HSP - Sensory processing sensitivity (and much more)

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Many people identify with traits of being an HSP or Highly Sensitive Persons. These are people who are more sensitive to sensory input, emotionally intelligent, often highly empathic, deeper processors and easily overwhelmed by strong stimuli in the environment. This is not a disorder, but a series of traits. Understanding these traits in your self and in others, can help develop better boundaries, and self-care strategies. @Jim Brillon-Orange County Therapist
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Thanks James.. you described me perfectly


I kinda feel like the problem is not that I don't understand why I feel this way... it's that I don't understand why others don't. It's hard to realise that most people are less sensitive to the world around them.


Yeah I don’t like violent movies, caffeine makes me feel overstimulated even if it’s just matcha. During a relationship with a narcissist I got depression and anxiety pretty quickly about a year in living with them. It was overwhelming. I ruminated a lot on things, I was picking up on all their manipulation but kept excusing it. It was like lying to myself until it broke me. But it was a blessing in disguise.


My psychiatrist told me that I’m HSP with OCD. This helps me a lot to understand why I’ve been this way. Thank you.


That is how I feel and after been around people I really need quiet alone time. I enjoy abstract thinking music and language. I feel peoples emotions deeply


My therapist recently raised the idea that I am a HSP. It's honestly connected so many dots for me. Really appreciate your video.


And those sensitive antennas are also the thing that makes highly sensitive people so gifted! Thank you for that video. I guess many people of my channel community would also enjoy that!


Your video is the best I’ve seen to share with people in an HSP’s life, especially one’s partner. Your presentation is thorough, concise, balanced and brief. Thank you.


I am definitely and empath. And possibly ADHD and/or HSP. I cannot deal with certain lights, chaotic sounds, etc. It is way too much. I have to constantly ground myself to kind of reset. I feel like a big mess, i always have. Ive always been able to read others emotions and feel them and it is overwhelming, plus the sensory stuff and constant struggle to focus. It is a lot. Im not entirely sure about the ADHD or HSP but i definitely have some of both and struggle a lot. Still unraveling it all.


I do not suffer from narcolepsy, but I used to struggle against sudden sleeps under the artificial lighting in school. Anxious-avoidant adult who was shy as a child. Early childhood neglect by a non-familial caretaker certainly did not help. I’m definitely not autistic, but the sensory stuff is often relatable. Being a highly sensitive person leaves the nervous system more susceptible. I am dealing with the effects of that early trauma as well as untreated struggles with executive dysfunction. I’m basically a non-functioning adult with chronic illness due to chronic stress in an unsupportive environment. Chronic gut issues and severe back and arm neuralgia don’t mix well either. Pretty hard to pin down in one diagnosis, except maybe CPTSD.


Imma a HSP & Empath, an diagnosed with ADHD.Was the scapegoat of the family also a INFJ personality, I had a rough time growing up. I thank God for getting me through. I'm so grateful for YouTube an these videos they've helped me alot. 🙏 I'm empowered an love me today . Thx


Wow!!! Thank you. I've always known that I was different. You nailed it! I think the most frustrating thing in my life has been with medical professionals who just don't understand me. I'm one of those people that feels the beginning stages of any illness or imbalance I have (like sinus infections and so much more) before it shows up on any exams or "tests". Thanks for the validation. 😀


Thanks for this video. Another thing that is challenging is a repetitive, sharp beep when keywords are presented on the screen. We might have to turn the volume way down so it doesn't jar us every time. A new one for me is the smacking of the lips at the beginning of each sentence, over and over. I can't hear the sentence because I'm trying to process these sounds and file them away every time.


I thought everyone could see wave lengths on florescent lights and hear the buzzing 😅


A lot of this sounds very much like myself, though I’m still trying to figure out what my sensitivity is. The empath aspect is definitely there, but I’m not sure if is what I’m sensitive to - the only other aspect I can think of is being very observant, though this is an attribute I always associated with my deafness. There are *some* of the sensitivities that you described that would occur, but only briefly and for brief periods of my life.

One thing that truly stands out to me is the numbness. Though I deal with this at various stages of my life, I feel like I’ve been stuck in a stage of numbness for the last 10 years. I’m still uncertain if it was caused by the death of my father or the high pace of the job I started at the same time, but I got a massive artist block, stopped doing my spiritual things like meditation, mindfulness and deep thought, and generally haven’t felt like myself for a very long time.

At the time I figured I was at THAT stage in life where everything becomes about work and making ends meet and that things would settle down eventually, but now I wonder if I haven’t been numb and on autopilot since… I also wonder how to get out of it…


This is so interesting. I've learned so much about myself. I'm an HSP and an empath


Thank you for this info and wondering if this video could be remade without the background sounds as it is difficult for HSP’s to concentrate on content with those sounds.


Wow, this has given me an aha moment for certain. Thank you for this enlightenment. It has helped me immensely ☺️


Why don't we see the danger in the relationship or do the empathic feelings override the sign or sense of trouble?


Mr. Brillon, really loved your video. Wondering if you have any tips or information relating to adults with HSP and ADD getting along. Whether that’s workplace, relationship, etc. from my own experience I think the two temperaments can clash at times
