Feminine ENERGY Is Your Super POWER…

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My man said he was impressed how feminine I am while also being extremely independent. I live on my own, etc. I explained to him I am independent for survival not by choice. My choice is to be feminine.


I met a man now that puts me in my feminine. Ladies sometimes it’s the man you choose that puts you in masculine energy. For me a guy that belittles me, makes me anxious, makes me feel like an option, doesn’t try hard, etc puts me in a defensive mode. I have FINALLY learned to let those guys go. The right guy makes me feel safe so safe I WANT to care for him and my anxiety is no where to be found.


“You can be feminine, but he needs to show up the right way.” This right here is all you need to know if this is the right guy for you. That man needs to make you feel safe to show your vulnerable side. If you find that your guard is up and on the offense-he is bringing out your masculine side and you WILL burn out !


Absolutely. Women can find the balance of independence & feminity without compromising love with her man.


Men confuse being responsible as being “masculine” when it comes to us women. I never understood that. It’s like…they want us to work, but not too much. They want us to have money, but not more than them. They want us to bring 50/50 but only when it’s convenient to them.

Im glad I’m single. I’ve been choosing myself for a lot of years and I feel so free. Any time I’ve dealt with a man I’ve always had to turn down my energy to be low budget to make them comfortable or “feel” like a man. It’s not my job to make you feel like a man.

I respect men, but not if you’re demanding respect. Some men just have it and some men don’t. The manosphere is beyond tiring.


A healed divine feminine woman is soft, kind, loving, calm, peaceful and in her open receiving energy. A healed divine man in his masculine knows she can do it all herself but won't let her. He will do everything for her and take care of her completely this includes financially.. The feminine woman just need to be healed. The masculine man is the doer. How nature intended. The sperm chases the egg not the other way around.


The right man will appreciate who you are, she doesn't need to put her success down because you feel like there's nothing you can do for her.


Sharp as a serpent, but harmless as a dove.


When a man isn't creating a safe container for their woman - she will rise up in her masculine to support herself where he is lacking to do so.

Honestly I believe it is up to the masculine to provide a space where the feminine can feel safe enough to receive his blessings and multiply them. ♡


If a woman lives alone she has no choice, she is responsible for everything, including finances and house maintenance as well as the more traditional feminine roles. She has no option but to be independent.


Truth Bomb 💥💣
However, a woman has to feel emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, financially and sexually SAFE with a man in order to feel Feminine. She needs to feel secure, protected and appreciated to trust him to lead, protect and provide for her so she can let her hair down. A man needs to walk in his Masculinity to pave the way for her Femininity ☯


We have to have the masculine go-getter, I'm-here-deal-with-me, energy for the outside world, and have the feminine thank-you-kindly, I'm-here-treasure-me, energy in a relationship.

I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying it's


When you are broken so badly it's hard to pull your self out of the darkness


When a woman becomes one with her husband she is walking in her power.


I was the son my father wished he had. @ 61, I've been in my Mascline for 48 years. I am tired! God brought me a man that allows me to be. So much better.


I told my man that a man told me I was too masculine..His response..good they should see me when ur around them...I know there is only one man in u😂😂😂😂 He knows I am totally independent and strong as who i need to be for the things i must handle..but with him..Im all the feminine woman he needs me to be..I trust him fully with my well being..we have true balance..


We have to be feminine on purpose. Inside and outside of relationships. To many women do not want to be Feminine unless she is in a relationship. You have to constantly walk in it when dealing with men. Rather it be your own son, nephew, friend, etc. I allow my son to open my car door just like I allow men to open my car door. I look for that. See, my son created that part of me. Not even his Father(my ex husband) opened my car door. Practice makes perfect. I always allow my male neighbors to help me when they offer me help. They love to take my trash to the dumpster or help me with my groceries. I am always operating in my FE. I will ask for help. I will stand back and allow a man to open the door and also the car door for me.


Give me what you want me to give you out at least some of what you want to get from me! SHOW UP THE RIGHT WAY! Serve what you want to be served.


The thing is… feminine energy is not about being appealing to a man, it’s about being who you are and comfortable with it no matter what.


Again, great information Stephan! Some of us will receive this information and use it to our benefit for a healthy long-term relationship/marriage!! ❤️
