claiming that his life
had been in danger under Hitler, his former teacher remained unimpressed: “concerning your
attitude during the ‘1000 years’ [i.e. the Third Reich], a collection of your remarks on power in books
and publications during the Nazi period exists, which is difficult to reconcile with your claim that
you always supported scientific truth against the deutsche Physik of Lenard and comrades.”


Any thoughts on Dan Winter? Or Chris Langan? Or Tom Campbell ? Who's TOE is the closest to describing reality....not limited to the three I mentioned but just in general.


Project Avalon Interview continued:
"Professor Hubertus Strughold who was pioneer of space-medicine and he ran an underground facility nearby which is, as I mentioned, there was an SS, special S3 undertaking encompassing Riese, probably the Ludwikowice-Ludwigsdorf and various other places, facilities, and one of them was the underground space-research facility run by Professor Hubertus Strughold.

He said about it in an interview for a Polish journalist in the 1960’s or something, I don’t remember, and he has said that he has tested some kind of... he said that it was a simulator of space flight, but actually it was controllable. Namely, that when the propulsion worked very intensively or high energy – it was in volts, something like that – the thing, the cabin capsule-system, whatever, I don’t know, was hard to control, for example. And it was known that this command of children was dedicated to his research post. "
"The most striking, sorry, the most striking thing for me is that they had developed theory, as I mentioned. Professor Pascual Jordan, in connection with Professor Gerlach, had developed a theory describing this on the basis of quantum physics, which could be a breakthrough. Almost nobody knows about it. He was supposed to be, to receive a Nobel Prize after the war for that.
But after his connections, you know, links from the time were revealed partially, somebody else has got the Nobel Prize. But that’s strange thing, because it cannot be debunked. And it was itself a breakthrough. It was... I don’t have to add... "
Kurt Debus, Wernher von Braun and Walther Gerlach were also allegedly implicated in Die Glocke research.


To avoid this potential fate, while still in Berlin, Jordan received
a “research contract” from his colleague Walther Gerlach in case his “for the case that my navy job were suspended in the confusion of the final events [of the war].”6 These precautionary measures nevertheless proved unnecessary, as he told Gerlach after the war, due to his “fortunate” last minute evacuation to Göttingen. There, as he wrote, “in spite of a bit of adventure, which at the time was somewhat alarming, my own personal ‘front transit’ [Frontdurchgang] proceeded very luckily.”7 It is unclear what exactly these “adventures” were, but Göttingen, filled with wounded soldiers and refugees, was declared an open city in early April by German General Otto Hitzfeld. The United States Army occupied it without a fight, thus sparing Jordan from any potential participation in a fanatical last stand.
Heisenberg, von Weizsäcker, Otto Hahn, Karl Wirtz, and Walther Gerlach were major players in the German uranium project. All whitewashed or glossed over their wartime activities in various ways after the war. See Lorenz, Protest der Physiker, 64–79. See also Walker, Nazi Science, 247–57.
he was attacked by name by one of the 18, Walther Gerlach, in a plenary address at the September 1957 annual meeting of the German Physical Society. Publicly naming and
shaming Jordan in front of the entire field, with the explicit endorsement of many of the 18, Gerlach was clearly confident he had the backing of his colleagues outside the 18 when he counterattacked against Jordan.79 The Manifesto had been issued freely, Gerlach said, and speaking out was a decision made of “conscience based on [expert] knowledge...We were all the more so struck when one of our colleagues—Pascual Jordan (Hamburg)—dragged this Manifesto into the domestic election.”80 Particularly infuriating to Gerlach was a mocking quotation in Jordan’s pamphlet Wir müssen den Frieden retten!, purportedly stemming from the voice of the Göttingen 18—who were in Jordan’s view, disastrously naïve.81 Referencing this section, Gerlach denounced Jordan for including a “blatant falsehood” in his polemical pamphlet, which was a “conscious distortion” of the Manifesto.82 The vast majority of the West German physics community seems to have agreed with Gerlach’s assessment. Only five months after he chose to reenter the public sphere in April 1957, Jordan had gone from being an upstanding member of the German scientific community to an outcast, completely isolated in his field—a West German deutsche Physiker.
Physikalisches Denken in der neuen Zeit and Die Physik und das Geheimnis des organischen Lebens; others reproduced included “War is the primary means for the creation of objective historic facts...” and “This war...has made one decision final: the parliamentary-democratic concept no longer lives.” See Jordan, Physikalisches Denken in der neuen Zeit, 59; Jordan, Die Physik und das Geheimnis des organischen Lebens, 1941, 108.
Interestingly, from this collection it seems that many of Jordan’s Nazi-era writings discussed in Chapter 3— including, for example, the 1941 Deutschlands Erneuerung article and the 1942 Physis issue—were so obscure and difficult to find that the Borns and Walther Gerlach never uncovered them or were unaware of their existence. They were, of course, also unaware of the Domeier articles
Gerlach, too, had skeletons in the closet. As Robert Lorenz notes, Gerlach was involved
with weapons research for various military authorities for the entirety of World War II. As early as November 1939, he was working with the German Navy on torpedo development. By 1943 he had been named “plenipotentiary” for atomic physics by Hermann Göring, and was officially in charge of the entire nuclear project. In short, Gerlach maintained continued contact with the uppermost elite in the Nazi regime.113


