How To Stop Seeking External Validation and Improve Self Esteem - how to validate and love yourself

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This video discusses the habit of being reliant on external validation and approval seeking, why it is destructive to our self esteem, and how to learn to accept and validate yourself. It's time to upgrade your life, adopt new habits and live your dreams in 2021! I hope it is enormously helpful and transformative for you! Please subscribe to our channel where we cover all topics having to do with self-growth and emotional well-being such as anxiety relief, mindfulness, self-care and acceptance, living in the moment, motivation, cultivating joy and much more! Thanks so much for watching!
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* Nena is a certified life coach, author, and motivational speaker that specializes in personal development. Nothing brings her more happiness than helping others lead more meaningful, joyful, and fulfilling lives. Nena also has a weekly podcast called "Pathways To Happiness" available on multiple platforms.
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Other Helpful Videos:
* Nena is a certified life coach, author, and motivational speaker that specializes in personal development. Nothing brings her more happiness than helping others lead more meaningful, joyful, and fulfilling lives. Nena also has a weekly podcast called "Pathways To Happiness" available on multiple platforms.
#externalvalidation #stopseekingvalidation #approvaladdiction #attentionseeking #seekingvalidation #seekingtheapprovalofothers #validation #howtocreatenewhabits newhabits2021 #goals #selfesteem #lovingmyself #howtotrustmyself #howtolovemyself #believeinyourself #reachingyourgoals #stickingtogoals #lawofattraction #changingmylife #newlife #newdecade #selfgrowth #selfdevelopment #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #lifeimprovement #selfimprovement #psychology #mentalhealth #youareenough #lifecoach #selfawareness #becomingahappierperson #motivation #changingyourlife #upgradingyourlife #creatingnewhabits #feelinginferior #inferioritycomplex #breakingoldhabits #breakingbadhabits