Add Bluetooth to Your Home Stereo

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Join me as I show you how to breathe new life into your old audio receivers by adding Bluetooth capabilities to your home stereo.

Bluetooth Adapters:

RCA Cables:

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#bluetooth #bluetoothadapter #hifi
Рекомендации по теме

i am, & will always be a hardcore CD guy, but when i do require bluetooth, ive been using the harmon karden blue tooth adapter sold thru crutchfield connected to my vintage yamaha reciever & so far, for a bluetooth device, ive been very happy with it. thank u sir


I'm glad that you like that Logitech unit. I have a Wiim Mini in my main system and I don't use Bluetooth. My wife would like to use Bluetooth and I could put one in my modest living room system for her. Thanks for the info!


I rebuilt an old 1960's console for a person a couple years ago, added an internal bluetooth module, the owner was super happy.


Just ordered a Dayton Audio BTR 02 to try on my Carver C1/Phase Linear 400/Polk 10 set up. Fingers crossed for good results.


Good explanation! pleasant to follow until the end! was useful to me. Now ready to order my Zen One or Blue V2.


i did it with my 1950 sound system.. i love it.. nothing like having a 74 years old bluetooth 🥰


G'day Mike, good video for the novice or someone not up to date with the options available for bluetooth and older equipment. Nice inclusion of Oddball at the end, you get a like for that! He's my favourite character in a movie (Kelly's Heroes) full of interesting, well written and well performed characters.


Super helpful !!! There are so many ways to skin this cat ! Key is to ensure that your BT receiver supports the best Bluetooth CODEC (e.g. AptXHD, LDAC are my preferred codecs... ) to get the best quality BT. You also need to ensure the BT source /transmitter can transmit using same CODECs !


Will this device work in reverse, that what is coming out of the stereo will bluetooth to headphones?


If you have an old amplifier/receiver which WiFi system do you recommend? Thanks, Jonathan


I use the Amazon Echo Dot for the Bluetooth connection running through my vintage and current audio.


Just say you have some mates come over and they have their music on phones. Great!


Good morning from Toronto again listening to you on my drive in as usual
Now, the one item that would give you just about everything Bluetooth streaming. I’ll put digital analog whatever you want is a. Wiim Pro that was conspicuously absent, and relatively cheaper than some of the alternatives that you mentioned.
Have a great day and take care ☕️🍕👍


Mike, Have you thought about wifi like chrome cast audio? I still have my chrome cast audio device that has a google chrome logo and looks like a small vinly record design since it uses a 3.5 mm port but is compatible with all audio sources like even with old av receivers and all audio cables like coaxil and optical cables. The chrome cast audio device maxes out at 24 bit 96khz. Zeos from z reviews made a youtube video years ago about the chrome cast audio device and connected the chrome cast audio device to his wired headphones from the 3.5 mm auxiliary port and used google play music as the source to cast music from his android tablet to his wired headphones using wifi from the chrome cast audio device. The cool thing about the chrome cast audio device is the compatability with old audio devices like when john darko used the chrome cast audio device to his sound system using roon as the audio source. Unfortunately discontinued the chrome cast audio device and only made one generation and never updated to a newer model with more audio capabilities since the chrome cast audio device supports pcm no dsd. I wish google made a newer chrome cast audio device with the same features and compatibility but still retain the 3.5mm auxiliary port but add hdmi for audio and use the hdmi port video as an optional add on feature for 4k or 8k video casting while still have all the same audio format support and even add an ethernet port for a wired connection as an option but still have wifi but newer and faster wifi for longer distances and even add dsd as another option along with pcm audio.


I've got a bit of a problem here. My soundsystem was for my old PC which happened to have a mainboard with 5.1 sound for some reason. So all I've got left now is the subwoofer, which I can connect through either 6 RCA or 3 aux cable adapters. My plan was to get bluetooth hooked up so I can stream from any smartphone or laptop.
I've been searching for 5.1 decoders with bluetooth, but I can only find some sketchy Aliexpress links and I don't trust this at all especially when it comes to electronics. Then there are other 5.1 decoders without bluetooth, but I don't really know where to go from there, stacking 2 seperate devices on top of the sub seems a bit overkill to me to get just one signal in.


Just subscribed. You had me until the WiFi connection. How do you do that?


Question: I heard in the video that you shouldn't plug in RCA cables into phono input on an old receiver. Why is that? And are there any workarounds or solutions??


Maybe some extra context
Cheap vs Expensive Strings! - Will They *REALLY* Change Your Tone?
Does it matter anyway as an artist you go after the sound or colors you want Rumble the guitar part didnt require special equipment


I have a wiim pro which has Bluetooth that I do not use.i just stream tidal from my phone to wiim pro then to my schiit modi 3 dac in to my pre amp.Wiim pro is 149.99 and does have on board dac of its own.


Lol. Who doesn't know how to add Bluetooth to anything....