The Rate of Global Warming During Next 25 Years Could Be Double What it Was in the Previous 50, a Renowned Climate Scientist Warns
Former NASA climate scientist James Hansen urged Congress decades ago to act on climate change. Now he says he expects reduced aerosol pollution to lead to a steep temperature rise. ...In Hansen’s latest warning, he said scientists are dangerously underestimating the climate impact of reducing sulfate aerosol pollution.
“Something is going on in addition to greenhouse warming, ” Hansen wrote, noting that July’s average global temperature soared to its second-highest reading on record even though the Pacific Ocean is in a cooling La Niña phase that temporarily dampens signs of warming. Between now and 2040, he wrote that he expects the climate’s rate of warming to double in an “acceleration that can be traced to aerosols.”
There's currently 22 million people in the Horn of Africa facing extreme food shortage due to abrupt global warming drought - twice as bad as last year. It's the worst in Somalia, also Ethiopia and Kenya. So far they have received only 50% in funding for food aid hence the UN Director's recent visit to Somalia. This abrupt global warming drought will not just stay in Africa because El Nino will kick in this summer - that will cause a 1/2 degree increase Celsius global average with spikes in the interior of the continents where food is grown at scale.
"cleaning up the atmosphere comes at the price of being faced with the long overdue global warming from greenhouse gases emitted in the past 200 yrs., ” he wrote on Twitter after reading Hansen’s article on the “Faustian bargain” of reducing aerosol emissions. “The Devil collects.”
A doubling of the rate of global warming would put the planet in the fast lane of glacial melting, sea level rise and coral reef ecosystem die-offs, as well as escalating heatwaves, droughts and floods."
Michael Mann claims that reduction of sulfur pollution from coal burning can be offset by reduction in methane emissions as the IPCC ar6 argues. This underestimates the increase in methane accelerating as a natural positive feedback due to Arctic Amplification. The East Siberian Arctic Shelf [ESAS] is the world's largest ocean shelf with an estimated 1200 gigatons of methane that is pressurized. It is already accelerating in release with a highly probable "abrupt eruption" - that will also double temperature increase. The arctic ice is melting from below due to the oceans storing over 90% of global warming heat - over 250 Zettajoules of heat increase since 1995. So the multiyear ice is almost all gone from the Arctic and this causes a thermal delayed reaction since it takes a lot of heat to melt ice. So as the ice thins then there's a lot more heat to increase the water temperature thereby releasing the methane from the ESAS. The fires in the Arctic are also releasing methane and carbon - huge fires in Siberia, Canada and Alaska. Just a 5 gigaton methane release from ESAS will double global warming temperatures.


