How To Setup pfSense as a Firewall (Network Virtual Appliance) on Azure
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Learn how to set up pfSense as a Network Virtual Appliance (NVA) on Microsoft Azure in this step-by-step guide! pfSense can manage your Azure network security, manage traffic flow, or implement advanced firewall rules without the costs of an firewall expensive solution. In this video, we’ll walk you through deploying pfSense on Azure, configuring virtual networks and subnets, setting up routing for your workloads on Azure.
00:00 -- Introduction
01:08 -- A Basic Architecture
02:22 -- Build the Virtual Machine
09:42 -- Configure pfSense for Azure
12:26 -- Prepare and Upload the VM Image to Azure
16:22 -- Configure the Virtual Network (VNet)
21:18 -- Create a VM for pfSense on Azure
24:52 -- Test and Configure with Another VM
Commands to Upload a Disk To Azure
az group create --name YourRG --location eastus
az storage account create --name pfsenseazuresa1 --resource-group YourRG --location eastus --sku Standard_LRS
az storage container create --name vhds --account-name pfsenseazuresa1
Azure DNS "Magic IP":
00:00 -- Introduction
01:08 -- A Basic Architecture
02:22 -- Build the Virtual Machine
09:42 -- Configure pfSense for Azure
12:26 -- Prepare and Upload the VM Image to Azure
16:22 -- Configure the Virtual Network (VNet)
21:18 -- Create a VM for pfSense on Azure
24:52 -- Test and Configure with Another VM
Commands to Upload a Disk To Azure
az group create --name YourRG --location eastus
az storage account create --name pfsenseazuresa1 --resource-group YourRG --location eastus --sku Standard_LRS
az storage container create --name vhds --account-name pfsenseazuresa1
Azure DNS "Magic IP":