We should have acted much sooner? Understatement of the show. Hilarious. The message of Ayahausca is that Mother Nature is doing all the true acting. Glad he recommends Vandana Shiva - I met her twice in person! The first time we were alone in a hallway - she spoke on the Sacred Cow vs. Mad Cow - at University of Minnesota. There was hardly anyone there - I was embarrassed for her since the organizers did a bad job. She shook my hand and said "solidarity." The next time I talked to her - the room - a huge room was packed and she spoke with Naomi Klein. This would have been around 2006? Almost ten years later - I smelled like crap from either eating garlic in bulbs or dumpster diving or other reasons. She literally said shit to me - to let me know I smelled like crap. she's a straight talker who did her Ph.D. on quantum nonlocality. Still she's too Western - her book, "Staying Alive!" is what I read around 1993 or 1994 - on Ecofeminism. That's her best book in my view.


"In The Social Conquest of Earth by Edward O Wilson, the reader can, as I have, get to some other nuts & bolts of et al.] may win within the colony, variously acquiring a larger share of resources, avoiding dangerous tasks, or breakaway rules; but colonies of cheaters lose to colonies of cooperators. How tightly organized and regulated a colony is depends on the number of cooperators as opposed to cheaters, which in turn depends on both history of the species and the relative intensities of individual selection versus group selection that have occurred. An iron rule exists in genetic social evolution. It is that the selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, while groups of altruist beats groups of selfish individuals. The victory can never be complete; the balance of selection pressures cannot move to either extreme. If individual selection were to dominate, societies would dissolve[the plan of economic vampire-squid selfishness?]. If group selection were to dominate, human groups would come to resemble ant colonies[genetically modified future?].

The breakaway civilization has an elaborate and expensive nest in terms of energies & time, and thus the greater will be her fierceness to defend it.
Is the breakaway civilization waging war against the rest of humanity(BP oil disaster, Fukushima radiation, 9/11 Towers, etc.)? Or is there a covert war between its various factions?"
R.A. Barricklow, Scaramouche


"both Gerlach and Jordan were willing to embrace anti-Semitic methods; the two both discovered and disseminated information about Dingler’s apparent “pro-Jewish” tendencies in writings of Dingler’s from the Weimar era.117 Finally,
as noted in Chapter 4, at the end of the war—likely in early 1945—Gerlach helped provide Jordan with an official governmental research contract so that Jordan would avoid being drafted during the hopeless last stand in Berlin if his laboratory was not evacuated.118 In short, both attempted to combat deutsche Physik and both wished to aid the Nazi war effort."


Noam Chomsky: "It's the same internal system. So if we keep to the internal system, the core of language, turns out it pays NO ATTENTION to things like linear order; only pays attention to the structure of expressions, which has a very funny consequence: It means your children, for example, when they are acquiring language, pay NO ATTENTION to 100% of what they hear, and ONLY pay attention to what they NEVER HEAR. They hear things in linear order but the rules that they use pay attention to structure which they don't hear, they construct it in their minds." "Let me ask you a question. When you're typing a letter, not paying a lot of attention; just typing, not paying much attention. Do you ever notice that you make typographical errors, where you type a word that sounds the same way? Like, suppose you're planning to say write but you write, right?...Happens to me too. I think what it means is you're HEARING the things. You're writing but you're actually HEARING. And that writing is a kind of very peripheral activity and HEARING is much DEEPER EMBEDDED.
"...So actually when you're doing something like typing you're often just HEARING yourself. That's why you make mistakes like that. Are their differences in the way people do this? As far as I know it hasn't been investigated that much, the kind of deep questions... a certain kind of brain injury, what's that gonna do to your language faculty....hearing of thoughts and so forth....
"A child is genetically programmed to pick up all the noise in the environment and say... it's kind of striking, in fact, an infant doesn't pay attention to 100% of what it hears, linear order. It pays attention to what it NEVER HEARS, the structure that it brains constructs: which is a pretty dramatic finding."


We have heard the story of The Bell and the involvement of Kammler and Sporrenberg and seen "The Henge" and the rest of the Wenceslas Mine site on US television shows almost ad nauseum. Nick Cook made it a main stop in his `Hunt for the Zero Point' on gravity-negating technologies. As previously mentioned any number of authors (Farrell, Stevens and Marrs, to name three) reference his work. The net result is the use of these sources that use his work as a primary source as justification for his conclusions. In the end, the author retells his story with more detail on the site; more, much more, detail on the lives and times of not just the usual suspects but an expanded cast of characters who were involved in high tech physics. The story about the site renames The Henge as "The Flytrap, " comparing it to a helicopter testing facility; actually not a bad point. It also divides the site in two, the inference being anything not found at one site is due to it being at the other site. There are now implications of there being something under the debris covering the base of the object. I think you get the picture.

And, all of this occurs with no documentation whatsoever! There is no evidence Kammler ever went there; nor is there evidence Jakob Sporrenberg went there. All we get are images of some documents that suggest Kammler and Sporrenberg were part of an organization that would include the Wenceslas Mine site; if there was something there.

As regards our two "persons-of-interest, " the former disappeared in early May 1945 and was subsequently declared legally dead at the behest of his wife. Witkowski would have you believe that he did not die but, instead, utilized a Ju-390 transport - with heavy-lift, long distance capability - to carry The Bell, its documentation and himself to Argentina. His basis for believing this to be the case is - and yes, I am paraphrasing here - a statement by a friend in Argentina who claims to have seen, but not possess a photograph of an unmarked Ju-390 on a runway in the jungle of Uruguay, near the Argentinian border. This informant goes on to say - according to Witkowski that the plane had no markings but did have an astrodome to allow navigation.

But, let's agree for the moment a flight from Prague (the implied departure point) to Montevideo, Uruguay (the destination more-or-less) did occur. Let's also agree the flight was carried out by the Ju-390 V2 that was assembled in October 1943 and for which a flight log is supposed to exist as late as February 1945. This is the second of only two Ju-390s completed; the first, a Ju-390 V1 was used to test air-refueling, but was then disassembled and destroyed in April 1945. Now, while Witkowski may be correct the Ju-390 had air-refueling capability, he doesn't bother to comment on what aircraft or what country had the ability to carry out the air refueling over the mid-Atlantic in 1945. But, even if air-refueling could not occur, let's say the flight was carried out by landing to refuel at some location in Africa using a route not unlike the southern Atlantic route used by the USAAF deliver aircraft. After all, the maximum range of the Ju-390 series was 6, 030 miles and the distance between Prague and Montevideo is around 7, 245 miles. Now, a bit more about the Ju-390 performance: maximum speed was 314 mph and maximum ceiling was 19, 700 feet.


no mention of bicycles for transport? Bicycles are the most efficient transport - good for health as well. I rode a bicycle 10 miles a day for 10 years even in the winter in Minnesota while I dumpster dived for food. 40% of food is thrown out - so I had plenty of free food. The cops thought I was homeless but I had a part-time job at an environmental nonprofit so I had time to read one scholarly book a day.


[BOOK] Die experimentellen Grundlagen der Quantentheorie
W Gerlach - 1921 - Springer
In diesem Heft der» Sammlung Vieweg" behandeln wir die experimentellen Untersuchungen,
welche sich auf die Prüfung der Quantentheorie beziehen. Es schließt sich so an die …
N] Der experimentelle nachweis der richtungsquantelung im magnetfeld
W Gerlach, O Stern - Zeitschrift für Physik, 1922 - Springer
Versuchsanordnung. Methode und Apparatur waren im allgemeinen die gleiehen wie bei
unseren friiheren Versuchen. Im einzelnen wurden jedoeh wesentliehe Verbesserungen a) …
Über magneto-elastische Effekte
W Gerlach, P Lertes - Zeitschrift für Physik, 1921 -
3. Wurde die erste Stellung der Wippe verwandt, so erhielt man bei Umdrehung der Spule
ohne Kern relative Werte ffir das zwisehen den Polen herrschende Feld; befand sich tier Kern …
W. Gerlach, O. Stern, Der experimentelle Nachweis der Richtungsquantelung im Magnetfeld. Z. Phys. 9, 349–352 (1922).
The infamous Stern-Gerlach Effect!
The experimental foundations of quantum theory
W Gerlach - 1921 - Springer
In this issue of the "Vieweg Collection" we deal with the experimental investigations
which relate to the testing of quantum theory. It follows the…
N] The experimental proof of directional quantization in the magnetic field
W Gerlach, O Stern - Journal of Physics, 1922 - Springer
experimental arrangement. Method and apparatus were generally the same as in
our earlier attempts. In detail, however, significant improvements were made a) ...
About magneto-elastic effects
W Gerlach, P Lertes - Journal of Physics, 1921 -
3. If the first position of the see-saw was used, one obtained by turning the spool
without a core, relative values ​​for the field between the poles; was the core...
W. Gerlach, O. Stern, The experimental proof of directional quantization in the magnetic field. Z.Phys. 9, 349-352 (1922).


"The gravity field absorbs the quantum fluctuations of photons (or electromagnetic waves)
into two foci, braking the light speed, and functions as a protective radiation shield for the
The gravitization/ focusing light or simply polarization describes in a consistent way the
interaction between the spark-ignition light and back-scattering of photons (light quantum: e ln e = 1), of their torsional vibrations engendering both electromagnetic (e-torsion) and thermic radiation (g-torsion), known as the caustic-parabolic (g-torsion) mirror (or loop) effect.
The quantum-gravity inversion quantities not only the motion of photon “particles” (e
and/ or its fractions) as an esoteric gravity lump, herein the twisting gravity string along with a gravity quantum 𝑔𝑔0 ≡ 𝑒𝑒 + 𝑒𝑒 2, and its torsional waves, but also the electromagnetic field produced by light quantum fluctuations, eroding the gravity field along with the material structures embodying gravity at any scale, by means of the thermal anti-gravity field."


The Forgotten Founder of Quantum Mechanics: The Science and Politics of Physicist Pascual Jordan, 1902–1980
Dahn, Ryan William


Our Fiat Currency is the PetroDollar - it's tied to energy and genocide. That's why Noam Chomsky predicted the U.S. would invade Iraq again. I wrote a graduate paper based on Chomsky - in 1998 - predicting the U.S. would invade Iraq again. My instructor commented my paper was "too aggressive." - hilarious. So I printed out a couple hundred copies of my paper and passed them out at the University - and I hung a banner on campus, "Stop U.S. Genocide in Iraq" - and the University center of Genocide director walked past me to complain that it was not genocide in Iraq. haha. I got arrested twice to protest against the U.S. led sanctions on Iraq. The Two-Headed Depleted Uranium Babies of Iraq are the future of our renewable economy.


Biographies in the History of Physics
The ‘Better’ Nazi: Pascual Jordan and the Third Reich
Dieter Hoffmann & Mark Walker
First Online: 23 July 2020


Wind and Solar underperforming? Compared to what? The Aerosol Masking Effect has proven that Wind and Solar will COOK the planet! Hilarious. Yeah definitely underperforming! The "performance" needs to be measured based on photon entropy. Read the Physics Today 2022 article on "thermodynamics of global warming" thanks


Britain was happiest during WWII? That's pretty hilarious since WWII ended the British Empire with the U.S. taking over. Lynn PIcknett and Clive Prince's book on how the Brits were convincing Roosevelt to do secret military planning to enter the War - long before it was made public. That backfired on the British Empire. oops.
